Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

September 18, 2024
  • #I600385 - The Carousel control will render correctly with its default size when the Height is not specified in the sample.


Bug fixes

  • #I577778 - CheckListBox properly clears the SelectedItems when ItemsSource is updated.



  • #I542378 - WordArt effects such as shadows, reflections, glows, bevels, 3D rotations, and transformations are now properly preserved in DOCX format documents.
  • Enhanced HTML to Word conversion to handle HTML files that do not meet XML standards.


Bug fixes

  • #I600398 - Setting the ActiveDocument of DocumentContainer to ActiveWindow now properly triggers the ActiveWindowChanged event during project startup.
  • #I600606 - InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown when placing a floating window docked in another floating window across screens.
  • #I601333 - The state of the Document item does not change to Float when rearranging the item that contains a Windows Forms (WF) host.
  • #I615503 - The Performance issue will no longer occur in DockingManager when we call the Dispose method while closing the window.


Breaking Changes

  • Due to an issue with assembly cycle references, the Gantt control no longer includes dependencies on Syncfusion.SfSkinManager.WPF and Syncfusion.Themes.MaterialLight.WPF, as it now supports the default theme. To maintain the existing UI, manually apply the MaterialLight theme to the Gantt control.



  • #I580902 – Added support for applying a cloud border style to circle and ellipse annotations in PDF.
  • #FB47463 – Added support for rendering Arabic Extended (A, B, and C) and Presentation Forms (A, B) blocks in PDF documents.

Bug Fixes

  • #I623635 – Fixed the issue where the text color changed during the conversion of PDF files to PDFA-3B.
  • #I627078 – Fixed the issue where a preservation error occurs during the conversion of PDF to PDF/A for specific documents.
  • #F189049 – Fixed the issue where IsDocumentModified returns an incorrect result after validating the existing PDF signature.
  • #I627792 – An exception no longer occurs when retrieving the free text annotation in an existing PDF document.

Breaking Changes

  • #I611735 – Caret Annotations (subtype /caret) are now marked as unsupported and will no longer be retained in the annotation collection of a PDF document. Previously, these annotations were incorrectly treated as PdfTextMarkupAnnotation, despite not being fully supported.


Bug Fixes

  • #I615476 – NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while redacting the PDF in the PdfViewer


  • Find text with PDFium integration - The PDF Viewer’s find text functionality has been significantly enhanced with the integration of PDFium. This improvement results in a more accurate and reliable text retrieval when searching within PDF documents.
  • Change current user - Previously, the PDF Viewer used the system’s username as the current user. Now, we can set a username for the PDF Viewer.


Bug Fixes

  • The PowerPoint presentation will no longer be corrupted while cloning and merging the slide with Equation type OLE object.
  • The PowerPoint presentation will no longer be corrupted while cloning and merging the master slide that contains an OLEObject with a VML drawing shape.


Bug fixes

  • #I593300 - The RibbonCheckBox content now aligns properly when changing the VerticalContentAlignment.
  • #I601044 - The Ribbon control will not disappear when changing themes dynamically, even when it contains an EditControl.
  • #I609308 - In RibbonControlAdv, the QAT button will no longer overlap with the title of the RibbonWindow.
  • #I615298 - The NullReference Exception will no longer be thrown while opening the Backstage control.


Bug fixes

  • #I606195 - Fixed an issue where the segment was not rendered for descending values in a continuous series on the Cartesian Chart.


Bug fixes

  • #584319 - The ContainerHeader is now displayed properly when dragging and dropping the Container from any UI Control.
  • #596013 - Snapping to gridlines is now functioning correctly for the Polyline Connector.
  • #598713 - The “Completed” state now fires properly in the ObjectDrawn event, even with minimal mouse movement on the Diagram Page.
  • #600705 - The Diagram’s background color can now be updated even when a theme is applied.
  • #608661 - The PortVisibility now works properly for Ports in the Container.
  • #613833 - Connectors are now properly removed when their source node is deleted from their ParentGroup in the Diagram.
  • #611499 - Connectors will no longer be routed unnecessarily while editing the Connector through segments.
  • #596996 - Connectors connected with Containers will now be serialized and deserialized properly.


Breaking Changes

  • Due to an issue with assembly cycle references, the Syncfusion.Themes.MaterialLight.WPF dependency is no longer included in SfScheduler. As a result, the default theme will now be applied to the Appointment Editor, Recurrence Appointment, and Reminder windows. To maintain the existing UI, manually apply the MaterialLight theme to the scheduler.



  • Provides users with the ability to change its appearance using various built-in themes.


Bug fixes

  • #I577778 - The NullReference exception will no longer occur when using TabControlExt in the Rev it 2025 application.
  • #I603459 - Now, when the theme changes dynamically, TabControlExt will render properly.


Bug fixes

  • #I592142 - The TileViewItem HeaderTemplate now applies properly when changing the TileViewItem state.
  • #I587359 - The Layout of the TileView is now updated properly when changing the ColumnCount dynamically.
  • #I595914 - Tile Items will be arranged properly when changing RowCount and ColumnCount on SizeChanging event.
  • #F892346 - Binding errors will no longer occur in TileViewControl when applying theme studio themes.
  • #I599269 - The TileView control renders properly when the grid row height is set to auto.
  • #I612593 - The TileViewItem margin update properly when dynamically changing the RowCount and ColumnCount.
  • #I595413 - The UI issue will no longer occur when scrolling and dynamically changing the RowCount and ColumnCount in TileViewControl.
  • #I613158 - While using BringInToView the TileViewControl now render properly.
  • #I612579 - The TileViewControl will render properly when dynamically deleting multiple TileViewItems.


Bug fixes

  • #I607259 - When the MinValue of the UpDown Control is set to 1, it is now possible to remove the value by using the backspace key.
  • #I610735 - The copy-pasting function works properly when the value is 0 in UpDown control.



  • #I538363 - Provided support for tagged PDF in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I509277 - Provided support for creating a zip file with different passwords for each item.
  • #I607192 - Provided support for adding XML maps to the Excel document.

Bug Fixes

  • #I617604 - The exception is no longer thrown when loading an Excel document with large decimal values.
  • #I560994 - Performance has been improved when converting Excel documents to PDF with large cell ranges.
  • #I621798 - A Lambda function that contains a named range is now preserved properly when resaving the Excel document.