Getting Started with ASP.NET Core RichTextEditor

30 Apr 20212 minutes to read

This section explains the step-by-step instructions to create RichTextEditor in an ASP.NET Core application.

Create your first RichTextEditor in ASP.NET Core.

  1. Create Syncfusion ASP.NET Core application. You can refer ASP.NET Core Getting Started documentation to initially configure the common specifications.

2.Add RichTextEditor control by using the below code.

  • /*ej-Tag Helper code to render RTE*/
    		<ej-rte id="RteTaghelper" width="820px"></ej-rte>
  • /*Razor code to render RTE*/

    +N> To render the RichTextEditor Control you can use either Razor or Tag helper code as given in the above code snippet.


    You can configure the toolbar with the tools as your application requires.

  • /*ej-Tag Helper code to render RTE*/
    		   List<String> toolsList = new List<string>() { "style", "lists", "doAction", "links", "images"};
    		   List<String> style = new List<string>() { "bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough" };
    		   List<String> lists = new List<string>() { "unorderedList", "orderedList" };
    		   List<String> doAction = new List<string>() { "undo", "redo" };
    		   List<String> links = new List<string>() { "createLink", "removeLink" };
    		   List<String> images = new List<string>() { "image" };               
    		<ej-rte id="rteSample" tools-list="toolsList" width="820px">
    				<e-tools  styles="style" lists="lists" do-action="doAction" links="links" images="images"></e-tools>              
  • /*Razor code to render RTE*/
    			List<String> toolsList = new List<string>() { "style", "lists", "doAction", "links", "images" };
    			List<String> style = new List<string>() { "bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough" };
    			List<String> lists = new List<string>() { "unorderedList", "orderedList" };
    			List<String> doAction = new List<string>() { "undo", "redo" };
    			List<String> links = new List<string>() { "createLink", "removeLink"  };
    			List<String> images = new List<string>() { "image" };
    		@{Html.EJ().RTE("rteSample").Width("820px").ToolsList(toolsList).Tools(tool => tool.Styles(style).Lists(lists).DoAction(doAction).Links(links).Images(images)).Render();}


    Setting and Getting Content

    You can set the content of the editor as follows.

  • /*ej-Tag Helper code to render RTE*/
    		<ej-rte id="RteTaghelper" width="820px"> 
    				The Rich Text Editor (RTE) control is an easy to render in client side.
    				Customer easy to edit the contents and get the HTML content for the displayed content.
    				A rich text editor control provides users with a toolbar that helps them to apply rich text formats to the text entered in the text area.
  • /*Razor code to render RTE*/
    			The Rich Text Editor (RTE) control is an easy to render in client side.
    			Customer easy to edit the contents and get the HTML content for the displayed content.
    			A rich text editor control provides users with a toolbar that helps them to apply rich text formats to the text entered in the text area.

    To retrieve the editor contents using Value property in Post Back action,

  • [HttpPost]
    public ActionResult RichTextEditorFeatures(string rteSample)
    { = rteSample;
        return View();