Headers and Labels in WPF TreeMap (SfTreeMap)
7 May 20213 minutes to read
To show headers in TreeMap, you can set the HeaderHeight property of TreeMapLevel. For customizing default Header appearance, you can specify the HeaderTemplate.
TreeMap with Flat Collection:
If HeaderTemplate is specified for TreeMapLevel, then the header can be bound by referring Header object to the data template.
<Grid Background="Black">
<syncfusion:SfTreeMap ItemsSource="{Binding PopulationDetails}"
WeightValuePath="Population" ColorValuePath="Growth">
<syncfusion:TreeMapFlatLevel GroupPath="Continent" GroupGap="10" HeaderHeight="50"/>
<syncfusion:TreeMapFlatLevel GroupPath="Country" GroupGap="5"/>
TreeMap with Hierarchical Collection:
For TreeMap with Hierarchical Collection, HeaderPath must be specified. The header can be bound by referring Data.
<Grid Background="Black">
<local:CountrySalesCollection x:Key="countrySalesCollection"/>
<syncfusion:SfTreeMap ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource countrySalesCollection}}" WeightValuePath="Sales" ColorValuePath="Expense">
<syncfusion:TreeMapHierarchicalLevel ChildPath="RegionalSalesCollection" ChildGap="10" HeaderHeight="25" HeaderPath="Name">
To show labels in TreeMap, ShowLabels of TreeMapLevel should be enabled to True. For customizing default label appearance, you can specify LabelTemplate.
TreeMap with Flat Collection:
If LabelTemplate is specified for TreeMapLevel, then the label can be bound by referring Label object to the data template.
<Grid Background="Black">
<syncfusion:SfTreeMap ItemsSource="{Binding PopulationDetails}"
<syncfusion:TreeMapFlatLevel GroupPath="Continent" GroupGap="10" ShowLabels="True"/>
TreeMap with Hierarchical Collection:
For TreeMap with Hierarchical Collection, LabelPath must be specified. The label can be bound by referring Data.
<Grid Background="Black">
<local:CountrySalesCollection x:Key="countrySalesCollection"/>
<syncfusion:SfTreeMap ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource countrySalesCollection}}"
WeightValuePath="Sales" ColorValuePath="Expense">
<syncfusion:TreeMapHierarchicalLevel ChildPath="RegionalSalesCollection" ChildGap="10" ShowLabels="True" LabelPath="Name">