20 Sep 201824 minutes to read
The Linear gauge can be easily configured to the DOM element, such as div. you can create a linear gauge with a highly customizable look and feel.
Name | Type | Description |
object | For setting the Linear gauge |
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
animationSpeed number
Specifies the animationSpeed
Default Value
- 500
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ animationSpeed: 1000, value:50});
backgroundColor string
Specifies the backgroundColor for Linear gauge.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ backgroundColor: "Red" });
borderColor string
Specifies the borderColor for Linear gauge.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ borderColor: "Red" });
enableAnimation boolean
Specifies the animate state
Default Value
- true
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ enableAnimation: true, value:50});
enableMarkerPointerAnimation boolean
Specifies the animate state for marker pointer
Default Value
- true
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ enableMarkerPointerAnimation: true, value:50});
exportSettings object
This provides options for customizing export settings
exportSettings.filename string
Specifies the downloading filename
Default Value
- “LinearGauge”
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
exportSettings: {
filename : "myGauge"
exportSettings.type enum
Specifies the format of the file to export
Name | Type | Description |
PNG | string | The gauge will be exported in .png format |
JPG | string | The gauge will be exported in .jpg format |
Default Value
- “png”
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
exportSettings: {
type : "jpg"
exportSettings.action string
Specifies the name of the action URL
Default Value
- ””
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
exportSettings: {
action : "http://js.syncfusion.com/ExportingServices/api/JSLinearGaugeExport/Export"
exportSettings.mode enum
Specifies the mode of exporting
Name | Type | Description |
Server Side | string | The Gauge is exported at server side |
Client Side | string | The Gauge is exported at client side |
Default Value
- “client”
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
exportSettings: {
mode : "server"
isResponsive boolean
Specifies the can resize state.
Default Value
- false
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ isResponsive: true });
enableGroupSeparator boolean
Used to Convert the date object to string while using the locale settings
Default Value
- false
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ enableGroupSeparator: true });
enableResize boolean
Responsiveness of the linear gauge is controlled
Default Value
- false
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ enableResize: true });
frame object
Specify frame of linear gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1">
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ frame: { backgroundImageUrl:null, outerWidth:12, innerWidth:8 } });
frame.backgroundImageUrl string
Specifies the frame background image URL of linear gauge
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ frame:{backgroundImageUrl: "bg.png"} });
frame.innerWidth number
Specifies the frame InnerWidth
Default Value
- 8
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ frame:{innerWidth: 9}});
frame.outerWidth number
Specifies the frame OuterWidth
Default Value
- 12
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ frame:{outerWidth: 13 }});
height number
Specifies the height of Linear gauge.
Default Value
- 400
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ height: 360 });
labelColor string
Specifies the labelColor for Linear gauge.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ labelColor: "Red" });
locale string
Set the localization culture for the Linear gauge
Default Value
- “en-US”
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ locale : "en-US" });
maximum number
Specifies the maximum value of Linear gauge.
Default Value
- 100
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ maximum: 110 });
minimum number
Specifies the minimum value of Linear gauge.
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ minimum: 10 });
orientation string
Specifies the orientation for Linear gauge.
Default Value
- “Vertical”
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ orientation: "Vertical" });
outerCustomLabelPosition enum
Specify labelPosition value of Linear gauge See OuterCustomLabelPosition
Name | Type | Description |
Left | string | Label will be placed on left side of the gauge |
Right | string | Label will be placed on right side of the gauge |
Top | string | Label will be placed on top of the gauge |
Bottom | string | Label will be placed on bottom of the gauge |
Default Value
- bottom
<div id="CoreLinearGauge">
$("#CoreLinearGauge").ejLinearGauge({ outerCustomLabelPosition:"top" });
pointerGradient1 object
Specifies the pointerGradient1 for Linear gauge.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ pointerGradient1: { colorInfo:[{ colorStop : 0, color:"#FFFFFF"},{colorStop : 1, color:"#AAAAAA"}] } });
pointerGradient2 object
Specifies the pointerGradient2 for Linear gauge.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ pointerGradient2: { colorInfo:[{ colorStop : 0, color:"#FFFFFF"},{colorStop : 1, color:"#AAAAAA"}] } });
readOnly boolean
Specifies the read only state.
Default Value
- true
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ readOnly: false });
scales array
Specifies the scales
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{}]});
scales.backgroundColor string
Specifies the backgroundColor of the Scale.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{backgroundColor:"red"}]});
scales.barPointers Array
Specifies the scaleBar Gradient of bar pointer
Default Value
- Array
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{barPointers:[{}]}]});
scales.barPointers.backgroundColor string
Specifies the backgroundColor of bar pointer
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{barPointers:[{value:50, backgroundColor: "red"}]}]});
scales.barPointers.border object
Specifies the border of bar pointer
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{barPointers:[{value:50, border:{color: "red", width:1.5}}]}]});
scales.barPointers.border.color string
Specifies the border Color of bar pointer
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{barPointers:[{value:50, border:{color: "red"}}]}]});
scales.barPointers.border.width number
Specifies the border Width of bar pointer
Default Value
- 1.5
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{barPointers:[{value:50, border:{width: 2}}]}]});
scales.barPointers.distanceFromScale number
Specifies the distanceFromScale of bar pointer
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{barPointers:[{value:50, distanceFromScale: 20}]}]});
scales.barPointers.gradients object
Specifies the scaleBar Gradient of bar pointer
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{barPointers:[{value:50, gradients: { colorInfo:[{ colorStop : 0, color:"#FFFFFF"},{colorStop : 1, color:"#AAAAAA"}] }}]}]});
scales.barPointers.opacity number
Specifies the opacity of bar pointer
Default Value
- 1
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{barPointers:[{value:50, opacity: 0.5}]}]});
scales.barPointers.value number
Specifies the value of bar pointer
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{barPointers:[{value: 100}]}]});
scales.barPointers.width number
Specifies the pointer Width of bar pointer
Default Value
- width=30
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{barPointers:[{value:50, width: 25}]}]});
scales.border object
Specifies the border of the Scale.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{border:{color:"red", width:1.5}}]});
scales.border.color string
Specifies the border color of the Scale.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{border:{color:"red"}}]});
scales.border.width number
Specifies the border width of the Scale.
Default Value
- 1.5
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{border:{width:2.5}}]});
scales.customLabels Array
Specifies the customLabel
Default Value
- Array
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true,customLabels: [{ value:"MyLabel", position:{x:49,y:100}, color:"#fc0606", font: { size: "20px",fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }}]}]});
scales.customLabels.color number
Specifies the label Color in customLabels
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true,customLabels: [{ value:"MyLabel", position:{x:49,y:100}, color:"yellow", font: { size: "20px",fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Bold" }}]}]});
scales.customLabels.font object
Specifies the font in customLabels
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true,customLabels: [{ value:"MyLabel", position:{x:49,y:100}, color:"#fc0606", font: { size: "20px",fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }}]}]});
scales.customLabels.font.fontFamily string
Specifies the fontFamily in customLabels
Default Value
- “Arial”
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true,customLabels: [{ value:"MyLabel", position:{x:49,y:100}, color:"#fc0606", font: { size: "20px",fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }}]}]});
scales.customLabels.font.fontStyle enum
Specifies the fontStyle in customLabels. See FontStyle
Name | Type | Description |
Bold | string | Sets the font style as bold |
Italic | string | Sets the font style as italic |
Regular | string | Sets the font style as regular |
Strikeout | string | Sets the font style as strikeout |
Underline | string | Sets the font style as underline |
Default Value
- Bold
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true,customLabels: [{ value:"MyLabel", position:{x:49,y:100}, color:"#fc0606", font: { size: "20px",fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }}]}]});
scales.customLabels.font.size string
Specifies the font size in customLabels
Default Value
- “11px”
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true,customLabels: [{ value:"MyLabel", position:{x:49,y:100}, color:"#fc0606", font: { size: "20px",fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }}]}]});
scales.customLabels.opacity string
Specifies the opacity in customLabels
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true,customLabels: [{ value:"MyLabel", position:{x:49,y:100}, color:"#fc0606",opacity:0.5, font: { size: "20px",fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }}]}]});
scales.customLabels.position object
Specifies the position in customLabels
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true,customLabels: [{ value:"LinearGauge", position:{x:49,y:100}, color:"#fc0606", font: { size: "20px",fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }}]}]});
scales.customLabels.position.x number
Specifies the position x in customLabels
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true,customLabels: [{ textAngle: 20,value:"LinearGauge", position:{x:10,y:50}, color:"#fc0606", font: { size: "20px",fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }}]}]});
scales.customLabels.position.y number
Specifies the y in customLabels
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true,customLabels: [{ textAngle: 20,value:"LinearGauge", position:{x:49,y:10}, color:"#fc0606", font: { size: "20px",fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }}]}]});
scales.customLabels.positionType object
Specifies the positionType in customLabels.See CustomLabelPositionType
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true,customLabels: [{ positionType:"outer",value:"LinearGauge", position:{x:49,y:100}, color:"#fc0606", font: { size: "20px",fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }}]}]});
scales.customLabels.textAngle number
Specifies the textAngle in customLabels
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true,customLabels: [{ textAngle: 20,value:"LinearGauge", position:{x:49,y:100}, color:"#fc0606", font: { size: "20px",fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }}]}]});
scales.customLabels.value string
Specifies the label Value in customLabels
Default Value
- ””
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true,customLabels: [{ value:"LinearGauge", position:{x:49,y:100}, color:"#fc0606", font: { size: "20px",fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }}]}]});
scales.direction enum
Specifies the scale Direction of the Scale. See Directions
Name | Type | Description |
Clockwise | string | Specify the scale direction as clockwise |
CounterClockwise | string | Specify the scale direction as counterclockwise |
Default Value
- CounterClockwise
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{direction:ej.datavisualization.LinearGauge.Directions.Clockwise}]});
scales.indicators Array
Specifies the indicator
Default Value
- Array
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({scales: [{showBarPointers: false, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
font: {size: "11px",fontFamily: "Arial",fontStyle: "bold"},height: 30,
type: "rectangle",width: 30,position: {x: 60,y: 70},textLocation: {x: 0,y: 0},
stateRanges: [{endValue: 60,startValue: 50,backgroundColor: "Red",borderColor: "Green",textColor: null}],
value: 0, backgroundColor: "Red", border:{color: "Red", width: 1.5}, opacity: NaN}]}]});
scales.indicators.backgroundColor string
Specifies the backgroundColor in bar indicators
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
height: 30,type: "rectangle",width: 30,
position: { x: 0,y: 0},
stateRanges: [{endValue: 60,startValue: 40,backgroundColor: "Green",borderColor: "Red"}],
scales.indicators.border number
Specifies the border in bar indicators
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
height: 30,type: "rectangle",width: 30,
position: { x: 0,y: 0},
stateRanges: [{endValue: 60,startValue: 40,backgroundColor: "Green",borderColor: "Red"}],
border:{color:"red", width: 5}}]}]});
scales.indicators.border.color string
Specifies the border Color in bar indicators
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
height: 30,type: "rectangle",width: 30,
position: { x: 0,y: 0},
stateRanges: [{endValue: 60,startValue: 40,backgroundColor: "Green",borderColor: "Red"}],
border:{color: "Red"}}]}]});
scales.indicators.border.width number
Specifies the border Width in bar indicators
Default Value
- 1.5
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
height: 30,type: "rectangle",width: 30,
position: { x: 0,y: 0},
stateRanges: [{endValue: 60,startValue: 40,backgroundColor: "Green",borderColor: "Red"}],
border:{width: 5}}]}]});
scales.indicators.font object
Specifies the font of bar indicators
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }, height: 30,
type: "text", width: 30, position: { x: 60, y: 100 }, textLocation: { x: 50, y: 100 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 60, startValue: 50, textColor: "Green", text: "Linear" }],opacity: 0.5}]}]});
scales.indicators.font.fontFamily string
Specifies the fontFamily of font in bar indicators
Default Value
- “Arial”
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Segoe UI", fontStyle: "bold" }, height: 30,
type: "text", width: 30, position: { x: 60, y: 100 }, textLocation: { x: 50, y: 100 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 60, startValue: 50, textColor: "Green", text: "Linear" }],opacity: 0.5}]}]});
scales.indicators.font.fontStyle enum
Specifies the fontStyle of font in bar indicators. See FontStyle
Default Value
- ej.datavisualization.LinearGauge.FontStyle.Bold
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Normal" }, height: 30,
type: "text", width: 30, position: { x: 60, y: 100 }, textLocation: { x: 50, y: 100 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 60, startValue: 50, textColor: "Green", text: "Linear" }],opacity: 0.5}]}]});
scales.indicators.font.size string
Specifies the size of font in bar indicators
Default Value
- “11px”
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
font: { size: "20px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }, height: 30,
type: "text", width: 30, position: { x: 60, y: 100 }, textLocation: { x: 50, y: 100 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 60, startValue: 50, textColor: "Green", text: "Linear" }],opacity: 0.5}]}]});
scales.indicators.height number
Specifies the indicator Height of bar indicators
Default Value
- 30
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
type: "rectangle",height: 50,
position: { x: 0,y: 0},
stateRanges: [{endValue: 60,startValue: 40,backgroundColor: "Green",borderColor: "Red",}],
border:{width: 1.5}}]}]});
scales.indicators.opacity number
Specifies the opacity in bar indicators
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ readonly:false, scales: [{showBarPointers: false, showIndicators: true, indicators: [{height: 30,
type: "rectangle",position: {x: 80,y: 110},
stateRanges: [{endValue: 80,startValue: 50,backgroundColor: "Red",borderColor: "Green",textColor: null}],
value: 0, backgroundColor: "Red", border:{color: "Green"}, opacity:0.5}]}]});
scales.indicators.position object
Specifies the position in bar indicators
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
height: 30,type: "rectangle",width: 30,
position: { x: 0,y: 0},
stateRanges: [{endValue: 60,startValue: 40,backgroundColor: "Green",borderColor: "Red",}],
border:{width: 1.5}}]}]});
scales.indicators.position.x number
Specifies the x position in bar indicators
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
height: 30,type: "rectangle",width: 30,
position: { x: 20,y: 0},
stateRanges: [{endValue: 60,startValue: 40,backgroundColor: "Green",borderColor: "Red",}],
border:{width: 1.5}}]}]});
scales.indicators.position.y number
Specifies the y position in bar indicators
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
height: 30,type: "rectangle",width: 30,
position: { x: 0,y: 100},
stateRanges: [{endValue: 60,startValue: 40,backgroundColor: "Green",borderColor: "Red",}],
border:{width: 1.5}}]}]});
scales.indicators.stateRanges Array
Specifies the state ranges in bar indicators
Default Value
- Array
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Normal" }, height: 30,
type: "text", width: 30, position: { x: 60, y: 100 }, textLocation: { x: 0, y: 100 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 60, startValue: 50, textColor: "Green", text: "Linear" }],opacity: 0.5}]}]});
scales.indicators.stateRanges.backgroundColor string
Specifies the backgroundColor in bar indicators state ranges
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
height: 30,type: "rectangle",width: 30,
position: { x: 0,y: 0},
stateRanges: [{endValue: 60,startValue: 40,backgroundColor: "Red",borderColor: "Green"}],
border:{width: 1.5}}]}]});
scales.indicators.stateRanges.borderColor string
Specifies the borderColor in bar indicators state ranges
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
height: 30,type: "rectangle",width: 30,
position: { x: 0,y: 0},
stateRanges: [{endValue: 60,startValue: 40,backgroundColor: "Green",borderColor: "Red"}],
border:{width: 1.5}}]}]});
scales.indicators.stateRanges.endValue number
Specifies the endValue in bar indicators state ranges
Default Value
- 60
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Normal" }, height: 30,
type: "text", width: 30, position: { x: 60, y: 100 }, textLocation: { x: 0, y: 100 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 90, startValue: 40, textColor: "Green", text: "Linear" }],opacity: 0.5}]}]});
scales.indicators.stateRanges.startValue number
Specifies the startValue in bar indicators state ranges
Default Value
- 50
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Normal" }, height: 30,
type: "text", width: 30, position: { x: 60, y: 100 }, textLocation: { x: 0, y: 100 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 90, startValue: 40, textColor: "Green", text: "Linear" }],opacity: 0.5}]}]});
scales.indicators.stateRanges.text string
Specifies the text in bar indicators state ranges
Default Value
- ””
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Normal" }, height: 30,
type: "text", width: 30, position: { x: 60, y: 100 }, textLocation: { x: 20, y: 100 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 90, startValue: 40, textColor: "Green", text: "Linear Gauge" }],opacity: 0.5}]}]});
scales.indicators.stateRanges.textColor string
Specifies the textColor in bar indicators state ranges
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Normal" }, height: 30,
type: "text", width: 30, position: { x: 60, y: 100 }, textLocation: { x: 0, y: 100 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 90, startValue: 40, textColor: "Red", text: "Linear" }],opacity: 0.5}]}]});
scales.indicators.textLocation object
Specifies the textLocation in bar indicators
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Normal" }, height: 30,
type: "text", width: 30, position: { x: 60, y: 100 }, textLocation: { x: 50, y: 100 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 60, startValue: 50, textColor: "Green", text: "Linear" }],opacity: 0.5}]}]});
scales.indicators.textLocation.x number
Specifies the textLocation position in bar indicators
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Normal" }, height: 30,
type: "text", width: 30, position: { x: 60, y: 100 }, textLocation: { x: 50, y: 0 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 60, startValue: 50, textColor: "Green", text: "Linear" }],opacity: 0.5}]}]});
scales.indicators.textLocation.y number
Specifies the Y position in bar indicators
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
font: { size: "11px", fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "Normal" }, height: 30,
type: "text", width: 30, position: { x: 60, y: 100 }, textLocation: { x: 0, y: 100 },
stateRanges: [{ endValue: 60, startValue: 50, textColor: "Green", text: "Linear" }],opacity: 0.5}]}]});
scales.indicators.type enum
Specifies the indicator Style of font in bar indicators
Name | Type | Description |
Rectangle | string | Style of the indicator will be rectangle |
Circle | string | Style of the indicator will be Circle |
RoundedRectangle | string | Style of the indicator will be rounded rectangle |
Text | string | Style of the indicator will be text |
Default Value
- ej.datavisualization.LinearGauge.IndicatorType.Rectangle
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
height: 30,type: "rectangle",width: 30,
position: { x: 0,y: 0},
stateRanges: [{endValue: 60,startValue: 40,backgroundColor: "Green",borderColor: "Red",}],
border:{width: 1.5}}]}]});
scales.indicators.width number
Specifies the indicator Width in bar indicators
Default Value
- 30
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
value: 50, scales: [{showBarPointers: true, showIndicators: true, length: 310, indicators: [{
type: "rectangle",width: 50,
position: { x: 0,y: 0},
stateRanges: [{endValue: 60,startValue: 40,backgroundColor: "Green",borderColor: "Red",}],
border:{width: 1.5}}]}]});
scales.labels Array
Specifies the labels.
Default Value
- Array
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{labels:[{distanceFromScale:{y:1}}]}]});
scales.labels.angle number
Specifies the angle of labels.
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{labels:[{angle:30}]}]});
scales.labels.distanceFromScale object
Specifies the DistanceFromScale of labels.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{labels:[{distanceFromScale:{x:10, y:10}}]}]});
scales.labels.distanceFromScale.x number
Specifies the xDistanceFromScale of labels.
Default Value
- -10
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{labels:[{distanceFromScale:{x:10}}]}]});
scales.labels.distanceFromScale.y number
Specifies the yDistanceFromScale of labels.
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{labels:[{distanceFromScale:{y:20}}]}]});
scales.labels.font object
Specifies the font of labels.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{labels:[{font:{size: "11px"}}]}]});
scales.labels.font.fontFamily string
Specifies the fontFamily of font.
Default Value
- “Arial”
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{labels:[{font:{fontFamily: "Segoe UI"}}]}]});
scales.labels.font.fontStyle enum
Specifies the fontStyle of font.See FontStyle
Default Value
- ej.datavisualization.LinearGauge.FontStyle.Bold
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{labels:[{font:{fontStyle: ej.datavisualization.LinearGauge.FontStyle.Normal}}]}]});
scales.labels.font.size string
Specifies the size of font.
Default Value
- “11px”
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{labels:[{font:{size: "18px"}}]}]});
scales.labels.includeFirstValue boolean
need to includeFirstValue.
Default Value
- true
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{labels:[{includeFirstValue: false}]}]});
scales.labels.opacity number
Specifies the opacity of label.
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{labels:[{opacity: 0.5}]}]});
scales.labels.placement enum
Specifies the label Placement of label. See LabelPlacement
Name | Type | Description |
Near | string | Specify the label placement as near |
Far | string | Specify the label placement as far |
Center | string | Specify the label placement as center |
Default Value
- Near
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{labels:[{placement: ej.datavisualization.LinearGauge.LabelPlacement.Far}]}]});
scales.labels.textColor string
Specifies the textColor of font.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{labels:[{textColor: "green"}]}]});
scales.labels.type enum
Specifies the label Style of label. See LabelType
Name | Type | Description |
Major | string | Specifies the label style as major |
Minor | string | Specifies the label style as minor |
Default Value
- ej.datavisualization.LinearGauge.LabelType.Major
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{labels:[{type: ej.datavisualization.LinearGauge.LabelType.Major}]}]});
scales.labels.unitText string
Specifies the unitText of label.
Default Value
- ””
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{labels:[{unitText: "F"}]}]});
scales.labels.unitTextPlacement enum
Specifies the unitText Position of label.See UnitTextPlacement
Name | Type | Description |
Back | string | The unit text will be placed on back side of the gauge |
From | string | The unit text will be placed on front side of the gauge |
Default Value
- Back
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{labels:[{unitText: "F",unitTextPlacement: "front"}]}]});
scales.length number
Specifies the scaleBar Length.
Default Value
- 290
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{length:300}]});
scales.majorIntervalValue number
Specifies the majorIntervalValue of the Scale.
Default Value
- 10
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{majorIntervalValue:10}]});
scales.markerPointers Array
Specifies the markerPointers
Default Value
- Array
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{markerPointers:[{type: "triangle"}]}]});
scales.markerPointers.backgroundColor string
Specifies the backgroundColor of marker pointer
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{markerPointers:[{backgroundColor: "blue"}]}]});
scales.markerPointers.border object
Specifies the border of marker pointer
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{markerPointers:[{border:{color: "blue", width: 1.5}}]}]});
scales.markerPointers.border.color string
Specifies the border color of marker pointer
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{markerPointers:[{border:{color: "blue", width: 1.5}}]}]});
scales.markerPointers.border.width number
Specifies the border of marker pointer
Default Value
- number
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{markerPointers:[{border:{color: "blue", width: 1.5}}]}]});
scales.markerPointers.distanceFromScale number
Specifies the distanceFromScale of marker pointer
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{markerPointers:[{distanceFromScale: 2}]}]});
scales.markerPointers.gradients object
Specifies the pointer Gradient of marker pointer
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{markerPointers:[{gradients: { colorInfo:[{ colorStop : 0, color:"#FFFFFF"},{colorStop : 1, color:"#AAAAAA"}] }}]}]});
scales.markerPointers.length number
Specifies the pointer Length of marker pointer
Default Value
- 30
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{markerPointers:[{length: 25}]}]});
scales.markerPointers.opacity number
Specifies the opacity of marker pointer
Default Value
- 1
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{markerPointers:[{opacity: 0.5}]}]});
scales.markerPointers.placement enum
Specifies the pointer Placement of marker pointer See PointerPlacement
Default Value
- Far
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{markerPointers:[{placement: ej.datavisualization.LinearGauge.PointerPlacement.Near}]}]});
scales.markerPointers.type enum
Specifies the marker Style of marker pointerSee MarkerType
Name | Type | Description |
Rectangle | string | Style of the marker will be rectangle |
Triangle | string | Style of the marker will be triangle |
Ellipse | string | Style of the marker will be ellipse |
Diamond | string | Style of the marker will be diamond |
Pentagon | string | Style of the marker will be pentagon |
Circle | string | Style of the marker will be circle |
Star | string | Style of the marker will be star |
Slider | string | Style of the marker will be slider |
Pointer | string | Style of the marker will be pointer |
Wedge | string | Style of the marker will be wedge |
Trapezoid | string | Style of the marker will be trapezoid |
RoundedRectangle | string | Style of the marker will be rounded rectangle |
Default Value
- Triangle
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{markerPointers:[{type: ej.datavisualization.LinearGauge.MarkerType.Rectangle}]}]});
scales.markerPointers.value number
Specifies the value of marker pointer
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{markerPointers:[{value: 25}]}]});
scales.markerPointers.width number
Specifies the pointer Width of marker pointer
Default Value
- 30
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{markerPointers:[{width: 25}]}]});
scales.maximum number
Specifies the maximum of the Scale.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{maximum:110}]});
scales.minimum number
Specifies the minimum of the Scale.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{minimum:10}]});
scales.minorIntervalValue number
Specifies the minorIntervalValue of the Scale.
Default Value
- 2
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{minorIntervalValue:1}]});
scales.opacity number
Specifies the opacity of the Scale.
Default Value
- NaN
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{opacity:0.2}]});
scales.position object
Specifies the position
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{position:{x:30, y:30}}]});
scales.position.x number
Specifies the Horizontal position
Default Value
- 50
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{position:{x:30}}]});
scales.position.y number
Specifies the vertical position
Default Value
- 50
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{position:{y:30}}]});
scales.ranges Array
Specifies the ranges in the tick.
Default Value
- Array
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{ranges:[{endWidth:4}]}]});
scales.ranges.backgroundColor string
Specifies the backgroundColor in the ranges.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 10, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "Green" }] }] });
scales.ranges.border object
Specifies the border in the ranges.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 10, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649", border:{color: "Green", width:1.5} }] }] });
scales.ranges.border.color string
Specifies the border color in the ranges.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 10, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649", border:{color: "Green"} }] }] });
scales.ranges.border.width number
Specifies the border width in the ranges.
Default Value
- 1.5
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 10, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649", border:{width:1.5} }] }] });
scales.ranges.distanceFromScale number
Specifies the distanceFromScale in the ranges.
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 10, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649",distanceFromScale: 10 }] }] });
scales.ranges.endValue number
Specifies the endValue in the ranges.
Default Value
- 60
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 10, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
scales.ranges.endWidth number
Specifies the endWidth in the ranges.
Default Value
- 10
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 20, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
scales.ranges.gradients object
Specifies the range Gradient in the ranges.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 10, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649",gradients:{ colorInfo:[{colorStop : 0, color:"#FFFFFF"},{colorStop : 1, color:"#AAAAAA"}] } }] }] });
scales.ranges.opacity number
Specifies the opacity in the ranges.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 10, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649",opacity: 0.3 }] }] });
scales.ranges.placement enum
Specifies the range Position in the ranges. See RangePlacement
Default Value
- Center
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 10, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649",placement: "center" }] }] });
scales.ranges.startValue number
Specifies the startValue in the ranges.
Default Value
- 20
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 10, endValue: 60, startValue: 10, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
scales.ranges.startWidth number
Specifies the startWidth in the ranges.
Default Value
- 10
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 20, endWidth: 10, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
scales.shadowOffset number
Specifies the shadowOffset.
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{shadowOffset:1}]});
scales.showBarPointers boolean
Specifies the showBarPointers state.
Default Value
- true
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showBarPointers:false}]});
scales.showCustomLabels boolean
Specifies the showCustomLabels state.
Default Value
- false
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true}]});
scales.showIndicators boolean
Specifies the showIndicators state.
Default Value
- false
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showIndicators:true}]});
scales.showLabels boolean
Specifies the showLabels state.
Default Value
- true
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showLabels:false}]});
scales.showMarkerPointers boolean
Specifies the showMarkerPointers state.
Default Value
- true
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showMarkerPointers:false}]});
scales.showRanges boolean
Specifies the showRanges state.
Default Value
- false
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showRanges:false}]});
scales.showTicks boolean
Specifies the showTicks state.
Default Value
- true
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showTicks:false}]});
scales.ticks Array
Specifies the ticks in the scale.
Default Value
- Array
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{ticks:[{angle:30}]}]});
scales.ticks.angle number
Specifies the angle in the tick.
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{ticks:[{angle:20}]}]});
scales.ticks.color string
Specifies the tick Color in the tick.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{ticks:[{color:"Blue"}]}]});
scales.ticks.distanceFromScale object
Specifies the DistanceFromScale in the tick.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{ticks:[{distanceFromScale:{x:10, y:10}}]}]});
scales.ticks.distanceFromScale.x number
Specifies the xDistanceFromScale in the tick.
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{ticks:[{distanceFromScale:{x:10}}]}]});
scales.ticks.distanceFromScale.y number
Specifies the yDistanceFromScale in the tick.
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{ticks:[{distanceFromScale:{y:10}}]}]});
scales.ticks.height number
Specifies the tick Height in the tick.
Default Value
- 10
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{ticks:[{height:8}]}]});
scales.ticks.opacity number
Specifies the opacity in the tick.
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{ticks:[{opacity:0.5}]}]});
scales.ticks.placement enum
Specifies the tick Placement in the tick. See TickPlacement
Default Value
- Near
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{ticks:[{placement:ej.datavisualization.LinearGauge.TickPlacement.Far}]}]});
scales.ticks.type enum
Specifies the tick Style in the tick. See TickType
Name | Type | Description |
Majorinterval | string | Sets the tick style as major interval |
Minorinterval | string | Sets the tick style as minor interval |
Default Value
- MajorInterval
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{ticks:[{type:ej.datavisualization.LinearGauge.TickType.MajorInterval}]}]});
scales.ticks.width number
Specifies the tick Width in the tick.
Default Value
- 3
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{ticks:[{width:4}]}]});
scales.type enum
Specifies the scaleBar type .See ScaleType
Name | Type | Description |
Rectangle | string | Type of the scale bar will be rectangle |
RoundedRectangle | string | Type of the scale bar will be roundedrectangle |
Thermometer | string | Type of the scale bar will be thermometer |
Default Value
- Rectangle
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{type:ej.datavisualization.LinearGauge.ScaleType.Rectangle}]});
scales.width number
Specifies the scaleBar width.
Default Value
- 30
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{width:25}]});
theme enum
Specifies the theme for Linear gauge. See LinearGauge.Themes
Name | Type | Description |
FlatLight | string | Theme of linear gauge will be flatlight |
FlatDark | string | Theme of linear gauge will be flatdark |
Default Value
- flatlight
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ theme: ej.datavisualization.LinearGauge.flatdark });
tickColor string
Specifies the tick Color for Linear gauge.
Default Value
- null
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ tickColor: "Red" });
tooltip object
Specify tooltip options of linear gauge
Default Value
- false
<div id="CoreLinearGauge">
$("#CoreLinearGauge").ejLinearGauge({ tooltip:{showLabelTooltip: true,showCustomLabelTooltip: true,templateID: null} });
tooltip.showCustomLabelTooltip boolean
Specify showCustomLabelTooltip value of linear gauge
Default Value
- false
<div id="CoreLinearGauge">
$("#CoreLinearGauge").ejLinearGauge({ tooltip:{showCustomLabelTooltip: true} });
tooltip.showLabelTooltip boolean
Specify showLabelTooltip value of linear gauge
Default Value
- false
<div id="CoreLinearGauge">
$("#CoreLinearGauge").ejLinearGauge({ tooltip:{showLabelTooltip: true} });
tooltip.templateID string
Specify templateID value of linear gauge
Default Value
- false
<div id="CoreLinearGauge">
$("#CoreLinearGauge").ejLinearGauge({ tooltip:{showLabelTooltip: true, templateID: true} });
value number
Specifies the value of the Gauge.
Default Value
- 0
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ size: 5.5});
width number
Specifies the width of Linear gauge.
Default Value
- 150
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ width: 360 });
destroy the linear gauge all events bound using this._on will be unbind automatically and bring the control to pre-init state.
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var linearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
exportImage(fileName, fileType)
To export Image
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getBarDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get Bar Distance From Scale in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getBarPointerValue(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get Bar Pointer Value in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getBarWidth(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get Bar Width in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
// get Bar Width in number
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getCustomLabelAngle(scaleIndex, customLabelIndex)
To get CustomLabel Angle in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | customLabelIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true,customLabels: [{ value:"MyLabel", position:{x:49,y:100}, color:"#fc0606", font: { size: "20px",fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }}]}]});
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getCustomLabelValue(scaleIndex, customLabelIndex)
To get CustomLabel Value in string
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | customLabelIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true,customLabels: [{ value:"MyLabel", position:{x:49,y:100}, color:"#fc0606", font: { size: "20px",fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }}]}]});
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getLabelAngle(scaleIndex, labelIndex)
To get Label Angle in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getLabelPlacement(scaleIndex, labelIndex)
To get LabelPlacement in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getLabelStyle(scaleIndex, labelIndex)
To get LabelStyle in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getLabelXDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, labelIndex)
To get Label XDistance From Scale in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getLabelYDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, labelIndex)
To get PointerValue in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
To get Major Interval Value in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getMarkerStyle(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get MarkerStyle in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
To get Maximum Value in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getMinimumValue(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get PointerValue in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
To get Minor Interval Value in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getPointerDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get Pointer Distance From Scale in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getPointerHeight(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get PointerHeight in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getPointerPlacement(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get Pointer Placement in String
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getPointerValue(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get PointerValue in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getPointerWidth(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get PointerWidth in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getRangeBorderWidth(scaleIndex, rangeIndex)
To get Range Border Width in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 20, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getRangeDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, rangeIndex)
To get Range Distance From Scale in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 20, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getRangeEndValue(scaleIndex, rangeIndex)
To get Range End Value in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 20, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getRangeEndWidth(scaleIndex, rangeIndex)
To get Range End Width in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 20, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getRangePosition(scaleIndex, rangeIndex)
To get Range Position in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 20, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getRangeStartValue(scaleIndex, rangeIndex)
To get Range Start Value in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 20, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getRangeStartWidth(scaleIndex, rangeIndex)
To get Range Start Width in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 20, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
To get ScaleBarLength in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getScaleBarSize(scaleIndex, pointerIndex)
To get Scale Bar Size in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
To get Scale Border Width in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
To get Scale Direction in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
To get Scale Location in object
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
To get Scale Style in string
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getTickAngle(scaleIndex, tickIndex)
To get Tick Angle in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getTickHeight(scaleIndex, tickIndex)
To get Tick Height in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getTickPlacement(scaleIndex, tickIndex)
To get getTickPlacement in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getTickStyle(scaleIndex, tickIndex)
To get Tick Style in string
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getTickWidth(scaleIndex, tickIndex)
To get Tick Width in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getTickXDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, tickIndex)
To get get Tick XDistance From Scale in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
getTickYDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, tickIndex)
To get Tick YDistance From Scale in number
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
Returns: any
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
Specifies the scales.
Default Value
- null
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{minimum:5}]});
setBarDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, value)
To set setBarDistanceFromScale
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex,value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
number | Bar DistanceFromScale value for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setBarPointerValue(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, value)
To set setBarPointerValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
number | Bar Pointer Value for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setBarWidth(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, value)
To set setBarWidth
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
number | Bar Width for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setCustomLabelAngle(scaleIndex, customLabelIndex, value)
To set setCustomLabelAngle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | customLabelIndex value for the Gauge |
number | Custom Label Angle for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true,customLabels: [{ value:"MyLabel", position:{x:49,y:100}, color:"#fc0606", font: { size: "20px",fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }}]}]});
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setCustomLabelValue(scaleIndex, customLabelIndex, value)
To set setCustomLabelValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | customLabelIndex value for the Gauge |
number | CustomLabel value for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales:[{showCustomLabels:true,customLabels: [{ value:"MyLabel", position:{x:49,y:100}, color:"#fc0606", font: { size: "20px",fontFamily: "Arial", fontStyle: "bold" }}]}]});
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setLabelAngle(scaleIndex, labelIndex, angle)
To set setLabelAngle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
number | Label Angle for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setLabelPlacement(scaleIndex, labelIndex, value)
To set setLabelPlacement
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
number | Label Placement for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setLabelStyle(scaleIndex, labelIndex, value)
To set setLabelStyle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
string | Label Style for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setLabelXDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, labelIndex, value)
To set setLabelXDistanceFromScale
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
number | Label XDistance From Scale for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setLabelYDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, labelIndex, value)
To set setLabelYDistanceFromScale
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
number | Label YDistance From Scale for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setMajorIntervalValue(scaleIndex, value)
To set setMajorIntervalValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | Major Interval Value for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setMarkerStyle(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, value)
To set setMarkerStyle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
string | marker Style for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setMaximumValue(scaleIndex, value)
To set setMaximumValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | MaximumValue for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setMinimumValue(scaleIndex, value)
To set setMinimumValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | MinimumValue for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setMinorIntervalValue(scaleIndex, value)
To set setMinorIntervalValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | Minor Interval Value for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setPointerDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, value)
To set setPointerDistanceFromScale
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
number | for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setPointerHeight(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, height)
To set PointerHeight
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
number | for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setPointerPlacement(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, value)
To set setPointerPlacement
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointer placement for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setPointerValue(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, value)
To set PointerValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
number | Pointer value for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setPointerWidth(scaleIndex, pointerIndex, width)
To set PointerWidth
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | pointerIndex value for the Gauge |
number | Pointer width for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setRangeBorderWidth(scaleIndex, rangeIndex, value)
To set setRangeBorderWidth
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
number | Range Border Width for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 20, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setRangeDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, rangeIndex, value)
To set setRangeDistanceFromScale
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
number | Range Distance FromScale for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 20, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setRangeEndValue(scaleIndex, rangeIndex, value)
To set setRangeEndValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
number | Range end value for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 20, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setRangeEndWidth(scaleIndex, rangeIndex, value)
To set setRangeEndWidth
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
number | Range End Width for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 20, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setRangePosition(scaleIndex, rangeIndex, value)
To set setRangePosition
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
number | Range Position for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 20, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setRangeStartValue(scaleIndex, rangeIndex, value)
To set setRangeStartValue
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
number | range start value for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 20, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setRangeStartWidth(scaleIndex, rangeIndex, value)
To set setRangeStartWidth
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | rangeIndex value for the Gauge |
number | Range Start Width for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
$("#LinearGauge1").ejLinearGauge({ scales: [{ showBarPointers: false, width: 3, length: 310, showRanges: true,ranges: [{ startWidth: 10, endWidth: 20, endValue: 60, startValue: 0, backgroundColor: "#E94649" }] }] });
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setScaleBarLength(scaleIndex, value)
To set setScaleBarLength
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | Scale Bar Length for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setScaleBarSize(scaleIndex, value)
To set setScaleBarSize
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | ScaleBarSize for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setScaleBorderWidth(scaleIndex, value)
To set setScaleBorderWidth
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | Scale Border Width for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setScaleDirection(scaleIndex, value)
To set setScaleDirection
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | Scale Direction for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setScaleLocation(scaleIndex, value)
To set setScaleLocation
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
object | Scale position for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setScaleStyle(scaleIndex, value)
To set setScaleStyle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setTickAngle(scaleIndex, tickIndex, angle)
To set setTickAngle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
number | Tick Angle for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setTickHeight(scaleIndex, tickIndex, value)
To set setTickHeight
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
number | Tick Height for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setTickPlacement(scaleIndex, tickIndex, value)
To set setTickPlacement
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
number | Tick Placement for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setTickStyle(scaleIndex, tickIndex, value)
To set setTickStyle
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
string | Tick Style for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setTickWidth(scaleIndex, tickIndex, value)
To set setTickWidth
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
number | Tick Width for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setTickXDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, tickIndex, value)
To set setTickXDistanceFromScale
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
number | Tick XDistance From Scale for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
setTickYDistanceFromScale(scaleIndex, tickIndex, value)
To set setTickYDistanceFromScale
Name | Type | Description |
number | scaleIndex value for the Gauge |
number | value for the Gauge |
number | Tick YDistance From Scale for Gauge |
Returns: void
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
var LinearGaugeObj = $("#LinearGauge1").data("ejLinearGauge");
Triggers while the bar pointer are being drawn on the gauge.
Name | Type | Description |
object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
object | returns the context element |
object | returns the startX and startY of the pointer |
object | returns the gauge model |
object | returns the options of the scale element. |
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the pointer belongs. |
string | returns the pointer style |
object | returns the current Bar pointer element. |
number | returns the index of the bar pointer. |
number | returns the value of the bar pointer. |
object | returns the name of the event |
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
drawBarPointers: function (args) {}
Triggers while the customLabel are being drawn on the gauge.
Name | Type | Description |
object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
object | returns the context element |
object | returns the startX and startY of the customLabel |
object | returns the gauge model |
object | returns the options of the scale element. |
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the pointer belongs. |
object | returns the customLabel style |
object | returns the current customLabel element. |
number | returns the index of the customLabel. |
object | returns the name of the event |
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
drawCustomLabel: function (args) {}
Triggers while the Indicator are being drawn on the gauge.
Name | Type | Description |
object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
object | returns the context element |
object | returns the startX and startY of the Indicator |
object | returns the gauge model |
object | returns the options of the scale element. |
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the pointer belongs. |
string | returns the Indicator style |
object | returns the current Indicator element. |
number | returns the index of the Indicator. |
object | returns the name of the event |
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
drawIndicators: function (args) {}
Triggers while the label are being drawn on the gauge.
Name | Type | Description |
object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
object | returns the context element |
object | returns the startX and startY of the label |
object | returns the gauge model |
object | returns the options of the scale element. |
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the label belongs. |
string | returns the label style |
object | returns the label style |
object | returns the name of the event |
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
drawLabels: function (args) {}
Triggers while the marker are being drawn on the gauge.
Name | Type | Description |
object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
object | returns the context element |
object | returns the startX and startY of the pointer |
object | returns the gauge model |
object | returns the options of the scale element. |
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the pointer belongs. |
string | returns the ticks style |
object | returns the current marker pointer element. |
number | returns the index of the marker pointer. |
number | returns the value of the marker pointer. |
number | returns the angle of the marker pointer. |
object | returns the name of the event |
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
drawMarkerPointers: function (args) {}
Triggers while the range are being drawn on the gauge.
Name | Type | Description |
object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
object | returns the context element |
object | returns the startX and startY of the range |
object | returns the gauge model |
object | returns the options of the scale element. |
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the pointer belongs. |
string | returns the range style |
object | returns the current range element. |
number | returns the index of the range. |
object | returns the name of the event |
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
drawRange: function (args) {}
Triggers while the ticks are being drawn on the gauge.
Name | Type | Description |
object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
object | returns the context element |
object | returns the startX and startY of the ticks |
object | returns the gauge model |
object | returns the options of the scale element. |
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the tick belongs. |
string | returns the ticks style |
object | returns the ticks style |
object | returns the name of the event |
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
drawTicks: function (args) {}
Triggers when the gauge is initialized.
Name | Type | Description |
object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
object | returns the gauge model |
object | returns the entire scale element. |
object | returns the context element |
string | returns the name of the event |
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
init: function (args) {}
Triggers while the gauge start to Load.
Name | Type | Description |
object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
object | returns the gauge model |
object | returns the entire scale element. |
object | returns the context element |
object | returns the name of the event |
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
load: function (args) {}
Triggers when the left mouse button is clicked.
Name | Type | Description |
object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
object | returns the gauge model |
object | returns the name of the event |
object | returns the scale element. |
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the pointer belongs. |
object | returns the context element* @param {Object} args.markerpointer returns the context element |
number | returns the pointer Index |
object | returns the pointer element. |
number | returns the value of the pointer. |
string | returns the pointer style |
object | returns the startX and startY of the pointer. |
<div id="LinearGauge1">
mouseClick: function (args) {}
Triggers when clicking and dragging the mouse pointer over the gauge pointer.
Name | Type | Description |
object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
object | returns the gauge model |
object | returns the name of the event |
object | returns the scale element. |
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the pointer belongs. |
object | returns the context element |
object | returns the context element |
string | returns the pointer style |
object | returns the startX and startY of the pointer. |
<div id="LinearGauge1">
mouseClickMove: function (args) {}
Triggers when the mouse click is released.
Name | Type | Description |
object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
object | returns the gauge model |
object | returns the name of the event |
object | returns the scale element. |
number | returns the scaleIndex to which the pointer belongs. |
object | returns the context element* @param {Object} args.markerPointer returns the context element |
number | returns the pointer Index |
object | returns the pointer element. |
number | returns the value of the pointer. |
string | returns the pointer style |
object | returns the startX and startY of the pointer. |
<div id="LinearGauge1">
mouseClickUp: function (args) {}
Triggers while the rendering of the gauge completed.
Name | Type | Description |
object | returns the object of the gauge. |
boolean | returns the cancel option value |
object | returns the gauge model |
object | returns the entire scale element. |
object | returns the context element |
object | returns the name of the event |
<div id="LinearGauge1"></div>
renderComplete: function (args) {}
Fires, on double clicking the gauge.
Name | Type | Description |
boolean | Set this option to true to cancel the event |
object | Instance of the gauge model object |
string | Name of the event |
Object |
//DoubleClick event for linear gauge.
doubleClick: function (args) {
//Do something
Fires, on right clicking the gauge.
Name | Type | Description |
boolean | Set this option to true to cancel the event |
object | Instance of the gauge model object |
string | Name of the event |
Object |
//RightClick event for linear gauge
rightClick: function (args) {
//Do something