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WPF TreeMap (SfTreeMap) Overview
7 May 20211 minute to read
TreeMaps are ideal for visualizing large amounts of data. The visualization space is split up into rectangles that are sized and colored based on the quantitative variables. The levels in the hierarchy of the tree map are visualized as rectangles containing other rectangles.
###Use Cases
Tree maps are used to represent large or complex data sets in various applications such as,
- Stock market analysis in which the weight of each stock in the index is represented by the size of the rectangle and its range of loss or gain is represented by the color of the rectangle.
- It is used in the visualization of Internet usage in certain categories - such as retail, social networks, and search/portal.
- TreeMap can categorize the news aggregated by Google News in which the colors can represent different sections such as business or politics and the size of the boxes can represent how many similar stories also appear in Google News.
- TreeMap is used to indicate weather report analysis around the world. The opacity of each rectangle can differ based on its humidity.