Getting Started

11 Jan 20185 minutes to read

This section briefly explains about how to create a file explorer in ASP.NET Core platform.

Create your first file explorer in ASP.NET Core

Create an ASP.NET Core Project and add Syncfusion assembly packages, CSS and scripts with the help of the given ASP.NET Core-Getting Started documentation. After the project creation, create a file explorer in the following ways.

FileExplorer using tag helper

In View page, add the tag helper as shown in the following.

  • <ej-file-explorer id="default" path="wwwroot/images/FileExplorer" ajax-action="@Url.Content("FileActionDefault")">
        <e-download url="/FileExplorer/Download{0}"></e-download>
        <e-get-image url="/FileExplorer/GetImage{0}"></e-get-image>
        <e-upload url="/FileExplorer/Upload{0}"></e-upload>

    In the above code block, path denotes the URL of filesystem that are to be explored in “FileExplorer” and ajax-action specifies the URL of server side AJAX handling method that handles the file operations of file explorer control.
    The e-file-ajax-settings that specifies the URL of the server side AJAX handling method for image preview, file download and upload actions.

    So the path, ajax-action and e-file-ajax-settings for get image, download and upload are mandatory configuration here.

    Add the following code example to the corresponding controller page.

    The IHostingEnvironment interface is used to get the current path. To use the IHostingEnvironment, you need to add the namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting in your controller part.

  • C#
  • public partial class FileExplorerController : Controller
           public FileExplorerController(IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
                this.operation = new FileExplorerOperations(hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath);
            public ActionResult Download(FileExplorerParams args)
                return operation.Download(args.Path, args.Names);
            public ActionResult Upload(FileExplorerParams args)
                operation.Upload(args.FileUpload, args.Path);
                return Json("");
            public ActionResult GetImage(FileExplorerParams args)
                return operation.GetImage(args.Path);
            public ActionResult FileActionDefault([FromBody] FileExplorerParams args)
                    switch (args.ActionType)
                        case "Read":
                            return Json(operation.Read(args.Path, args.ExtensionsAllow));
                        case "CreateFolder":
                            return Json(operation.CreateFolder(args.Path, args.Name));
                        case "Paste":
                            return Json(operation.Paste(args.LocationFrom, args.LocationTo, args.Names, args.Action, args.CommonFiles));
                        case "Remove":
                            return Json(operation.Remove(args.Names, args.Path, args.SelectedItems));
                        case "Rename":
                            return Json(operation.Rename(args.Path, args.Name, args.NewName, args.CommonFiles));
                        case "GetDetails":
                            return Json(operation.GetDetails(args.Path, args.Names));
                        case "Search":
                            return Json(operation.Search(args.Path, args.ExtensionsAllow, args.SearchString, args.CaseSensitive));
                    return Json("");

    Once you completed the above steps, you will get the output like below.