Setting Tab Scroll Button in WPF TabControl (TabControlExt)
Tab Scroll button visibility is controlled by using the TabScrollButtonVisibility property of the TabControlExt control. This is a dependency property which provides the following options to control the visibility of the Scroll button.
- Hidden–Scroll button is hidden
- Visible–Scroll button is displayed
- Auto–Scroll button is displayed automatically, if needed
Here is the code snippet to set the Tab Scroll Button Visibility as “Visible”.
<!-- Adding TabcontrolExt -->
<syncfusion:TabControlExt Name="tabControlExt" TabScrollButtonVisibility="Visible">
<!-- Adding TabItemExt -->
<syncfusion:TabItemExt Name="tabItemExt1" Header="TabItemExt1">
<!-- Adding TabItemExt -->
<syncfusion:TabItemExt Name="tabItemExt2" Header="TabItemExt2" >
// Creating instance of the TabControlExt control
TabControlExt tabControlExt = new TabControlExt();
//Creating the instance of StackPanel
StackPanel stackPanel = new StackPanel();
//Creating instance of the TabItemExt
TabItemExt tabItemExt1 = new TabItemExt();
// Setting header of the TabItemExt
tabItemExt1.Header = "TabItemExt1";
//Adding TabItemExt to TabControlExt
// Changing the Visibility of Scroll button
tabControlExt.TabScrollButtonVisibility = TabScrollButtonVisibility.Visible;
//Adding control to the StackPanel
See Also
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