Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

December 12, 2024


  • We have discontinued support for .NET Framework version 4.0.


Bug fixes

  • #I64988 - The DayNameCell in CalendarEdit can now be customized using the DayNameCellsDataTemplate.


Bug fixes

  • #I644367 - The NullReferenceException will no longer occur when loading empty CheckListBox.


Bug Fixes

  • I614015 - Resolved an issue where the ChromelessWindow did not maximize correctly on a secondary screen with different DPI settings.


Bug fixes

  • #I650571 - ColorPicker will display more than 8 custom colors.
  • #I653219 - When the ColorPickerPalette is used in a DataGrid with an Auto-Generated column, the ColorPickerPalette's CustomColorsCollection is displayed correctly.


Bug fixes

  • #I624810 - OverflowException will no longer occur when pasting a large value in the CurrencyTextBox.
  • #F194454 - Binding values are updated properly in CurrencyTextBox for NET8.0 projects.



  • Enhanced the multicolumn balancing algorithm in Word to PDF conversion, particularly for documents containing multicolumn layouts with section breaks.

Bug Fixes

  • #I656800 - Shape within the table cell is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.


Bug fixes

  • #I616935 - The DockingManager DataContext will no longer lost when docking a FloatingWindow within another FloatingWindow.
  • #I625814 - Binding errors will no longer occur in DockingManager.
  • #I627208 - The Content in the AutoHide window render properly in DockingManager.
  • #I628503 - The NullReference exception will no longer occur while opening the DockingManager.
  • #I635210 - After re-docking to the parent window, the DockingManager’s NativeFloatWindow will no longer be visible in the Visual Tree.
  • #I645792 - FloatingWindow will no longer shows empty header when using the custom header template in DockingManager.
  • #F62559 - The theme will now apply correctly to a child item moved to the Document state when no other Document child exists in the DockingManager.
  • #I652333 - Error will no longer thrown while changing from dock state to float window due to culture specific in XML file.

Breaking Changes

  • The methods listed below have been removed in .NET 9.0 due to the deprecation of the BinaryFormatter.
Method Class
SaveDockState(BinaryFormatter serializer) DockingManager
SaveDockState(IFormatter serializer, StorageFormat format, string path) DockingManager
LoadDockState(BinaryFormatter serializer) DockingManager
LoadDockState(IFormatter serializer, StorageFormat format, string path) DockingManager


Breaking Changes

  • The methods listed below has been removed in .NET 9.0 due to the deprecation of the BinaryFormatter.
Method Class
SaveDockState(BinaryFormatter serializer) DocumentContainer
SaveDockState(IFormatter serializer, StorageFormat format, string path) DocumentContainer
LoadDockState(BinaryFormatter serializer) DocumentContainer
LoadDockState(IFormatter serializer, StorageFormat format, string path) DocumentContainer


Bug fixes

  • #I636141, F194473 - Binding values are updated properly in DoubleTextBox for NET8.0 projects.
  • #I629790 - DoubleTextBox will update properly while writing the Value property.
  • I650910 - The dropdown background color is now fully applied when using the Fluent theme.


Bug Fixes

  • I650909 - The TabSpace property now applies correctly when setting text dynamically in the EditControl.



  • F3688 - The Gantt control now supports task’s ability to skip holidays and adjust schedules accordingly.


Bug fixes

  • #I636139 - Typed values are updated properly in IntegerTextBox for NET8.0 projects.
  • #I643695 - IntegerTextBox value binding will no longer reflects below MinValue or MaxValue in ViewModel.



  • F48436 - The WPF Maps allows users to define a DataTemplateSelector to examine the data bound to each marker and determine which template to apply based on the marker’s data.
  • I647622 - Sub-menu item boundaries are now accurately detected immediately upon opening in MenuAdv control.



  • F194287 - Added support to include the signed date in the signature within the PDF document.
  • I612814 - Added support to flatten specified annotation types in the PDF document.
  • I610124 - Added support for setting text alignment in the PdfLoadedCombobox field within the PDF document.
  • I576424 - Added support for exporting newly added annotations in the PDF.
  • I619036 - Added support for calculating the size of dynamic HTML content during HTML to PDF conversion.
  • I556787 - Added support for automatic scaling of viewport size in the HTML converter.
  • I605939 - Added support for automatically waiting to render external fonts during HTML to PDF conversion.

Bug Fixes

  • I661319 - Fixed the issue where bounds were not retrieved properly while extracting text.
  • I652150 - Fixed an issue where a preservation issue occurred while flattening the textbox field.
  • I650628 - Fixed a preservation issue that occurred while drawing templates on the PDF.
  • I649774 - Fixed an issue where text preservation was compromised when creating a template from a PDF document.
  • I652775 - Fixed the issue where the new line character was not proper while importing form fields in JSON format.
  • I652751 - Resolved the issue where border width was not properly returned for a textbox field.

Breaking Changes

  • The PdfExportAnnotationCollection API now supports both PdfLoadedAnnotation and PdfAnnotation objects with the updated Add method. Additionally, the Indexer now returns a PdfAnnotation object instead of a PdfLoadedAnnotation object.


Bug Fixes

  • I659218 - ArgumentNullException will no longer be thrown while loading the PDF in PdfViewer.


  • F172702, I411028 - The PDF Viewer now supports customization of the context menu. With this feature users can add new menu items to introduce custom functionalities, remove existing ones to streamline the interface, and reorder menu items to enhance usability. Additionally, the entire context menu can be hidden using a simple API, allowing developers to restrict modifications or interactions with the document.


Bug Fixes

  • #I659561, #I660097, #I660582 - Picture within the group shape is now replaced properly.


Bug fixes

  • #I621507 - Binding errors will no longer occur in Ribbon control.
  • #I629061 - Backstage render properly when using the SfRichTextRibbon control in the Ribbon control.
  • #I642241 - When dragged between multiple monitors, the RibbonWindow can be restored from its maximized position.
  • #I643398 - The arrow icon for DropDownMenuItem will display correctly when using the SkinManager themes.
  • #I646277 - The label of the Ribbon control tab is appropriately localized for the German language.

SfAIAssistView Preview

The WPF AI AssistView control enhances the interaction between users and AI services, providing a customizable, user-friendly interface for creating intelligent and responsive applications.


  • Suggestions: Offers selectable response suggestions to expedite the conversation flow.
  • Typing indicator: Displays a loading indicator to represent asynchronous communication with AI services.
  • Formatted responses: Visualizes responses using customizable templates.
  • Styling: Allows customization of the appearance of request and response items.
  • UI virtualization: Optimizes performance when handling large conversations.


Bug fixes

  • #I658609 - The ComboBox dropdown button is now properly aligned when the Material theme is applied.


Bug fixes

  • #635252 - Panning functionality is now working correctly after switching diagrams in the Tab.
  • #657465 - Prevent continuous execution of CanExecute method for commands in the context menu of the SfDiagram during right-click actions.


  • Support has been added for importing and exporting Flowchart and Mind Map layouts in Mermaid text format.
  • Import and export support for SymbolGroup has been provided.
  • Provided selection events support for Annotation.
  • Scrolling in SfDiagram has been improved by adding keyboard navigation support.
  • Support has been added to enable or disable Preview for diagram elements.


Bug fixes



  • F48350 - The ImageEditor control now allows users to apply the background for text annotation.


Bug Fixes

  • #I654560 - The FormatException will no longer be thrown when loading a document that contains a footer with page number fields followed by floating elements.



  • F49831 - The WPF Scheduler now allows users to customize the weeks in the month view for more flexibility.


Bug fixes

  • #I624819 - Memory leak doesn’t occurs when using custom dictionary in SfSpellChecker.


Bug fixes

  • #I640177 - When using navigation keys without first editing time, SfTimePicker will no longer throw an exception.



  • The TreeMap now supports accessibility by providing voice narration and keyboard shortcuts for seamless interaction.


Bug fixes

  • #I630588 - When the SizeMode is set to Normal, the SplitButton’s foreground color can be customized.


Bug Fixes

  • #I659254,#F195345,#F195373,#F195378,#F195380,#F195222,#F195333 – Now, the copy series and fill series operations will work properly when performed with two selected cells in the SfSpreadsheet.


Breaking Changes

  • The methods listed below has been removed in .NET 9.0 due to the deprecation of the BinaryFormatter.
Method Class
SaveToRegistry() TabControlExt
LoadFromRegistry() TabControlExt


Bug fixes

  • #I609657, I624118 - The UI problems will no longer arise when TileViewItemState is dynamically changed in TileViewControl.
  • #I624118 - When the TileViewItem is dynamically deleted in the TileViewControl, the missing tile item and layout issue will no longer occur.
  • #I646833 - The UI freezing issue will no longer occur when changing the Row and Column count while dynamically adding the TileViewItem.


Bug fixes

  • #I640978 - The TimeSpanEdit control Value updates properly in .NetCore projects.

Visual Studio Extensions

Breaking Changes

  • Support for the Syncfusion WPF Extension in Visual Studio 2010 has been removed, as we no longer support framework 4.0.



  • I649053 - Provided support for decrypting individual items with different passwords in a protected ZIP file.

Bug Fixes

  • I655057 - Exception no longer occurs when creating a table with the sheet name contains True or False.
  • I639240 - Category labels are now preserved correctly when the major data unit is set to Auto when converting an Excel to PDF.
  • I26423 - Pareto chart line color is now rendered properly when converting an Excel document to PDF.
  • Hyperlinks in the threaded comments are now preserved correctly when resaving an Excel document.
  • Corruption no longer occurs when the value axis in chart contains NaN values.
  • Threaded comment replies are now rendered properly when resaving an Excel document.
  • When converting an Excel file to PDF, empty chart legend area is now rendered correctly.

Breaking Changes

  • The IConnection.ConncetionId API is deprecated and will be removed in v30.x. We recommend using this API IConnection.ConnectionId instead.
  • The ExternalConnection.RefershedVersion API is deprecated and will be removed in v30.x. We recommend using this API ExternalConnection.RefreshedVersion instead.
  • The ExternalConnection.password API is deprecated and will be removed in v30.x. We recommend using this API ExternalConnection.Password instead.