Essential Studio for Xamarin.Android Release Notes

June 19, 2018
Starting with version 16.2 (2018 Vol 2), you need to include a valid license key (either paid or trial key) within your applications. Please refer to this help topic for more information


Breaking Changes

  • DefaultInvariant field of Comparerclass is changed into property.
  • Default field of Comparerclass is changed into property.



  • #197650, #198520, #201686 - Added support to preserve fonts embedded in Word document during DOCX to PDF conversion.
  • #F131792, #F132491 - Added support to preserve editable form fields during Word to PDF conversion.
  • #195530, #203634, #201967 - Added support to open and save Strict Open XML Document (*.docx) format.
  • #102574, #98747, #200288 - Added support for exporting Word Headings to PDF Bookmarks during Word to PDF conversion.
  • #200288 - Added support for generating 508 compliant PDF documents during Word to PDF conversion.
  • #131425, #135001, #135243, #144388, #F135901 - Added support for importing a HTML file.
  • #F137353 - Added CharacterFormat property in WPicture class.
  • #204615, #204634, #205098, #F137327 - Added Font stream property in SubstituteFontEventHandler to set alternate font stream for missing fonts in device during Word to PDF/Image conversion.

Breaking Changes

  • #F137353 - The property CharacterFormat was added to the IWPicture interface.
  • The method AppendHTML was added to the IWParagraph interface.
  • The method InsertXHTML was added to the ITextBody interface.

Bug Fixes

  • #197282 - ArgumentException will be no longer thrown while parsing a particular RTF document.
  • #199294 - The character and paragraph properties inherited from source document default formats are now properly imported to destination document.
  • #197763 - Picture effects are now preserved properly while merging a cloned Word document for multiple times.
  • #196839 - Paragraph with “None” list style type is now preserved properly while parsing a HTML format document.
  • #201256, #201364 - Field code is now serialized properly within “instrText” element while opening and saving DOCX format document.
  • #198450, #198489 - FormatException will be no longer thrown while opening and saving a particular DOCX format document.
  • #198653 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will be no longer thrown while updating fields in a particular Word document.
  • #200254 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will be no longer thrown while parsing a particular DOCX format document.
  • #198360 - IndexOutOfRangeException will be no longer thrown while opening and saving a particular Word document.
  • #200327 - Formatting of contents within textbox is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as HTML.
  • #199782 - Font preservation issue has been resolved while converting a particular RTF document to Word document.
  • #199747 - No extra characters will be preserved while converting a Word document as RTF.
  • #198068 - Nested body contents are now preserved properly while parsing a particular Word document.
  • #195214 - Paragraph within nested table is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #195214 - Vertically merged cells are now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #196520 - Fields with unknown type are now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #196520, #200771 - List numbering preservation issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #195214 - Table styles are now applied properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #199166, #202106 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will be no longer thrown while updating content control text for Word to PDF conversion.
  • #189615 - Shape flip style is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #198450 - Frames are now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #189881 - Text alignment is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #198842 - Footnote preservation issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #197456 - OutOfMemoryException will be no longer thrown while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #198675 - NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #197524, #202787 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #200936 - Oval shape preservation issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #198662 - Image is now preserved properly while merging DOC format documents and saving as DOCX format document.
  • #198007, #195050 - The content control text is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #198007, #195050 - Line break is now preserved properly while binding content control text for Word to PDF conversion.
  • #200715 - Ampersand symbol is now imported properly from a particular HTML file.
  • #200861 - The content control text is now preserved properly while converting a particular DOCX format document as RTF.
  • #201472 - File path is now shown properly in hyperlink which is created by using AppendHyperlink method.
  • #201937, #202761 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will be no longer thrown while performing Mail merge in a particular Word document.
  • #200399 - The image position with multiple column issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #202261 - The gray scale image recoloring is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #201685 - The horizontal shape position issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #200702 - Alternative text for OLE Picture is now preserved properly while saving a particular DOCX format document.
  • #200882 - Decimal separator is now preserved properly while exporting a particular HTML file in machines with German culture.
  • #202007 - No longer hangs while performing Word to PDF conversion for a particular Word document in 64-bit environment.
  • #202883 - Tab position issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #201467 - Table missing issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #204072 - Bidirectional text is now preserved properly while converting a particular RTF document to Word document and vice versa.
  • #201718 - Shape position and size preservation issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #202700 - No longer hangs while performing Word to PDF conversion for a particular Word document.
  • #201967 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will be no longer thrown while opening and saving a particular Word DOCX document containing web video element.
  • #201718 - SmileyFace shape preservation issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #199931 - Macro project signature is now preserved properly in customUI.xml (Ribbon QAT options) for a particular document during DOTM to DOCM conversion.
  • #203526 - NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while updating document fields in a particular Word document.
  • #204279 - List number is preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #199166, #200861, #202966 - Font size is now preserved properly while converting Word document with compatibility option overrideTableStyleFontSizeAndJustification as PDF.
  • #198520 - Text content from the embedded fonts preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #199221 - Table position issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #197686 - IndexOutOfRangeException will be no longer thrown while parsing a particular RTF Word document.
  • #F135803 - Date field with static field code text is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #205098 - Performance has been improved now while converting a Word document to PDF in a Linux docker container.



  • #199403,197452 - Support for adding annotation to the PDF Layers is added.
  • #188500,197742 - Support for flattening the existing signature field.
  • #134972 – Support for adding document timestamp to the PDF document.
  • #153585,164455,154694,135418,135619,135602,F135954,200150 – Support for drawing RTL text to the PDF document.

Bug Fixes

  • #200302 - Improved the performance when importing the pages from the existing PDF document.
  • #200680 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when altering the page label of existing PDF document.
  • #200527 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when loading a PDF document with open and repair.
  • #200438 - Same key has already been added exception no longer occurs when loading particular PDF document.
  • #199711 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when importing named destinations from the PDF document.
  • #198565 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when merging the particular PDF documents.
  • #197635 - An error was encountered while retrieving page content exception no longer occurs when adding watermark to the existing PDF document in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.
  • #199398 - URI value from PdfLoadedUriAnnotation is now preserving properly when retrieving the PDF document.
  • #199159 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when importing the pages from the particular PDF document.
  • #198936,198057 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when merging the particular PDF documents.
  • #198683 - Performance has been increased when loading particular PDF document.
  • #198498 - Opacity is now properly applying to the flattened annotation.
  • #198487 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when loading the particular PDF document.
  • #198281,198759 - Signature is now valid while adding digital signature to the PDF document in different time zones.
  • #194851 - Improved the performance while closing the PDF document.
  • #196766,198057,196766 - The document size is optimized when importing the page from the particular document.
  • #197077,198678 - Cannot find the PDF catalog information exception no longer occurs when loading the particular PDF document.
  • #197123 - PDF form fields are now preserving properly when merging the PDF documents.
  • #196643 - Improved the performance when loading the corrupted PDF documents.
  • #196621 - Improved the performance when splitting a large PDF document.
  • #194018 - ArgumentException is no longer occurs when flattening a PDF document.
  • #199907 - The PdfLoadedSignatureField is now loading from the existing PDF document.
  • #201292 - Cannot use the specified stream exception is no longer thrown, while loading the particular PDF document.
  • #196882 - Borders of PdfLoadedTextBoxField are now preserved properly while flattening form fields.
  • #200987 - PDF will no longer be corrupted, when adding the security to the protected document.
  • #201693 - Null reference exception will not occurs while merging particular PDF documents.
  • #194851 - Improved performance for saving large PDF document.
  • #201871 - Preflight error will not occur for the flattened PDF document.
  • #199545 - Border color and font is now retrieving properly from PdfLoadedFreeTextAnnotation.
  • #203312 - Text is now preserving properly when appending to the particular PDF document.
  • #201303 - PDF layer is now removing properly from the page.
  • Child PdfGrid borders are now preserved properly.
  • Cell padding is now applied properly to the background image of PdfGridCell.



  • #188453 , #195951, #120538, #150198, #154578, #162596, #165263, #175560, #179509, #190137 - Added support for creating and editing animations in PowerPoint presentation.

Breaking Changes

  • The property Timeline was added to the IBaseSlide interface.

Bug Fixes

  • #201506 - Used memory is now disposed properly after resaving the PowerPoint presentation with charts.
  • #198361 - Images are now preserved properly while performing clone and merge in PowerPoint presentation.
  • #199566 - The URL associated with a hyperlink is now preserved properly while re-saving the PowerPoint presentation.
  • #199259 - Application will no longer hang while re-saving the PowerPoint presentation with SmartArt diagrams.
  • #196810 - PowerPoint presentation is no more corrupted while applying slide formatting options.



  • #197877: The SelectionChanging event support has been provided for AutoComplete.
  • Now, you can indicate the SelectedItem in MultiSelection.



  • Now, the carousel supports to load minimal items when loading at initial. It can be done using the LoadMoreItemsCount and AllowLoadMore properties.
  • Now, the carousel supports UI virtualization (view port items are only rendered, and other items are not rendered). It can be done by setting the EnableVirtualization property.


Bug Fixes

  • #137499 – The ObjectDisposedException will no longer occur if the chart is added into fragment and configured the gradient colors.

SfCheckBox Preview

The check box is a selection control that allows users to select one or more options from a set. It has three states: checked, unchecked, and indeterminate.

Key Features

  • Supports three states.
  • Allow users to select and clear the control by tapping.
  • Supports check box color, shape and label text customization.

SfComboBox Preview

The Combo Box is a textbox component that allows the user to type a value or choose an option from the list of predefined options. This has several out of box features such as data binding, filtering, UI customization, and more.

Key Features

  • Editable and Non Editable mode

  • Suggestion modes

  • Watermark

  • Customization support

  • Multiple Selection

  • Header and Footer

  • Highlighting Text

  • Custom filter



  • #199917: Support for password editor.


Bug fixes

  • #203621: The header cell alignment will not justify after resizing, when the header text alignment is customized to left or right. This issue has been fixed.
  • #204423: CPU will exhaust when using the custom cell and setting the values for views loaded in it in the draw method, since it triggers repeated invalidation. This issue has been fixed.
  • #202899: Vertical scrolling was not working properly in the TC8000 device. This issue has been fixed.


  • #197240: Provided support for grouping multiple columns programmatically.
  • #175980, F129931, 182593: Provided support for displaying summaries for groups.


  • #I196219: Provided support to auto generate the numeric column, picker column, and date time column. The property type for the generated column is passed as an argument in the SfDataGrid.AutoGeneratingColumn event.


Bug Fixes

  • #200075 - Layout overlapping issue has been resolved for the nodes with different size.
  • #205645 - Now, a stream can be passed to ‘SaveAsImage(Stream stream)’ method.
  • #205714 - Stencil header can be shown or hidden.

Key Features

  • Bezier curve can be modified using the two control points provided on the connectors’ selector.

  • Orthogonal line segments can be modified by the handler provided on the connector’s selector.

  • Nodes can be aligned easily with grid lines and snap to grid support.

  • Provided support to draw the text node and connector on diagram area dynamically.

  • Now, it is easy to apply styles and modify the shapes and connectors branch wise or level wise in the mind map.


Bug fixes


Bug Fixes

  • #199998 - Now, Value property is updated properly.


  • #200958 - Added support to display password character in substitution of user input.
  • #199998 - Improved regex support feature with optional, grouping and alternations.



  • #162380,173771,129100,176697,176689,135565: Now, support has been provided to implement the secondary drawer.



  • #201014: Now, support has been provided to customize the FontFamily.
  • #204102: In Xamarin.Android, the NumericTextBox is working fine when editing.



  • #201957: Now, support has been provided to customize the FontFamily.
  • #201014: Now, support has been provided to select the text when focused.


Bug Fixes

  • #200154, #200611, #200883, #200684, #200755, #200925, #200911, #201006, #201429, #201765, #201678, #200835, #201316, #F136107 - Application will no longer crash while loading a single page PDF document in SfPdfViewer Xamarin.Android.
  • #F136242 - NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while loading the particular PDF document in SfPdfViewer.


  • #169872, #176128, #192346 - Added support for Shape Annotation.
  • #169872 - Added support for Edit Text Annotation.



  • #203828 - The DisplayMemberPath support for SfPicker has been implemented.
  • Now, the picker supports auto reverse (items will be navigated to first item after reached the last item and vice-versa) functionality. It can be done by enabling the EnableLooping property.
  • Selection border indication has been implemented as iOS. It can be done by setting the SelectionBorderColor.



  • #204789: Provided support for slide on right and slide on bottom animations when opening or closing the pop-up.
  • #200862, 204363: Provided support to display the pop-up without parent on any existing application.
  • Provided support to display the pop-up at an absolute position when showing by using the SfPopupLayout.ShowRelativeToView method.


  • No need to pass the root view in show methods of the SfPopupLayout control from this version. Old methods that require root view parameter are deprecated and alternate methods are provided.
  • The SfPopupLayout.ShowRelativeToView method passes two additional optional parameters for absolutely positioning the pop-up in the view where it is relatively placed.



  • #197350: Now, support has been provided to customize value label using string format.



  • Support to reschedule the appointments using drag and drop operations.
  • Support to display appointments created in various time zones in the provided zone.
  • Support to display the selected date appointments below the month view in an agenda view.
  • Support to bind a business object to an appointment by mapping its field, such as start time, end time, subject, notes, and recurrence.
  • Support to set partial working hours, a start hour, and an end hour according to the requirements.
  • Support to arrange appointments which has different start and end date and duration lesser than 24 hours in time slots instead of all day panel.

Breaking Changes

  • In DayViewSettings, WeekViewSettingsand WorkWeekViewSettings class, StartHour, EndHour, WorkStartHour and WorkEndHour properties data type changed from “int” to “double”.
  • Spanned appointments have different start and end time and duration lesser than 24 hours will be displayed in time slot cell. Previously, it was displayed in all day panel.
  • The IsRecursive property of ScheduleAppointment class is marked as obsolete. If the RecurrenceRule property is specified, the recurring appointments will be created without considering the IsRecursive property.
  • Date navigation is improved while switching between schedule views. Previously, it had different behaviors. Current behavior while switching between views are as follows:
Scenario Current view Behavior while changing the view
Month Week Workweek Day
With selection Any Moved to the selected date. Moved to the selected date. Moved to the selected date. Moved to the selected date.
Without selection and the view has current date Any Moved to the current date. Moved to the current date. Moved to the current date. Moved to the current date.
Without selection and current date is not in view Month view NA Moved to the first week of the month view. Moved to the first work week of the month view. Moved to the first day of the month view.
Week view Moved to the month of the first visible date. NA Moved to the work week of the first visible date. Moved to the first visible date.
Workweek view Moved to the month of the first visible date. Moved to the week of the first visible date. NA Moved to the first visible date.
Day view Moved to the month of the day. Moved to the week of the day. Moved to the work week of the day. NA
  • IsSpecific property in RecurrenceProperties is marked as obsolete.
  • The below APIs are marked as obsolete and alternate APIs has been provided. Refer the below table for the obsolete APIs and new APIs.
APIs marked as Obsolete New APIs
RecurrenceProperties.RangeStartDate RecurrenceProperties.StartDate
RecurrenceProperties.RangeEndDate RecurrenceProperties.EndDate
RecurrenceProperties.DailyNDays RecurrenceProperties.Interval
RecurrenceProperties.GenericMonth RecurrenceProperties.Month
RecurrenceProperties.NthWeek RecurrenceProperties.Week
RecurrenceProperties.SpecificMonth RecurrenceProperties.Month
RecurrenceProperties.SpecificMonthDay RecurrenceProperties.DayOfMonth
RecurrenceProperties.WeekDay RecurrenceProperties.DayOfWeek
RecurrenceProperties.WeeklyEveryNWeeks RecurrenceProperties.Interval
RecurrenceProperties.MonthlyEveryNMonths RecurrenceProperties.Interval
RecurrenceProperties.MonthlyNthWeek RecurrenceProperties.Week
RecurrenceProperties.MonthlySpecificMonthDay RecurrenceProperties.DayOfMonth
RecurrenceProperties.MonthlyWeekDay RecurrenceProperties.DayOfWeek
RecurrenceProperties.EveryNYears RecurrenceProperties.Interval
RecurrenceProperties.YearlyEveryNYears RecurrenceProperties.Interval
RecurrenceProperties.YearlyGenericMonth RecurrenceProperties.Month
RecurrenceProperties.YearlyNthWeek RecurrenceProperties.Week
RecurrenceProperties.YearlySpecificMonth RecurrenceProperties.Month
RecurrenceProperties.YearlySpecificMonthDay RecurrenceProperties.DayOfMonth
RecurrenceProperties.YearlyWeekDay RecurrenceProperties.DayOfWeek
RecurrenceProperties.IsRangeEndDate RecurrenceProperties.RecurrenceRange.EndDate (RecurrenceRange is Enum)
RecurrenceProperties.IsRangeNoEndDate RecurrenceProperties.RecurrenceRange.NoEndDate (RecurrenceRange is Enum)
RecurrenceProperties.RangeRecurrenceCount RecurrenceProperties.RecurrenceCount
RecurrenceProperties.IsRangeRecurrenceCount RecurrenceProperties.RecurrenceRange.Count (RecurrenceRange is Enum)
RecurrenceProperties.IsWeeklySunday RecurrenceProperties.WeekDays.Sunday (WeekDays is Enum)
RecurrenceProperties.IsWeeklyMonday RecurrenceProperties.WeekDays.Monday (WeekDays is Enum)
RecurrenceProperties.IsWeeklyTuesday RecurrenceProperties.WeekDays.Tuesday (WeekDays is Enum)
RecurrenceProperties.IsWeeklyWednesday RecurrenceProperties.WeekDays.Wednesday (WeekDays is Enum)
RecurrenceProperties.IsWeeklyThursday RecurrenceProperties.WeekDays.Thursday (WeekDays is Enum)
RecurrenceProperties.IsWeeklyFriday RecurrenceProperties.WeekDays.Friday (WeekDays is Enum)
RecurrenceProperties.IsWeeklySaturday RecurrenceProperties.WeekDays.Saturday (WeekDays is Enum)
RecurrenceProperties.RecurrenceRule ScheduleAppointment.RecurrenceRule
SfSchedule.Appointments SfSchedule.ItemsSource
RecurrenceProperties.IsMonthlySpecific RecurrenceProperties.Week (If value is set, the same week each year/monthly occurrence will be created for yearly/monthly occurrences respectively )
RecurrenceProperties.IsYearlySpecific RecurrenceProperties.Week (if value is not set, the same day each year occurrence will be created for yearly occurrences)
RecurrenceProperties.IsDailyEveryNDays RecurrenceProperties.WeekDays (WeekDays is Enum)

SfSegmentedControl Preview

The segmented control provides options to choose from a linear set of two or more segments, each of which functions as a mutually exclusive button.

Key features

  • Supports displaying the segments with text, font icons, or both.

  • Supports scrolling and aligning the segments equally within the available space.

  • Populates the segments from a collection of strings and views along with the objects of built-in classes.

  • Supports customizing the text and other UI elements.



  • # Center Button support has been implemented in TabView control. This can be achieved using OverflowMode as CenterButton.



  • #201193 - Provided support to retain formula references while removing and reattaching worksheets.
  • #196744 - Provided support for “Repeat All Item Labels” option in pivot table.
  • #193297 - Provided support for GroupShapes.
  • #186369 - Provided support to skip blank cells on range copy.
  • Provided support for Resize and Offset operations in IRange.
  • Provided support for extension lists that are supported by Microsoft Excel.

Breaking Changes

  • #201193 - UpdateSheetFormulaReference is added in IApplication interface to ensure whether to remove worksheet reference in formulas on removing and reattaching the worksheet.
  • #196744 - RepeatLabels property is added in IPivotField interface.
  • #196744 - RepeatAllLabels(bool) method is added in IPivotTableOptions interface.
  • #193297 - Group(IShapes), UnGroup(IGroupShape), UnGroup(IGroupShape, bool) methods are added in IShapes interface.
  • #186369 - CopyTo(IRange, ExcelCopyRangeOptions, bool) method is added in IRange interface to skip blank cells while copying.
  • #198134 - FullFileName property is added in IWorkbook interface.
  • #198663 , #198664 - IRange and IWorkbook interfaces are implemented with IEnumerable.
  • Resize() and Offset() methods are added in IRange interface.
  • ShowLeaderLines and LeaderLines properties are added in IChartSerie interface.
  • IIconConditionValue interface with properties IconSet and Index is added.

Bug fixes

  • #200525 - Corruption issue while removing last row in a table is fixed.
  • #200090 - Space preservation issue while resaving a binary (XLS) file to xml format (XLSX) is fixed.
  • #198853 - Incremental formula is set properly for formulas with sheet reference.
  • #198385 - Legend color is not set when applied for entire legend collection is fixed.
  • #198849 - Column styles will be moved properly while inserting column in a worksheet.
  • #198858 - File with macros can be saved successfully without any corruption.
  • #198898 - Excel file with external formula reference in data validation can be opened without any exception.
  • #198785 - Find values within range accepts ExcelFindType.Values without any exception.
  • #198289 - Performance issue while opening Excel file with data validation applied on large range is resolved.
  • #198385 - Issue with chart axis font color for binary file is fixed.
  • #158298 - Month and day columns in pivot table can be sorted properly.
  • #195255 - Performance issue while closing the workbook is fixed.
  • #197896 - Filter icon visibility issue in merged column header is fixed.
  • #197903 - Number formats are preserved correctly without any addition of extra slashes.
  • #198277 - Exception raised while opening the Excel file with date cell type is resolved.
  • #197711 - Exception thrown while saving an XML file having default parent style index to XLSX format is resolved.
  • #197433 - Issue with row height value when changing the system resolution is resolved.
  • #197106 - Calculated field can be added to more than one pivot table without any file corruption.
  • #196836 - Object reference exception when worksheet has custom property set to null is resolved.
  • #196955 - Chart font color settings are applied properly in chart elements.
  • #158298 - Issue with pivot table field sorting when sort field items are less than the field item count is fixed.
  • #196737 - Worksheet header image can be replaced properly without any variation in image size.
  • #196502 - Exception while opening an Excel file with empty fill tag is resolved.
  • #191260 , #196173 - Used range is properly updated while layouting a pivot table.
  • #196117 - Issue with hyperlink added to a cell after adding shape hyperlink is fixed.
  • #195137 , #196893 - Column text contains DateTime formatted values instead of Date values is fixed.
  • #198849 - Cell data validation is removed properly while copying empty cells.
  • #F136967 - Issue while parsing numeric cell value in Brazil culture is fixed.
  • #200508 - Pivot field sorting is incorrect while sorting month name is fixed.
  • #203029 - Issue with nullable properties not getting exported in Business Objects is fixed.
  • #201868 - ArgumentException raised while retrieving UsedRange for binary file is fixed.
  • #201968 - Issue while setting formula with IF function is fixed.
  • #200818 - File gets corrupted while setting numeric value for named ranges is resolved.
  • #201967 - Issue with percentage values in chart is fixed.
  • #201131 - Formula value is incorrect while parsing the workbook is fixed.
  • #201140 - Performance issue while opening Excel file with charts is fixed.
  • #200629 - Need to skip the exception for null values in template marker.
  • #199992, #202778, #202886 - Issue with invalid formula in OfficeChart is fixed.
  • #201506 - Memory leak issue in OfficeChart is resolved.
  • #203971 - Issue with OLE object type of Acrobat document is fixed.
  • #203204 - Exception thrown while setting negative values to shape properties is resolved.
  • #202589 - Issue with Picture property of OLE object is fixed.
  • Corruption issue is resolved while copying tables with same name by AddCopy().
  • Performance issue while copying entire column to another range is resolved.
  • Conditional formats are removed from destination range while copying is fixed.
  • Worksheet unused columns are not collapsed in Google Sheets.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while copying tables to existing table ranges.
  • Exception while opening Excel file with DDE link formula is resolved.
  • Fixed various issues in CopyTo() and AddCopy() of tables, formulae, ranges, shapes and worksheets.
  • AutoShapes are not re-positioned properly after moving to same or different worksheet using CopyTo() is fixed.
  • Issue with incorrect table formula value is fixed.
  • Chart line colors are not varied and are returned properly.
  • Issue with left and top positions for Checkbox is returned is fixed.
  • Chart category axis value is proper while creating a chart with data values containing formula.
  • Null reference exception thrown while setting “BASE” formula is resolved.
  • Worksheet data is exported to data table with proper column name.
  • Exception thrown while opening a workbook having unused formats with ParseWorksheetsOnDemand is resolved.