Number formatting and group separator

13 Oct 20223 minutes to read

The Values of the SfNumericTextBox can be configured to display different formats like currency format, percent format etc.

Format String

The FormatString property determines the format specifier by which the display text has to be formatted.


The control displays the formatted text on lost focus. Default Value of FormatString is ā€œnā€.

Display Currency Notation

c - Displays the value with currency notation.


Display Number Notation

n ā€“ Displays the value in number format.


Display Percentage Notation

p ā€“ Displays the value in percentage.



Instead of using above FormatString types, we can provide any symbol or value as string in FormatString property which will be appended with the value in SfNumericTextBox.

Format string

Parser Input Value

The value of the SfNumericTextBox can be parsed based on the ParsingMode property.


The ParsingMode is of type Parsers containing enum values of Double and Decimal. The default Value for ParsingMode is Double.


Parser mode

Compute to Percentage

The PercentDisplayMode property can be used to display numeric data in Percent mode.


The control displays the percent value on lost focus.

  • Value: Displays the value with percentage symbol.

  • Compute: Displays the computed value with percentage symbol.


Percent display mode

Group separator modes

GroupSeparatorMode provides 2 states to display the group separator.
When the mode is set as Always, it will display separator while typing itself on the other hand when the mode is set as LostFocus it will enable the separator when the control lost its focus.


EnableGroupSeparator property must be enabled to use the GroupSeparatorMode.

SfNumericTextBox numericTextBox = new SfNumericTextBox(this);
            numericTextBox.Value = 12345;
            numericTextBox.FormatString = "n";
            numericTextBox.GroupSeparatorMode = GroupSeparatorMode.Always;
            numericTextBox.EnableGroupSeparator = true;

Display the value with enable group separator