Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

August 31, 2021


No Changes for this product in this version.


Bug Fixes

  • #I330810 - Now, correct document item is removed from DockingManager when closing item through close button.


Bug fixes

  • #I339182 - Now, the application does not crash with format exception on entering dot value in DoubleTextBox.


No Changes for this product in this version.


No Changes for this product in this version.


Bug Fixes

  • #I339305 - Now, sum of numbers is working properly in SfCalculator when using numeric keyboard.


Bug Fixes

  • #I336775 - Now, the scroll bars will be properly updated while sorting is applied with row heights customized based on the QueryRowHeight event.


Bug Fixes

  • #I337534 - Sheet index for external workbook reference is now updated properly.
  • #F167885 - Link to content option in custom document properties is now working properly.
  • #F167836 - Cell text width in Excel to PDF conversion under .NET Core is now rendered properly.
  • #I324883 - Exception thrown while converting cylinder clustered chart to image is now resolved.
  • Data bar conditional format when creating more than one data bar conditional format, is now proper.
  • Color scale conditional format when cells have multiple color scale conditional formats, is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Whole table style with horizontal and vertical borders, is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.