How to create Rotator control in .axml Layout file.?

5 Sep 20172 minutes to read

We can create a rotator control in .axml file and accessing its property in .cs file.

Create a control in .axml file

Reference the Rotator control view using the fully qualified name like com.syncfusion.rotator.SfRotator.

  • XAML
  • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

    In MainActivity.cs file

  • C#
  • public class MainActivity : Activity
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            Context context = this;
            SfRotator rotator = (SfRotator)FindViewById(Resource.Id.rotator);
            rotator.SelectedIndex = 2;
            List<SfRotatorItem> collection = new List<SfRotatorItem>();
            for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                collection.Add(new SfRotatorItem(context) { ImageContent = "movie" + i.ToString() });
            rotator.DataSource = collection;

    How to perform the operation while changing the Rotator’s Item.?

    5 Sep 20172 minutes to read

    We can perform operation while the changing the Rotator’s item using SelectionChanged event. SelectionChanged event returns changed Rotator control’s Item.

    Members Description
    e.P0 Displays the changed Rotator's Item
  • C#
  • rotator.SelectionChanged += (object sender, SfRotator.SelectionChangedEventArgs e) =>
        // Perform the operation when Rotator's Item changed.

    How to dynamically change the Rotator’s Item.?

    5 Sep 20172 minutes to read

    SelectedIndex property is used dynamically change the selected items in Rotator control.


    Default value of SelectedIndex property is 0.

  • C#
  • SfRotator rotator = new SfRotator(this);
    rotator.SelectedIndex = 2;