- Appearance
- Count and Type
- Text Positioning
- Shadow Effects
- Font Customization
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Character Settings
25 Mar 20214 minutes to read
The opacity of the character is adjustable with the help of opacity property. The space between two characters are adjusted with spacing property as like in the segment settings.
<ej:DigitalGauge runat="server" ID="DigitalGauge1" Width="800">
<ej:DigitalGaugeItems Value="Syncfusion">
<%-- Adding Basic character properties --%>
<CharacterSettings Opacity="0.3" Spacing="3" />
Execute the above code examples to render the DigitalGauge as follows.
Digital Gauge control with character setting
Count and Type
The number of text to be displayed can be limited by the attribute called count. In Digital Gauge five different types of characters are supported. They are as follows,
<ej:DigitalGauge runat="server" ID="DigitalGauge1" Width="800"> <Items> <ej:DigitalGaugeItems Value="123456789"> <%-- Adding character count and type --%> <CharacterSettings Count="10" Type="SevenSegment" Spacing="10" /> <SegmentSettings Length="8" Width="1"/> </ej:DigitalGaugeItems> </Items> </ej:DigitalGauge>
Execute the above code examples to render the DigitalGauge as follows.
Digital Gauge control with character type as seven segment
Text Positioning
The text in the DigitalGauge is positioned with position object. This object contains two attributes such as x and y. The x variable positions the text in the horizontal axis and the y variable positions the text in the vertical axis.
<ej:DigitalGauge runat="server" ID="DigitalGauge1" Width="800" Height="300">
<%-- Adding frame background image --%>
<Frame BackgroundImageUrl="../Content/images/gauge/Board1.jpg"/>
<ej:DigitalGaugeItems Value="YELLOW">
<%-- Adding gauge position --%>
<Position X="80" Y="10"/>
<SegmentSettings Color="Yellow"/>
Execute the above code examples to render the DigitalGauge as follows.
Digital Gauge control with position text based on the background image
Shadow Effects
The text in the Digital Gauge is positioned with position object. This object contains two attributes such as x and y. The x variable positions the text in the horizontal axis and y variable positions the text in the vertical axis.
<ej:DigitalGauge runat="server" ID="DigitalGauge1" Width="800">
<%-- Adding shadow effects --%>
<ej:DigitalGaugeItems Value="WELCOME" ShadowColor="Yellow"
ShadowBlur="20" ShadowOffsetX="15" ShadowOffsetY="15">
<SegmentSettings Length="3" Width="3"/>
Execute the above code examples to render the DigitalGauge as follows.
Digital Gauge control with shadow option
Font Customization
You can customize the font of the text as per your requirement. To customize the font, you have to set enableCustomFont
. Following font customization options are available.
Font-family- used to set the font-family of the text.
Font-style- used to set the font-style of the text.
Font-size- used to set the font-size of the text.
<ej:DigitalGauge runat="server" ID="DigitalGauge1" Width="800">
<%-- Adding shadow effects --%>
<ej:DigitalGaugeItems Value="WELCOME">
<SegmentSettings Length="3" Width="3"/>
<Font Color="white" Family="Arial" Style="Normal" FontSize="12px">