User Interactions

8 Jun 201824 minutes to read


Enable Tooltip for Data Points

Tooltip for the data points can be enabled by using the “visible” option of the tooltip property under “commonSeriesOptions” of PivotChart.

  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-commonSeriesOptions="commonSeriesOptions"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.commonSeriesOptions = {
                    //Enabling tooltip for data points
                        visible: true

    Tooltip Template

    HTML elements can be displayed inside the tooltip by using the template option. The template option takes the value of the “id” attribute from the HTML element. You can use the #point.x# and #point.y# as place holders in the HTML element to display the X and Y values of the corresponding data points.

  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-commonSeriesOptions="commonSeriesOptions"/>
            <div id="Tooltip" style="display: none;">
            <label id="cc1">In </label>
            <label id="fyvalue">&nbsp;#point.x# </label>
            <label id="cc2">, customer count is</label>
            <label id="ccvalue">&nbsp;#point.y# </label>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.commonSeriesOptions = {
                    //Enabling tooltip for data points
                        visible: true,
                        template: 'Tooltip'

    Tooltip Customization

    By using fill and border properties of tooltip, you can customize its background color, border color and border width.

  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-commonSeriesOptions="commonSeriesOptions"/>
            <div id="Tooltip" style="display: none;">
            <label id="cc1">In </label>
            <label id="fyvalue">&nbsp;#point.x# </label>
            <label id="cc2">, customer count is</label>
            <label id="ccvalue">&nbsp;#point.y# </label>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.commonSeriesOptions = {
                    //Enabling tooltip for data points
                        visible: true,
                        //Customize tooltip background color and border
                        fill: '#FF9933',
                            width: 1,
                            color: "#993300"

    Tooltip with Rounded Corners

    The tooltip properties, rx and ry are used to customize its corner radius.

  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-commonSeriesOptions="commonSeriesOptions"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.commonSeriesOptions = {
                    //Enabling tooltip for data points
                        visible: true,
                        //Customize the corner radius of the tooltip rectangle
                        rx: "20",
                        ry: "20"

    Zooming and Panning

    Enable Zooming

    There are two ways to zoom the Chart:

    • When zooming.enable option is set to true, you can zoom the Chart by using rubber band selection.
    • When zooming.enableMouseWheel option is set to true, you can zoom the Chart on mouse wheel scrolling.
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-zooming="zooming"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.zooming = {
                    //Enable zooming in Chart
                        enable: true

    After zooming the Chart, a zooming toolbar will appear with options to zoom, pan and reset. Selecting the “Pan” option will allow to view the Chart and selecting the “Reset” option will reset the zoomed Chart.

    Types of Zooming

    You can zoom the particular axis like horizontal axis or vertical axis or both axis using type option in zooming.


    By default, the value for the type option in zooming is “x,y” (indicating both axis) in PivotChart.

  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-zooming="zooming"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.zooming = {
                    //Enable zooming in Chart
                        enable: true,
                        //Enable horizontal zooming
                        type: 'x'

    Enable Scrollbar

    • When zooming.enableScrollbar option is set to true, the PivotChart is rendered along with the scroll bars for precise view of data. The data can be viewed by using scroll bar or by using mouse wheel scrolling.
  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-zooming="zooming"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.zooming = {
                    //Enable zooming in Chart
                        enableScrollbar: true

    Marker and Crosshair

    Marker Shape Customization

    In PivotChart, you can customize the marker shape with the following symbols.

    • Rectangle
    • Circle
    • Cross
    • Diamond
    • Pentagon
    • Hexagon
    • Star
    • Ellipse
    • Triangle etc.
  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-commonSeriesOptions="commonSeriesOptions" e-seriesRendering="seriesRendering"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.commonSeriesOptions = {
                    type: ej.PivotChart.ChartTypes.Line
                $scope.seriesRendering = function(args){
                    for (var seriescount = 0; seriescount < this.model.series.length; seriescount++) 
                    this.model.series[seriescount].marker.shape = "Triangle";

    Enable Crosshair and Crosshair Label

    Crosshair helps you to view the value at mouse position or touch contact point. Crosshair can be enabled by using the visible option in e-crosshair property. Crosshair label can be enabled by using the “visible” option in crosshairLabel property within its corresponding axis.

  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-crosshair="crosshair" e-primaryXAxis="primaryXAxis" e-primaryYAxis="primaryYAxis"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                //Initializing Crosshair
                $scope.crosshair = {
                    visible: true
                $scope.primaryXAxis = {
                    //Enable Crosshair Label in X-Axis
                        visible: true
                $scope.primaryYAxis = {
                    //Enable Crosshair Label to Y-Axis 
                        visible: true

    Crosshair Line and Label Customization

    By using line property of crosshair, you can customize its line color and width. Also by using fill and border properties of crosshairLabel in its corresponding axis , you can customize its background color, border color and border width.

  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-crosshair="crosshair" e-primaryXAxis="primaryXAxis" e-primaryYAxis="primaryYAxis"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                //Initializing Crosshair
                $scope.crosshair = {
                    visible: true,
                    //Customizing the crosshair line
                        color: 'gray',
                        width: 2
                $scope.primaryXAxis = {
                    //Enable Crosshair Label in X-Axis 
                        visible: true,
                        //Customizing the crosshair label background color and border
                        fill: "red",
                            color: "green",
                            width: 2
                $scope.primaryYAxis = {
                    //Enable Crosshair Label in Y-Axis
                        visible: true


    Enable trackball

    Trackball can be enabled by setting both - ‘visible’ option of the crosshair to true and type option of the crosshair to “trackball”. The default value of type is “crosshair”.

  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-crosshair="crosshair"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                //Initializing Crosshair
                $scope.crosshair = {
                    visible: true,
                    //Change crosshair type to trackball
                    type: 'trackball'

    Trackball Marker and Line Customization

    Shape and size of the trackball marker can be customized using the shape and size options of the crosshair marker. Color and width of the trackball line can be customized using the “line” option in the crosshair.

  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-crosshair="crosshair"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                //Initializing Crosshair
                $scope.crosshair = {
                    visible: true,
                    //Change crosshair type to trackball
                    type: 'trackball',
                    //Customize the trackball line color and width
                        color: '#800000',
                        width: 2
                    //Customize the trackball marker shape, size and visibility
                        shape: 'pentagon',
                            height: 9,
                            width: 9
                        visible: true


    PivotChart provides highlighting support for the series and data points on mouse hover. To enable highlighting, set the “enable” property to true in the highlightsettings option of the series.

  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-commonSeriesOptions="commonSeriesOptions" e-seriesRendering="seriesRendering"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.commonSeriesOptions = {
                    type: ej.PivotChart.ChartTypes.Column
                $scope.seriesRendering = function(args){
                    for (var seriescount = 0; seriescount < this.model.series.length; seriescount++) 
                    this.model.series[seriescount].highlightSettings.enable = true

    Highlight Mode

    You can set three different modes for highlighting data points and series by using the mode property of the highlightsettings.

    • series
    • points
    • cluster
  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-commonSeriesOptions="commonSeriesOptions" e-seriesRendering="seriesRendering"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.commonSeriesOptions = {
                    type: ej.PivotChart.ChartTypes.Column
                $scope.seriesRendering = function(args){
                    for (var seriescount = 0; seriescount < this.model.series.length; seriescount++)
                        this.model.series[seriescount].highlightSettings.enable = true;
                        this.model.series[seriescount].highlightSettings.mode = "series";

    Customize the Highlight Styles

    To customize the highlighted series, use border.color, border.width and opacity
    options in the highlightSettings property.

  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-commonSeriesOptions="commonSeriesOptions" e-seriesRendering="seriesRendering"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.commonSeriesOptions = {
                    type: ej.PivotChart.ChartTypes.Column
                $scope.seriesRendering = function(args){
                    for (var seriescount = 0; seriescount < this.model.series.length; seriescount++)
                        this.model.series[seriescount].highlightSettings.enable = true;
                        this.model.series[seriescount].highlightSettings.opacity = "0.5";
                        this.model.series[seriescount].highlightSettings.border.width = "1.5";
                        this.model.series[seriescount].highlightSettings.border.color = "red";

    Patterns to Highlight

    PivotChart provides pattern support for highlighting the data by setting an appropriate value to the pattern property of the highlightSettings. The different types of highlight patterns are as follows.

    • chessboard
    • crosshatch
    • dots
    • packman
    • grid
    • turquoise
    • star
    • triangle
    • circle
    • tile
    • horizontalDash
    • verticalDash
    • rectangle
    • box
    • verticalStripe
    • horizontalStripe
    • bubble
    • diagonalBackward
    • diagonalForward
  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-commonSeriesOptions="commonSeriesOptions" e-seriesRendering="seriesRendering"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.commonSeriesOptions = {
                    type: ej.PivotChart.ChartTypes.Column
                $scope.seriesRendering = function(args){
                    for (var seriescount = 0; seriescount < this.model.series.length; seriescount++)
                        this.model.series[seriescount].highlightSettings.enable = true;
                        this.model.series[seriescount].highlightSettings.pattern = "chessboard";


    PivotChart provides selection support for the series and data points on mouse click. To enable selection, set the “enable” property to true in the selectionSettings option of the series.

  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-commonSeriesOptions="commonSeriesOptions" e-seriesRendering="seriesRendering"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.commonSeriesOptions = {
                    type: ej.PivotChart.ChartTypes.Column
                $scope.seriesRendering = function(args){
                    for (var seriescount = 0; seriescount < this.model.series.length; seriescount++)
                        this.model.series[seriescount].selectionSettings.enable = true;

    Selection Mode

    You can set three different selection mode for highlighting the data points and series by using the mode property of the selectionSettings.

    • series
    • points
    • cluster
  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-commonSeriesOptions="commonSeriesOptions" e-seriesRendering="seriesRendering"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.commonSeriesOptions = {
                    type: ej.PivotChart.ChartTypes.Column
                $scope.seriesRendering = function(args){
                    for (var seriescount = 0; seriescount < this.model.series.length; seriescount++)
                        this.model.series[seriescount].selectionSettings.enable = true;
                        this.model.series[seriescount].selectionSettings.mode = "series";

    Customize the Selection Styles

    To customize the selection styles, use the border.color, border.width and opacity options in the selectionSettings.

  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-commonSeriesOptions="commonSeriesOptions" e-seriesRendering="seriesRendering"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.commonSeriesOptions = {
                    type: ej.PivotChart.ChartTypes.Column
                $scope.seriesRendering = function(args){
                    for (var seriescount = 0; seriescount < this.model.series.length; seriescount++)
                        this.model.series[seriescount].selectionSettings.enable = true;
                        this.model.series[seriescount].selectionSettings.border.width = "1.5";
                        this.model.series[seriescount].selectionSettings.border.color = "red";

    Patterns for Selection

    PivotChart provides pattern support for the selecting the data by setting an appropriate value to the pattern property of the selectionSettings option. The different types of selection patterns are as follows.

    • chessboard
    • crosshatch
    • dots
    • packman
    • grid
    • turquoise
    • star
    • triangle
    • circle
    • tile
    • horizontalDash
    • verticalDash
    • rectangle
    • box
    • verticalStripe
    • horizontalStripe
    • bubble
    • diagonalBackward
    • diagonalForward
  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotChartCtrl">
            <div id="PivotChart1" ej-pivotchart e-commonSeriesOptions="commonSeriesOptions" e-seriesRendering="seriesRendering"/>
            angular.module('PivotChartApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.commonSeriesOptions = {
                    type: ej.PivotChart.ChartTypes.Column
                $scope.seriesRendering = function(args){
                    for (var seriescount = 0; seriescount < this.model.series.length; seriescount++)
                        this.model.series[seriescount].selectionSettings.enable = true;
                        this.model.series[seriescount].selectionSettings.pattern = "chessboard";