Essential Studio for ASP.NET Core Release Notes

December 27,2017

Revised September 14, 2017 - ASP.NET Core 2.0 support has been included.


Bug Fixes

  • #191963 - Data Manager is now working properly for chart series.
  • #192226 - Now data will be returned only for the selection enabled series in range selection.
  • #188357 - Scatter series will now render properly with null points.
  • #193509 - Data label is now rendering properly without collision.
  • #193235, 193488 - Chart series is now rendering properly with zero in 1st point.
  • #188776 - Edge label placement shift is now working properly without colliding the axis labels.
  • F133511 - Assigning the axis name with whitespace to the series is now working properly.



  • #189821 - The DataManager now supports server side data operation for nested collections such as sorting, grouping, searching and filtering operations.



  • #192592 - Added option to import styles with new unique name, if style exist in destination document with same name and different type.

Breaking Changes

  • The property ImportStylesOnTypeMismatch was added to the IWordDocument interface.

Bug Fixes

  • #190591 - DOC format document opens properly after modifying the protection type from ‘AllowOnlyFormFields’ to other types for a particular Word document.
  • #194503 - Owner information is now set properly while merging comment from source to destination document.
  • #192944 - CustomDocumentProperties with whitespace values are parsed properly in a particular Word document.
  • #191534 - PAGE and NUMPAGES fields are preserved properly while converting a particular RTF Word document as DOCX.
  • #189597 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException and NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while deleting and accessing a bookmark content from a particular Word document.
  • #190880 - The resultant Word document is no longer corrupted after updating the UpdateDocumentFields for a particular Word document.
  • #190024 - Images are removed properly while clearing the Word document elements.
  • #191067 - StackOverflowException will be no longer thrown while loading a particular Word document.
  • #189874 - Memory leak issue has been resolved while saving a particular Word document as RTF document (multiple times).
  • #188568 - Print Layout view is now preserved properly while opening/printing resultant RTF document in Microsoft Word 2016.
  • #190621 - NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while opening a particular Word document.
  • #189655 - Bullet size is now preserved properly while merging a particular Word document elements.
  • #189185 - BuiltinDocumentProperties (Company,manager) are parsed properly while opening particular DOC format document.
  • #188296 - OutOfMemoryException will be no longer thrown while updating document fields for a particular Word document.


FileExplorer preview

Bug Fixes

  • #192295 - Resolved the alignment issue with get information dialog content in ASP.NET Core FileExplorer component.



  • #188603 – Auto scrolling support while drawing dependency lines has been implemented.
  • #192469 - Now it is possible to prevent the specific editing operations in taskbar resize, taskbar dragging and predecessor draw actions using TaskbarEditing event.
  • #189892, #194607 - Now the support for rounding-off duration value while editing taskbars has been implemented.

Bug Fixes

  • #F133356 - Issue in PDF export with localized dependency line offset value has been fixed.
  • #191970 - Custom column fields value update issue in updateRecordByTaskId method has been fixed.



  • Provided support to select multiple cells using keyboard navigation.

Bug Fixes

  • #193476 - When using WebApiAdaptor with template form editing in Grid, the added records displays fine.
  • #192782 - Refreshing Grid by updating datasource with enable-persistence persist in current page using gotoPage method.


Bug Fixes

  • #192637 - NullReferenceException no longer occurs when removing a page from the particular PDF document.
  • #190237 - System not support exception no longer occurs when merging the PDF document with digital signature.
  • #190870 - Text preservation issue is no longer occurs while drawing existing template into another page.
  • #189471 - Empty PdfColor is now retrieving as the background color of PdfLoadedTextBoxField which has no background color.
  • #189756 - Out of range exception is no longer occurs while drawing JPEG image to PDF document.
  • #191567 - Null reference exception is no longer occurs while reading existing combo box values.
  • #187013 - PDF layers count is now retrieving properly while loading an existing document.
  • #190046 - PdfTextMarkup annotation fore color is now preserving properly.
  • #191487 - Form fields data is preserving properly after adding the signature certificate to PDF document.
  • #194078 - OnInstantiate property in 3D annotation is now working properly.
  • #193908 - NullReferenceException no longer occurs when drawing a string to the PDF document.

PivotClient Preview

The pivot client control allows the visualization of both OLAP and relational data in pivot grids and pivot charts embedded within it. It also provides a UI option to drag fields, filter them, re-arrange them, and create pivot views at run time.


  • Value sorting can be done in PivotGrid inside PivotClient.
  • Provided option to view all the available members for “Without All” member hierarchy.


Bug Fixes

  • #193673 - Image in a PowerPoint slide is no longer replaced by another image while applying PictureFill in the same slide.
  • #194592 - Null reference exception will no more thrown while creating a PowerPoint presentation.


Breaking Changes

  • #192566, #194125 - Appointment resizes properly now, when field names are mapped with custom names.


Bug Fixes

  • #192260 – Now in checkbox row selection, the RowSelected event will be triggered while check/uncheck action using keyboard space key.



  • #189521 - Support to get cell’s precedents and dependents is provided.

Breaking Changes

  • #189521 - GetDependents(), GetPrecedents() methods are added in IRange interface to get cell’s precedents and dependents.
  • #192482 - ‘RangeIndexerMode’ is added in ‘IApplication’ interface to include indexer behavior of Interop.
  • IWorksheet interface is implemented with IEnumerable.

Bug fixes

  • #194195 - Corruption issue while add copying the worksheet with JPG image is resolved.
  • #190466 - Cell value with thousand separator is now properly detected as number in German culture.
  • #192875 - Performance issue while converting Excel document with embedded fonts is fixed.
  • #193873 - Excel workbook with duplicate comments can be resaved successfully without corruption.
  • #193832 - File name with space is truncated in HTTP response is resolved.
  • #192726 - Issue with DisplayText property when cell formulas involve TODAY() function is fixed.
  • #193646 - Freeze panes is now properly updated while deleting row.
  • #193315 - Exception is no longer thrown while setting calculated column formula using table from another worksheet.
  • #192964, #192961 - Binary Excel document with improper column value for image can be opened successfully without exception.
  • #192558 - Issue with hyperlink address is changed on resave is resolved.
  • #192558 - Borders and text alignment are copied properly between workbooks.
  • #191260 - Pivot table layout is improper while having one or more fields with same name is fixed.
  • #191561 - Application hangs while setting ShowTotals to false for the table having hyperlink is fixed.
  • #192241 - Issue while adding multiple SVG images to an Excel document is fixed.
  • #191657 - Formatting issue while add copying the worksheets is fixed.
  • #191673 - Hanging and corruption issues while resaving binary Excel document with rich text stream record is fixed.
  • #191958 - Issue with table header cell string while accessing ‘DisplayText’ is fixed.
  • #191745 - Issue with group shapes hyperlinks on resave is fixed.
  • #191723 - Chart number formats will be preserved properly on resave.
  • #189288 - Issue with row height for different font sizes is fixed.
  • #191316 - Issue with template marker default variable type action is fixed.
  • #188006 - Border line style issue while getting cell style is resolved.
  • #190663 - Template marker performance is improved while copying conditional formats.
  • #190031 - Excel document without table name can be opened successfully without argument exception.
  • #190343, #191860 - Formula with external workbook reference value is incorrect on resave is fixed.
  • #189712 - ArgumentOutOfRange exception while copying cells between different workbooks is fixed.
  • #190381 - Excel document no longer gets corrupted while creating chart with EnterDirectValues().
  • #190229 - Decimal separator is now recognized properly while setting formula in Czech and German cultures.
  • #190232 - Issue with display text when the number formats ends with white-space is fixed.
  • #189693 - Excel document is no longer corrupted when creating new sheets in macro-enabled workbook.
  • #189681 - Excel document with empty preset dash value can be opened without XML exception.
  • #189308 - Issue with cell styles and formatting applied to the excluded hidden ranges is fixed.
  • #189191 - InvalidOperation exception is no longer thrown while saving Excel.
  • #191133, #194961 - Excel document is no longer corrupted while resaving Excel document with pivot table.
  • #194356 - Excel document gets corrupted while downloading XlsIO resaved file from Internet Explorer browser is fixed.
  • Issue with RefersToRange for table named ranges is fixed.
  • Image class conflict between Compression and XlsIO is resolved.
  • Issue with position of dynamically added combo boxes in first column is fixed.
  • Excel document with Scatter chart can be resaved properly.
  • Embedded chart with image format header/footer can now be viewed without corruption and exception.
  • Issue with incorrect row count in table column formula is fixed.
  • Image from embedded chart header/footer can be accessed now.
  • Corruption issue when resaving Excel document with continuous external named ranges is fixed.
  • Corruption issue when resaving Excel document with charts is fixed.