Getting Started

15 Dec 20187 minutes to read

This section helps you to understand the getting started of the Navigation Drawer component with the step-by-step instructions.

Create a Navigation Drawer

To create Aurelia Navigation Drawer component, please refer the common getting started documentation.

Create navigationdrawer folder inside src/samples location.

Create navigationdrawer.html file inside src/samples/navigationdrawer folder and use the below code for rendering Navigation Drawer component.

  • HTML
  • <div>
            <ej-navigation-drawer id="navpane" e-type="overlay" e-enable-list-view="true" e-list-view-settings.bind="listViewSettings" e-position="normal">
                   <li data-ej-text="Home"></li>
                   <li data-ej-text="People"></li>
                   <li data-ej-text="Profile"></li>

    Create navigationdrawer.js file inside src/samples/navigationdrawer folder with below code snippet.

  • export class BasicUse {
              constructor() {
                    this.listViewSettings = { width: 300, selectedItemIndex: 0 };

    Create the target element as follows to display the list items by clicking target icon.

  • HTML
  • <div id="targetPane">
            <div class="e-lv">
                <div class="e-header">
                    <div id="butdrawer" class="drawerIcon e-icon">

    To set the target icon image and with the correct position as using the below mentioned styles .

  • CSS
  • <style>
          .drawerIcon {
                background-position: center center;
                background-repeat: no-repeat;
                height: 45px;
                width: 32px;
                background-size: 100% 100%;
                padding-right: 10px;
            .drawerIcon:before {
                content: "\e76b";
                font-size: 24px;
                height: 26px;
                line-height: 24px;
            #targetPane {
                height: 220px;
                position: relative;
                padding: 0px;
                overflow: hidden;
                margin: 0px;

    Getting Started

    You can open the list items by clicking on target element using the e-target-id property.

  • HTML
  • <div>
            <ej-navigation-drawer id="navpane" e-target-id="butdrawer" e-type="overlay" e-enable-list-view="true" e-list-view-settings.bind="listViewSettings" e-position="normal">
                   <li data-ej-text="Home"></li>
                   <li data-ej-text="People"></li>
                   <li data-ej-text="Profile"></li>
                   <li data-ej-text="Photos"></li>
                   <li data-ej-text="Communities"></li>
                   <li data-ej-text="Location"></li>

    Navigation Getting Started

    To set the images for list items of the Navigation Drawer by using the [data-ej-imageurl] property as follows.

  • HTML
  • <ej-navigation-drawer id="navpane" e-target-id="butdrawer" e-type="overlay" e-direction="left" e-enable-list-view="true" e-list-view-settings.bind="listViewSettings" e-position="normal">
                 <li data-ej-imageurl="" data-ej-text="Home"></li>
                 <li data-ej-imageurl="" data-ej-text="Profile"></li>
                 <li data-ej-imageurl="" data-ej-text="Photos"></li>

    Navigation Drawer Getting Started

    Customize Direction

    By using this property, to change the list view open direction. The possible directions are Right, Left and the Left is default value.

  • HTML
  • <ej-navigation-drawer id="navpane" e-target-id="butdrawer" e-type="overlay" e-direction="right" e-enable-list-view="true" e-list-view-settings.bind="listViewSettings" e-position="normal">
                 <li data-ej-imageurl="" data-ej-text="Home"></li>
                 <li data-ej-imageurl="" data-ej-text="Profile"></li>
                 <li data-ej-imageurl="" data-ej-text="Photos"></li>

    Customize Direction


    Note: You can find the Navigation Drawer properties from the API reference document