Getting Started with ASP.NET Core WaitingPopup

30 Apr 20215 minutes to read

This section explains briefly about how to create a WaitingPopup in your application with ASP.NET Core.

Create your first Waiting Popup in ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core Waiting Popup provides support to display Waiting Popup within your web page. From the following guidelines, you can learn how to create a Waiting Popup in a real-time Login page scenario. This helps you in authentication model. The following screenshot illustrates the functionality of a Waiting Popup in a Login page scenario.


In the above screenshot, you can give the Username and Password. When you click the Login button, the Waiting Popup appears. After loading, the alert box appears with a message “Signed in successfully”.

Create Waiting Popup

ASP.NET Core Waiting Popup widget has a built-in feature to block all other actions until the page is loaded. You can easily create the Waiting Popup control by using simple HTML Helper element as follows

  1. You can create a Core Project and add necessary assembly and script with the help of the given Dotnet Core-Getting Started Documentation.

Create Login Page

In a real-time Login page scenario, when you click on the Login button, the Waiting Popup is displayed. This is achieved by using the button Click.

  1. Add the following code example to the corresponding view page to create Login page with username and password.
  • /*ej-Tag Helper code to render WaitingPopup*/
    	<div class="content-container-fluid"> 
    		<div class="row"> 
    		<div class="cols-sample-area"> 
    			<table id="target"> 
    				<td><input type="text"></td> 
    				<td><input type="password"></td> 
                 <ej-button id="buttonnormal" text="Login" size="@ButtonSize.Large" create="btnLoad" click="btnClick"/>     
                <ej-waiting-popup id="target" show-on-init ="false" />  
  • /*Razor code to render WaitingPopup*/
    	<div class="content-container-fluid">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="cols-sample-area">
                <table id="target">
                        <td><input type="text"></td>
                        <td><input type="password"></td>
                            @{ Html.EJ().Button("buttonnormal").Text("Login").Size(ButtonSize.Large).ClientSideEvents(e =>e.Create("btnload").Click("btnClick")).Render(); }
                        @{ Html.EJ().WaitingPopup("target").ShowOnInit(false).Render(); }


    To render the WaitingPopup Control you can use either Razor or Tag helper code as given in the above code snippet.

    1. Add the following styles in the view page to show the Waiting Popup.
  • CSS
  • <style type="text/css" class="cssStyles">
    		margin: 0 auto; 
    		#target_WaitingPopup .e-image 
    		display: block; 
    		height: 70px; 
    		height: auto; 
    		width: auto; 
    		margin-top: 100px; 
    1. Add the following script in the view page.
  • <script> 
    			function btnClick(e) 
    			var wp = $("#target").data("ejWaitingPopup");; 
    			setTimeout(success, 5000); 
    			function success() 
    			alert("Signed in successfully"); 
    			var popup = $("#target").ejWaitingPopup("hide"); 
    1. The following screenshot displays the User login.


    2. The following screenshot shows the Waiting Popup


    The following screenshot displays an alert box displayed with the message “Signed in successfully” after loading.
