Troubleshoot the project

3 Feb 202110 minutes to read

Troubleshoot the project with the Syncfusion configuration and apply the fix like, wrong .NET Framework version of added Syncfusion assembly to the project or missing any Syncfusion dependent assembly of a referred assembly. The Syncfusion Troubleshooter can do the following:

  • Report the Configuration issues.

  • Apply the solution

Report the Configuration issues

The following steps help you to utilize the Syncfusion Troubleshooter by Visual Studio.

Before use the Syncfusion Troubleshooter for ASP.NET MVC (Essential JS 1), check whether the Syncfusion Essential JS1 AspNet MVC VSExtensions installed or not in Visual Studio Extension Manager by clicking on the Tools -> Extensions and Updates -> Installed for Visual Studio 2017 or lower and for Visual Studio 2019 by clicking on the Extensions -> Manage Extensions -> Installed.

  1. To open Syncfusion Troubleshooter Wizard, follow either one of the options below:

    Option 1
    Open an existing Syncfusion ASP.NET MVC Application, Click Syncfusion Menu and choose Essential Studio for ASP.NET MVC (EJ1) > Troubleshoot… in Visual Studio.

    Syncfusion Troubleshooter via Syncfusion menu


    In Visual Studio 2019, Syncfusion menu is available under Extensions in Visual Studio menu.

    Option 2
    Right-click the Project file in Solution Explorer, then select the command Syncfusion Troubleshooter…

    Syncfusion Troubleshooter add-in

  2. Now, analyze the project and it will report the project configuration issues of Syncfusion controls in the Troubleshooter dialog if any issues found. If the project does not have any configuration issues, the dialog box will show there is no configuration changes required in following areas:

    • Syncfusion assembly references.

    • Syncfusion NuGet Packages.

    • Syncfusion Web.config Entries.

    • Syncfusion Script files.

    No configuration changes required dialog box


    The Syncfusion Troubleshooter command will be visible only for Syncfusion projects that means the project should contain Syncfusion assemblies or Syncfusion NuGet packages referred.

The Syncfusion Troubleshooter handles the following project configuration issues:

  1. Assembly reference issues.

  2. NuGet related issues.

  3. Web.config entries related issues.

  4. Script file related issues.

Assembly reference issues

The Syncfusion Troubleshooter deals with the following assembly reference issues in Syncfusion Projects.

  1. Dependent assemblies are missing for referred assemblies from project.

    For Instance: If “Syncfusion.EJ.Export” assembly referred in project and “Syncfusion.EJ” (dependent of Syncfusion.EJ.Export) not referred in project, the Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show dependent assembly missing.

    Dependent assemblies missing issue shown in Troubleshooter wizard

  2. Syncfusion assembly version mismatched. Compare to all Syncfusion assembly’s versions in the same project. If found any Syncfusion assembly version inconsistency, the Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show Syncfusion assemblies version mismatched.

    For Instance: If “Syncfusion.OfficeChart.Base” assembly (v15.2450.0.40) referred in project, but other Syncfusion assemblies referred assembly version is v15.2450.0.43. The Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show Syncfusion assembly version mismatched.

    Assembly version mismatched issue shown in Troubleshooter wizard

  3. .NET Framework version mismatching (Syncfusion Assemblies) with project’s .NET Framework version. Find the supported .NET Framework details for Syncfusion assemblies in the following link,

    For Instance: The.NET Framework of the application is v4.5 and “Syncfusion.EJ.PdfViewer” assembly (v16.4400.0.42 & .NET Framework version 4.0) referred in same application. The Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show Syncfusion assembly .NET Framework version is incompatible with project’s .NET Framework version.

    Target Framework version of application

    Framework mismatch issue shown in Troubleshooter wizard

NuGet issues

The Syncfusion Troubleshooter deals with the following NuGet package related issues in Syncfusion projects.

  1. Multiple versions of Syncfusion NuGet Packages are installed. If Syncfusion NuGet Package version is differed from other Syncfusion NuGet Package version, the Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show Syncfusion NuGet package version is mismatched.

    For Instance: Syncfusion Web platform packages installed multiple version (v16.4.0.54 & v17.1.0.38), the Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show Syncfusion package version mismatched.

    Syncfusion NuGet Packages version mismatched issue shown in Troubleshooter wizard

  2. Installed Syncfusion NuGet package’s Framework version is differing from the project’s .NET Framework version.

    For Instance: Syncfusion.Web.Base40 NuGet package version(v17.1.0.38 with 4.0 Framework) installed in project, but the project .NET Framework version is 4.5. So, Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show Syncfusion package Framework version is mismatched.

    Syncfusion NuGet packages Framework version mismatched issue shown in Troubleshooter wizard


    NuGet package’s Framework version mismatch only occurred for Web base package.

  3. Installed Syncfusion NuGet package’s MVC version is differing from required MVC version based on the Visual Studio.

    For instance: Syncfusion Web platform packages installed in project with MVC version 4, But the project required MVC version5. So, Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show Syncfusion package MVC version is mismatched.

    Syncfusion NuGet packages MVC version mismatched issue shown in Troubleshooter wizard

  4. Dependent NuGet package of the installed Syncfusion NuGet packages is missing.

    For Instance: If you have installed Syncfusion Web NuGet package alone in the project (without dependency), the Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show the Syncfusion.Compression.Base and other dependent NuGet package missing.

    Dependent NuGet package missing issue shown in Troubleshooter wizard


    Internet connection is required to restore the missing dependent packages. If internet is not available, the dependent packages will not be restored.

Web.config issues

The Syncfusion Troubleshooter deals with the following Web.config entries related issues in Syncfusion projects.

  1. Syncfusion assembly entry version mismatched. Each Syncfusion assembly entry version/.NET Framework version will be compared with corresponding referred Syncfusion assembly in the application.

    For Instance: If “Syncfusion.EJ.Pivot” assembly (v17.1450.0.38) referred in project, but “Syncfusion.EJ.Pivot” assembly entry version (v16.4450.0.54) in Web.config file. The Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show Syncfusion assembly entry version mismatched.

    Syncfusion Toolbox Framework version mismatched issue shown in Troubleshooter wizard

  2. Multiple version and duplicate Syncfusion assembly entry. Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show the duplicate assembly entry when Syncfusion assembly entry is presented in Web.config, which is not referred in project or multiple Syncfusion assembly entry in Web.config for same Syncfusion assembly.

    For Instance: If project have “Syncfusion.EJ.Mvc” assembly (v17.1450.0.38) entry in Web.config file, but “Syncfusion.EJ.Mvc” assembly not referred in project. The Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show duplicate assembly entry.

    Duplicate Syncfusion reference assembly entry issue shown in Troubleshooter wizard

    For Instance: If project Multiple “Syncfusion.EJ” assembly (v17.1450.0.38 && v17.1460.0.38) entry with mismatched assembly version/.NET Framework version in Web.config, The Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show the duplicate assembly entry and Multiple Syncfusion assembly entries.

    Multiple version Syncfusion reference assembly entry issue shown in Troubleshooter wizard

  3. Namespace entry missing. If any Syncfusion namespaces are missing in Web.config that is related to referred Syncfusion assemblies in project, the Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show namespace entry is missing.

    For Instance: If “Syncfusion.EJ.MVC” assembly (v17.1450.0.38) referred in project and “Syncfusion.MVC.EJ” namespace entry missing in Web.config file, the Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show Syncfusion namespace entry missing.

    Namespace entry missing issue shown in Troubleshooter wizard

  4. HTTP/Server handler entry mismatched. HTTP/Server handler entry version compare to corresponding referred assembly version in project, if any Syncfusion HTTP/Server handler entry version is mismatched, the Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show HTTP/Server handler entry mismatched.

    For Instance: If “Syncfusion.EJ.” assembly (v17.1450.0.38) referred in project, but “Syncfusion.JavaScript.ImageHandler” HTTP/Server handler entry version (v16.4450.0.54) in Web.config file. Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show Syncfusion HTTP/Server handler entry version mismatched.

    Syncfusion HTTP/Server handler entry mismatched issue shown in Troubleshooter wizard

Script file issues

The Syncfusion Troubleshooter deals with the following Script file related issues in Syncfusion projects.

  1. Syncfusion script file version mismatched. Each Syncfusion script file version will be compared with corresponding referred Syncfusion assembly latest version in the application.

    For Instance: If Syncfusion assemblies (v17.1450.0.38) referred in project and Syncfusion script file (v16.4.0.54) referred in project. The Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show Syncfusion script file version (v16.4.0.54) incompatible with the project of Syncfusion assembly’s/package version (v17.1.0.38).

    Syncfusion script file version mismatched issue shown in Troubleshooter wizard

    For Instance: If Syncfusion assemblies (v17.1450.0.38) referred in project, but Syncfusion script file version (v16.4.0.54) in View files when referred script files by CDN link. The Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show Syncfusion script file version (v16.4.0.54) incompatible with the project of Syncfusion assembly’s/package version (v17.1.0.38) from CDN.

    Syncfusion script file version mismatched issue based on CDN link shown in Troubleshooter wizard

  2. Duplicate Syncfusion script files. Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show the duplicate script files when Syncfusion script file presented in project location, which is referred in View files by CDN link or Syncfusion script files are presented in multiple location in same project.

    For Instance: If project have “ej.web.all.min.js” script file entry in View file and also “ej.web.all.min.js” script file available in project location (Scripts\ej), the Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show duplicate Syncfusion script files presented in \Scripts\ej, due to this script file referred from CDN.

    Syncfusion script file duplicate issue by CDN with local script

    For Instance: If project have “ej.web.all.min.js” script file available in multiple project location (“\Scripts\ej" and “\Scripts"), the Syncfusion Troubleshooter will show Duplicate Syncfusion script files presented in \Scripts.

    Syncfusion script file duplicate issue by mulitple location

Apply the solution

  1. After loading the Syncfusion Troubleshooter dialog, check the corresponding check box of the issue to be resolved. Then, click the “Fix Issue(s)” button.

    Syncfusion Troubleshooter wizard with project configuration issues

  2. A dialog appears, which will ask to take a backup of the project before performing the troubleshooting process. If you need to backup the project before troubleshooting, click “Yes” button.

    Syncfusion Troubleshooter backup dialog

  3. Wait for a while, the Syncfusion Troubleshooter is resolving the selected issues. After the troubleshooting process completed, there will be a status message in the Visual Studio status bar as “Troubleshooting process completed successfully”.

    Syncfusion Troubleshooter process success status message in visual studio status bar

  4. Then, Syncfusion licensing registration required message box will be shown, if you installed the trial setup or NuGet packages since Syncfusion introduced the licensing system from 2018 Volume 2 (v16.2.0.41) Essential Studio release. Navigate to the help topic, which is shown in the licensing message box to generate and register the Syncfusion license key to your project. Refer to this blog post for understanding the licensing changes introduced in Essential Studio.

    Syncfusion license registration required information dialog in Syncfusion Troubleshooter