Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

November 20, 2023


  • Our controls are compatible with the latest .NET 8 version.


Bug fixes

  • #I502668 - NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when selecting an item in ComboBoxAdv control.


Bug fixes

  • #FB46121 - The MouseWheel event now works for the ScrollViewer even when EnableMouseWheelEdit is set to false for the DateTimeEdit and added it inside the ScrollViewer.


Bug Fixes

  • #I515859- Image is now preserved properly while saving a DOCX format document.


Bug fixes

  • #I505189 - Binding errors will no longer occur in DockingManager when floating the DockWindow.
  • #I506554 - KeyDown event is fired for DockingManager when pressing Q key with Ctrl modifier in Document tab.
  • #I505186 - Binding errors will no longer occur when changing themes in DockingManager.


Bug fixes

  • #I497718 - Cursor position updates properly when replacing the text through selection.
  • #I513357 - The value of the DoubleTextBox is updated properly when input after dot (.)key.
  • #I505476 - Fixed the arrow icon direction in the Windows 11 theme for DropDownButtonAdv.


Bug Fixes

  • #FB46480 – Fixed syntax highlighting color for commented-out XML lines leaking into the next line in EditControl.


Bug fixes

  • #I505925 - IntegerTextBox accepts multiple digit when the input language switches to Microsoft Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese.



  • Added support to set polygon points in PdfLoadedPolygonAnnotation and PdfPolygonAnnotation.
  • #F180535 - Added support for retrieving the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) with revocation serial numbers, revoked dates, and revocation status from embedded CRLs during signature validation.
  • #F184954 - Provided support to include certificates in the Document Security Store (DSS) during Long-Term Validation (LTV).
  • #F184644 - Added support for retrieving certificates from the Document Security Store (DSS).

Bug Fixes

  • #I520965 - Resolved an issue where the destination was not behaving as expected after an update to the destination array functionality in the file link annotation.
  • #I516937 - Resolved an exception that occurred while converting Word to PDF, specifically when handling Arabic text in italic style.
  • #I518050 - The Index outside the bounds of the array exception no longer occurs when compressing a particular PDF document.
  • #I518514 - The Null Reference exception will no longer occur when using the loaded document StructureElement for a particular document.
  • Fixed the issue where the border width is not updated when exporting the annotation in Xfdf format.
  • #I509181 - Resolved the issue where OCRLayoutResult was returning null when performing OCR with a specified page region index.
  • #I509561 - The Null Reference Exception no longer occurs when performing OCR with the chi sim language.
  • #F184907 - The form fields are now added in the correct position during the HTML to PDF conversion.


No Changes for this product in this version.


Bug fixes

  • #I505799 - Now, the ValueChanged event will not trigger when scrolling over the ColorPicker within the PropertyGrid control.


Bug fixes

  • #I498116 - RibbonButton label will no longer crop when opening the collapsed RibbonBar with ThemeStudio themes.
  • #I465128 - Invalid cast exception will no longer occur while selecting the more commands in the QAT when using ContextualTabGroups through MVVM pattern.
  • #I493177 - RibbonTab is now hidden when opening the Backstage of the Ribbon.
  • #I502663, #I501236 - The RibbonMenuItem in the DropDown will not flicker when the mouse is hovered over it while using ThemeStudio themes.
  • #I513463 - The NullReferenceException will no longer thrown when the More Commands button in the QAT is clicked while the ContextTabGroup is in a collapsed state.


Bug fixes

  • #I517787 - The InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown when trying to add the BPMN group into the layout.
  • #I520435 - The TargetInvocationException will no longer be thrown when trying to update the DataSource using the ItemDoubleTap command.


Bug fixes

  • #I502151 - The SelectedItem property will now return the selected object directly, matching the type of items in the control’s item source.
  • #I502151 - The ColorMappingCollection can now be changed at runtime.

Breaking changes

  • To improve the clarity and maintain consistency with standard practices, the SelectedItem property has been updated. It now returns the selected object directly, which is of type object. Previously, it returned a HeatMapItem with Source and Cell properties.


Breaking changes

  • #I502173 - In earlier releases, the Main menu command was invoked when clicking the navigation icon on the outer rim and the main menu command will be executed when clicking on the boundary of the corresponding SfRadialMenuItem. From this release onwards, the Main menu command no longer be invoked when clicking the navigation icon in the outer rim to open the sub-items.


Bug Fixes

  • #I513073 - HTML styles are applied when loading an HTML file with multiple styles.
  • #I515927 - The table column is resized properly when loading an HTML file.
  • #I515552 - InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown while loading an HTML file asynchronously.
  • #I515488 - The list is now applied properly through the Mini Toolbar.
  • #I517372 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while loading a document with an empty list.


Bug fixes

  • #I486444 - Fixed an issue where the SplitButtonRenderer had a reference to SplitButton, causing a circular reference.


Bug fixes

  • #I498553 - TabControl scroll to the selected item while selecting through the TabListContextMenu in ThemeStudio themes.
  • #I498891 - Tab scrolling buttons are now enabled when adding any new items.


Bug fixes

  • #I490095 - TileView items are displayed properly when dynamically adding items after clearing them through MVVM pattern.
  • #I427957 - Null reference exception will no longer occur when changing the TileViewItemState.
  • #F47713 - TileView items are updated properly when changing a TileView item’s state from hidden to normal.


Bug fixes

  • #I502042 - CPU performance issue will no longer occur when using UpDown in DataGrid with Fluent theme.

Visual Studio Extensions


  • Provided the .NET 8.0 support to the Syncfusion WPF Template Studio, Item Template, and Reference Manager.

Bug Fixes

  • #I509171 - The issue of the Create button not being visible in other languages of Visual Studio while creating the project from the Syncfusion WPF Template Studio Extension has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I515434 - Object reference exception is no longer thrown while resaving the Excel document with empty chart shape.