WPF RichTextBox (SfRichTextBoxAdv) Overview

15 Jul 20211 minute to read

The SfRichTextBoxAdv control allows you to view, edit and print rich text content including text, images, hyperlink etc. arranged in sections, tables, paragraphs, headers, footers and comments. You can perform all editing operations using keyboard, mouse and touch.
WPF RichTextBox


The SfRichTextBoxAdv control supports basic features for editing rich text contents such as

  • Viewing and editing rich text, images, tables and comments.

  • Importing and exporting word documents (.doc, .docx), rich text format documents (.rtf), HTML documents (.htm, .html), XAML documents (.xaml) and text documents (.txt).

  • Printing rendered contents as page by page.

  • Supports all image types except Metafile images.

  • Supports undo and redo all editing operation such as inserting text, table, images, hyperlink, comments and all formatting operations such as bold, italic etc.

  • Supports first page header and footer as well as odd and even page headers and footers.

  • Moving or copying portion of the document to clipboard and also pasting rich text contents from clipboard into the document.

  • Supports loading encrypted word documents with valid password.


Currently, the SfRichTextBoxAdv cannot edit rich text in headers and footers.
You can refer to our WPF RichTextBox feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations.You can also explore our WPF RichTextBox example to knows how to render and configure the editing tools.