Customization of Calendar control

3 Sep 20205 minutes to read

How to Perform an Operation while a Calendar Cell is Tapped?

We can perform operation while the Calendar cell is Tapped using CalendarTapped event. CalendarTapped event returns the date selected and the Appointments that are associated with the date selected.

  • C#
  • sfCalendar.CalendarTapped += (object sender, CalendarTappedChangedEventArgs e) => 
         // do the operation while tapping the date cell.

    How to Perform an Operation while Dealing with Appointments?

    InlineEventToggled event returns the selected date along with the appointments it carries. Using this event user can perform operation while dealing with appointments.

  • C#
  • sfCalendar.InlineEventToggled += (object sender, InlineEventToggledEventArgs e) =>
        // do the operation while Dealing with Appointments

    How to Perform an Operation when Navigate to Next Month?

    User defined operation can be performed using MonthChanged event when navigating to next month. This event returns the details about current value and previous value of month.

  • C#
  • sfCalendar.MonthChanged += (object sender, MonthChangedEventArgs e) =>
        // do the operation while month has been changed.

    How to Customize Cell or Month View?

    DrawMonthCell event allows us to customize the month view in SfCalendar control. It returns MonthCell args

  • C#
  • sfCalendar.DrawMonthCell += (object sender, DrawMonthCellEventArgs e) =>
        //Customize Cell or Month View

    How to Customize Year View?

    DrawYearCell event allows us to customize the year view in SfCalendar control. It returns YearCell args

  • C#
  • sfCalendar.DrawYearCell += (object sender, DrawYearCellEventArgs e) =>
        //customize the Year View

    How to Perform an Operation when the Selected Date Get Changed?

    We can perform an operation when the selected date get changed using SelectionChanged event which returns the dates selected and dates deselected from the SfCalendar.

  • C#
  • sfCalendar.SelectionChanged += (object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) =>
        //perform an Operation when the Selected Date Get Changed

    How to create Calendar control in .axml Layout file.?

    We can create a SfCalendar control in .axml file and accessing its property in .cs file.

    Create a control in .axml file

    Reference the SfCalendar control view using the fully qualified name like com.syncfusion.calendar.SfCalendar.

  • XAML
  • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
                android:layout_height="match_parent" />

    In MainActivity.cs file

  • C#
  • public class MainActivity : Activity
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            SfCalendar calendar = (SfCalendar)FindViewById(Resource.Id.sfCalendar);
            calendar.ShowEventsInline = true;
            CalendarEventCollection eventsCollection = new CalendarEventCollection();
            CalendarInlineEvent events = new CalendarInlineEvent();
            Calendar currentDate = Calendar.Instance;
            Calendar startTime = (Calendar)currentDate.Clone();
            //setting start time for the event
                                    10, 0, 0);
            Calendar endTime = (Calendar)currentDate.Clone();
            //setting end time for the event
                                    12, 0, 0);
            events.StartTime = startTime;
            events.EndTime = endTime;
            events.Subject = "Business Meeting";
            events.Color = Color.Red;
            //Adding Schedule appointment in schedule appointment collection
            //Add collection of events as source of SfCalendar
            sfCalendar.DataSource = eventsCollection;