Getting Started

1 Nov 201620 minutes to read

Before we start with the PivotGauge, please refer this page page for general information regarding integrating Syncfusion widgets.

For quick start, we already configured a template project in GitHub repository syncfusion-template-repository. Run the below set of commands to clone the repository and install the required packages for Syncfusion Aurelia application.

  • HTML
  • > git clone ""
        > cd syncfusion-template-repository
        > npm install
        > jspm install


    This section covers the information that you need to know to populate a simple PivotGauge with Relational data source.

    Control Initialization

    The below steps describes to create Syncfusion Aurelia PivotGauge component.

    Create `pivotgauge` folder inside `src/samples/` location.
    Create `pivotgauge.html` file inside `src/samples/pivotgauge` folder and use the below code example to render the PivotGauge component.
  • HTML
  • <template>
      <require from="./pivotgauge.css"></require>
        <ej-pivot-gauge id="PivotGauge1"></ej-pivot-gauge>
    • Create pivotgauge.js file inside src/samples/pivotgauge folder with below code snippet.
  • HTML
  • export class BasicUse {
      constructor() {}
    • Create pivotgauge.css file inside src/samples/pivotgauge folder with below code snippet.
  • HTML
  • ej-pivot-gauge {
        min-height: 275px; 
        height: 338px; 
        width: 100%; 
        overflow: auto; 
        position:relative !important;

    Populate PivotGauge with data

    Let us now see how to populate the PivotGauge control using a sample JSON data as shown below.

  • HTML
  • <template>
      <require from="./pivotgauge.css"></require>
        <ej-pivot-gauge id="PivotGauge1" e-data-source.bind="pivotData" e-enable-tooltip="true" e-rows-count.bind="rowsCount" e-columns-count.bind="columnsCount" 
        e-scales.bind="scales" e-load.bind="loadGaugeTheme" e-background-color="transparent">
  • HTML
  • export class BasicUse {
      constructor() {
        this.pivotData = {
          data: [{ Amount: 100, Country: 'Canada', Date: 'FY 2005', Product: 'Bike', Quantity: 2, State: 'Alberta' },
            { Amount: 200, Country: 'Canada', Date: 'FY 2006', Product: 'Van', Quantity: 3, State: 'British Columbia' },
            { Amount: 300, Country: 'Canada', Date: 'FY 2007', Product: 'Car', Quantity: 4, State: 'Brunswick' },
            { Amount: 150, Country: 'Canada', Date: 'FY 2008', Product: 'Bike', Quantity: 3, State: 'Manitoba' },
            { Amount: 200, Country: 'Canada', Date: 'FY 2006', Product: 'Car', Quantity: 4, State: 'Ontario' },
            { Amount: 100, Country: 'Canada', Date: 'FY 2007', Product: 'Van', Quantity: 1, State: 'Quebec' },
            { Amount: 200, Country: 'France', Date: 'FY 2005', Product: 'Bike', Quantity: 2, State: 'Charente-Maritime' },
            { Amount: 250, Country: 'France', Date: 'FY 2006', Product: 'Van', Quantity: 4, State: 'Essonne' },
            { Amount: 300, Country: 'France', Date: 'FY 2007', Product: 'Car', Quantity: 3, State: 'Garonne (Haute)' },
            { Amount: 150, Country: 'France', Date: 'FY 2008', Product: 'Van', Quantity: 2, State: 'Gers' },
            { Amount: 200, Country: 'Germany', Date: 'FY 2006', Product: 'Van', Quantity: 3, State: 'Bayern' },
            { Amount: 250, Country: 'Germany', Date: 'FY 2007', Product: 'Car', Quantity: 3, State: 'Brandenburg' },
            { Amount: 150, Country: 'Germany', Date: 'FY 2008', Product: 'Car', Quantity: 4, State: 'Hamburg' },
            { Amount: 200, Country: 'Germany', Date: 'FY 2008', Product: 'Bike', Quantity: 4, State: 'Hessen' },
            { Amount: 150, Country: 'Germany', Date: 'FY 2007', Product: 'Van', Quantity: 3, State: 'Nordrhein-Westfalen' },
            { Amount: 100, Country: 'Germany', Date: 'FY 2005', Product: 'Bike', Quantity: 2, State: 'Saarland' },
            { Amount: 150, Country: 'United Kingdom', Date: 'FY 2008', Product: 'Bike', Quantity: 5, State: 'England' },
            { Amount: 250, Country: 'United States', Date: 'FY 2007', Product: 'Car', Quantity: 4, State: 'Alabama' },
            { Amount: 200, Country: 'United States', Date: 'FY 2005', Product: 'Van', Quantity: 4, State: 'California' },
            { Amount: 100, Country: 'United States', Date: 'FY 2006', Product: 'Bike', Quantity: 2, State: 'Colorado' },
            { Amount: 150, Country: 'United States', Date: 'FY 2008', Product: 'Car', Quantity: 3, State: 'New Mexico' },
            { Amount: 200, Country: 'United States', Date: 'FY 2005', Product: 'Bike', Quantity: 4, State: 'New York' },
            { Amount: 250, Country: 'United States', Date: 'FY 2008', Product: 'Car', Quantity: 3, State: 'North Carolina' },
            { Amount: 300, Country: 'United States', Date: 'FY 2007', Product: 'Van', Quantity: 4, State: 'South Carolina' }
          rows: [
              fieldName: 'Country',
              fieldCaption: 'Country'
              fieldName: 'State',
              fieldCaption: 'State'
          columns: [
              fieldName: 'Product',
              fieldCaption: 'Product'
          values: [
              fieldName: 'Amount',
              fieldCaption: 'Amount'
              fieldName: 'Quantity',
              fieldCaption: 'Quantity'
        this.rowsCount = 2;
        this.columnsCount = 3;
        this.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
        this.loadGaugeTheme = 'loadGaugeTheme';
        this.scales = [{
          showRanges: true,
          radius: 150, showScaleBar: true, size: 1,
          border: {
            width: 0.5
          showIndicators: true, showLabels: true,
          pointers: [{
            showBackNeedle: true,
            backNeedleLength: 20,
            length: 125,
            width: 7
            type: 'marker',
            markerType: 'diamond',
            distanceFromScale: 5,
            placement: 'center',
            backgroundColor: '#29A4D9',
            length: 25,
            width: 15
          ticks: [{
            type: 'major',
            distanceFromScale: 2,
            height: 16,
            width: 1, color: '#8c8c8c'
          }, {
            type: 'minor',
            height: 6,
            width: 1,
            distanceFromScale: 2,
            color: '#8c8c8c'
          labels: [{
            color: '#8c8c8c'
          ranges: [{
            distanceFromScale: -5,
            backgroundColor: '#fc0606',
            border: {
              color: '#fc0606'
          }, {
            distanceFromScale: -5
          customLabels: [{
            position: { x: 180, y: 290 },
            font: { size: '10px', fontFamily: 'Segoe UI', fontStyle: 'Normal' }, color: '#666666'
          }, {
            position: { x: 180, y: 320 },
            font: { size: '10px', fontFamily: 'Segoe UI', fontStyle: 'Normal' }, lcolor: '#666666'
          }, {
            position: { x: 180, y: 150 },
            font: { size: '12px', fontFamily: 'Segoe UI', fontStyle: 'Normal' }, color: '#666666'

    The above code will generate a simple PivotGauge as shown in below figure.


    This section covers the information that you need to know to populate a simple PivotGauge with OLAP data source.

    Control Initialization

    The below steps describes to create Syncfusion Aurelia PivotGauge component.

    Create `pivotgauge` folder inside `src/samples/` location.
    Create `pivotgauge.html` file inside `src/samples/pivotgauge` folder and use the below code example to render the PivotGauge component.
  • HTML
  • <template>
      <require from="./pivotgauge.css"></require>
        <ej-pivot-gauge id="PivotGauge1"></ej-pivot-gauge>
    • Create pivotgauge.js file inside src/samples/pivotgauge folder with below code snippet.
  • HTML
  • export class BasicUse {
      constructor() {}
    • Create pivotgauge.css file inside src/samples/pivotgauge folder with below code snippet.
  • HTML
  • ej-pivot-gauge {
        min-height: 275px; 
        height: 338px; 
        width: 100%; 
        overflow: auto; 
        position:relative !important;

    Populate PivotGauge with data

    Let us now see how to populate the PivotGauge control using a sample JSON data as shown below.

  • HTML
  • <template>
      <require from="./pivotgauge.css"></require>
       <ej-pivot-gauge id="PivotGauge1" e-data-source.bind="pivotData" e-enable-tooltip="true" e-rows-count.bind="rowsCount" e-columns-count.bind="columnsCount" 
        e-scales.bind="scales" e-load.bind="loadGaugeTheme" e-background-color="transparent">
  • HTML
  • import {Component, ViewEncapsulation} from '@angular/core';
      selector: 'sd-home',
      templateUrl: 'app/components/pivotgauge/pivotgauge.component.html', //give the path file for pivotgauge component html file.
      styleUrls: ['app/components/pivotgauge/pivotgauge.component.css'],  //give the path file for pivotgauge component css file.
    export class PivotGaugeComponent {
      public data; cube; catalog; rows; columns;values;scales;
        constructor() {
 = "";
          this.cube = "Adventure Works";
          this.catalog = "Adventure Works DW 2008 SE";
          this.rows = [{ fieldName: "[Date].[Fiscal]", filterItems: { filterType: "include", values: ["[Date].[Fiscal].[Fiscal Year].&amp;[2004]"] } }];
          this.columns = [{ fieldName: "[Customer].[Customer Geography]" }];
          this.values = [{ measures: [{ fieldName: "[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]", }, { fieldName: "[Measures].[Internet Revenue Status]" }, { fieldName: "[Measures].[Internet Revenue Trend]" }, { fieldName: "[Measures].[Internet Revenue Goal]" },], axis: "columns" }];
          this.scales = [{
                                showRanges: true,
                                radius: 150, showScaleBar: true, size: 1,
                                border: {
                                    width: 0.5
                                showIndicators: true, showLabels: true,
                                pointers: [{
                                        showBackNeedle: true,
                                        backNeedleLength: 20,
                                        length: 120,
                                        width: 7
                                        type: "marker",
                                        markerType: "diamond",
                                        distanceFromScale: 5,
                                        placement: "center",
                                        backgroundColor: "#29A4D9",
                                        length: 25,
                                        width: 15
                                ticks: [{
                                        type: "major",
                                        distanceFromScale: 2,
                                        height: 16,
                                        width: 1, color: "#8c8c8c"
                                        type: "minor",
                                        height: 6,
                                        width: 1,
                                        distanceFromScale: 2,
                                        color: "#8c8c8c"
                                labels: [{
                                        color: "#8c8c8c"
                                ranges: [{
                                        distanceFromScale: -5,
                                        backgroundColor: "#fc0606",
                                        border: { color: "#fc0606" }
                                    }, {
                                        distanceFromScale: -5
                                customLabels: [{
                                        position: { x: 180, y: 290 },
                                        font: { size: "10px", fontFamily: "Segoe UI", fontStyle: "Normal" }, color: "#666666"
                                    }, {
                                        position: { x: 180, y: 320 },
                                        font: { size: "10px", fontFamily: "Segoe UI", fontStyle: "Normal" }, color: "#666666"
                                    }, {
                                        position: { x: 180, y: 150 },
                                        font: { size: "12px", fontFamily: "Segoe UI", fontStyle: "Normal" }, color: "#666666"

    The above code will generate a simple PivotGauge as shown in below figure.