Validation in Xamarin.Android SfMaskedEdit

22 Jun 20222 minutes to read

Validation Mode

Input validation happens based on the value of the ValidationMode property. The enum values of this property are:

  • KeyPress
  • LostFocus

The default value for validation mode is LostFocus.

SfMaskedEdit maskedEdit = new SfMaskedEdit(this);
maskedEdit.MaskType = MaskType.Text;
maskedEdit.Mask = "00/00/0000";
maskedEdit.ValidationMode = InputValidationMode.KeyPress;

When the ValidationMode is LostFocus, the validation takes place when the control lost its focus. For KeyPress, the validation triggers for each key press.


This read only property is used to check whether the validation succeeds or not. It returns true once validation succeeds or else returns false. The following code example shows the usage of HasError property.

AlertDialog.Builder dialog;

dialog= new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
SfMaskedEdit maskedEdit = new SfMaskedEdit(this);
maskedEdit.MaskType = MaskType.Text;
maskedEdit.Mask = "00/00/0000";
maskedEdit.ValidationMode = InputValidationMode.LostFocus;
maskedEdit.ValueChanged += MaskedEdit_ValueChanged;

private void MaskedEdit_ValueChanged(object sender, ValueChangedEventArgs e)
    SfMaskedEdit maskedEdit = sender as SfMaskedEdit;
        dialog.SetMessage("Please enter valid details");             
        dialog.SetPositiveButton("OK", (object sender1, DialogClickEventArgs e1)=>{});

Refer this link to know more about the ValueChanged event of SfMaskedEdit control.

Xamarin.Android SfMaskedEdit validation

This demo can be downloaded from this link.