Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

May 13, 2020


Bug fixes

  • #272019 - Now, the font size of ButtonAdv will be adjusted and works properly for large size mode in the Material Theme.


Bug Fixes

  • #261075 - SfSkinmanager theme is now applied correctly to the window title bar when it loses focus.
  • #272945 - When changing the themes in a chromeless window, binding errors will no longer occurs.


Bug fixes

  • #273329 - Exception is no longer present when loading ComboBoxAdv.


Bug fixes

  • #F152956 - In DateTimeEdit, the drop-down image is now rendered properly in both the designer and the metro theme application.


Bug Fixes

  • #250042 - Paragraph style is now preserved properly while open and save the DOCX format Word document.
  • #267826 - Picture Watermark is now preserved properly while clone and merge the DOC format Word document.
  • #269662 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while closing the Word document.
  • #267398 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF
  • #270030 - Bookmark is now preserved properly inside the Text content Control while open and save the DOCX format Word document.
  • #272560, #266791 - List numbers are now preserved properly while open and save the DOCX format Word document.
  • #271175 - List type is now set properly while parsing the HTML file.
  • #271988 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOCX format Word document.
  • #F152998 - BeforeClearGroupFieldEventArgs now returns the proper merge field names while performing Mail merge in a Word document.
  • #271634 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while saving a DOCX format Word document.
  • #271695, #272438, #272430 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while performing Mail merge in a Word document.
  • #273310 - Left indent is now preserved properly while converting an HTML file to Word document.
  • #272438, #273336 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • Table cell background color is now preserved properly while converting an HTML file to Word document.
  • #266244 - Text is now preserved with proper alignment while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #268875, #271698, #274381 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #268875 - Picture is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #270030, #271941 - Image is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #267958 - Text is now wrapped properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #268928, #273361 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #272436 - Font substitution event OriginalFontName property will not return majorHAnsi while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #272754 - Textbox is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #F152680 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #271667 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #271333 - Bullet list is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #263739, #274914 - Text around the table is now wrapped properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #F137285 - Image is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #274045 - Border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.


Bug fixes

  • #273074 - Exception no longer exists in the Syntax Editor when there is empty text in it.



  • #268681 - Command support provided for click and double click events in NotifyIcon.


Bug Fixes

  • #271164 – Exception no longer occurs when saving the document after removing annotations.
  • #261704 – Bookmark will be reflected properly after removing bookmarks.
  • #259394 – Ink annotation will be preserved properly while flattening annotation.
  • #273970 – Modified date will be retrieved properly from the input PDF document.
  • #271463 – Exception no longer occurs when accessing layers from existing PDF document.
  • #274280 – Exception no longer occurs when creating tables concurrently
  • #272832 – Exception no longer occurs when removing layers from existing PDF document.
  • #272411 – Text will be preserved properly in Word to PDF conversion.
  • #272840 – Layer name will be changed properly in existing PDF document.
  • #251733 – Barcode background and quite zones will be preserved properly.
  • #271614 – Image will be preserved properly in Word to PDF conversion.
  • #266186 – Lines will be preserved properly in Word to PDF conversion.
  • #270437 – Form fields will be flattened properly in existing PDF document.
  • #246796 – Fields and special characters preserved properly while import and signing the PDF documents.
  • #269887 – PDF documents will be merged properly in different order.
  • #269711 – PDF document title will be preserved properly with Swedish characters on A1B conversion.
  • #269495 – Form field values will be preserved properly after disabling default appearance.
  • #269472 – ArgumentException no longer occurs when saving the PDF document.
  • #274606 – UriFormatException no longer occurs when converting HTML string to PDF in Linux docker.
  • #272045 – Auto tag will be work properly for PdfPageNumberField, PdfPageCountField, and PdfCompositeField.
  • #269907 – Exception no longer occurs when processing the PdfTemplates in Azure Durable Function.
  • #269961 – PdfGrid with column span and row span will pass the accessibility check on acrobat.
  • #246796 – Special characters will be preserved properly on form flattening.
  • #F152770 – Added support to set the border width to zero for grid cells.
  • PdfLoadedTextBoxField properly will be reflected properly in PDF document.



  • #I264745 - Provided the code-behind support to customize the minimum and maximum zoom level.

Bug Fixes

  • #I269926 – The ink annotations are now rendering properly.
  • #I272649 - The System. NullReferenceException will no longer occur when try to move the ink annotation from one page to another.
  • #I266893 - The password-protected PDF document is now opening properly.
  • #I267518 - Annotations are now rendering properly in print previews.
  • #I273445, #I273431 - The System.ArgumentException will no longer occur when rotating the extracted PDF document.
  • #I268747 - The text is now extracted properly from the PDF document.
  • #I271532 - The FindText method now works properly.
  • #I272757 - The PDF document is now opened properly in the read-only application.
  • #I268648 – Multiple times saved ink annotations are now rendering properly .
  • #I268974 - Ink annotation size is now preserved properly when on resaving the PDF document.
  • #I269803 – The ReferencePath property is now working properly.
  • #I270408 – Read-only form fields are now working properly.
  • #I269819 - PDF Document will no longer take more time to render the pages.


Bug Fixes

  • #274637 - The PowerPoint presentation will no longer be corrupted while adding a cloned slide within section.
  • #273501 - Row and column span will be applied properly while saving the PowerPoint presentation.
  • #271751 - Table cell border will be applied properly while saving the PowerPoint presentation.



  • #271807 - Provided support to change the PropertyExpandMode property of specific property in PropertyGrid.

Bug Fixes

  • #272805 - PropertyGrid will no more renders slowly when SelectedObject property value is changed during run time.
  • #271112 - In PropertyGrid, HidePropertyCollection will now update properly during run time.
  • #268636 - Memory will no longer be increased when EnableGrouping is true in PropertyGrid.


Bug Fixes

  • #271552 - Vector image now properly rendered in BackStageCommandButton for small icons.
  • #F152028 - RibbonComboBox item forecolor now correctly applied when ApplyStylesOnApplication is enabled.


Breaking Changes

  • #272751 - The order for trackball information in the grouping feature has been modified to improve UI understanding.


Bug Fixes

  • #271472 - Now, the PrintingService will be initialized only when a user access the printing functionality.
  • #274012 - The InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown when updating the hierarchical tree layout with multiple roots.
  • #274216 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when clearing the diagram’s Groups collection.
  • #274918 - Now, connection between two nodes can be created properly in the Localization tutorial sample.
  • #275471 - Now, the position of the Connector connected with the DockPort will be preserved on Saving and Loading the diagram.
  • #275693 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when dragging the Connector with corner radius applied.
  • #275748 - Icons for the Orientation option in the Multi-Parent Hierarchical Tree Layout tutorial sample has been updated.
  • #273208 - Now, custom QuickCommand will be created properly when initialized within the QuickCommand collection initialization.


Bug fixes

  • #272453 - When dynamically changing the visibility of the image editor in TabControl, then editing and saving the control is now working properly.


Bug fixes

  • #258074 - Performance has been improved when dynamically updating Kanban column.


Bug Fixes

  • #153783 - Tooltip will not be shown for the missing item source of the shapes on mouse over.


Bug Fixes

  • #270131 - Null reference exception will no longer be thrown while exporting the document.
  • #F152893 - White space between the words is now preserved properly while opening the HTML file.
  • #269360 - Argument exception will no longer be thrown while opening the HTML file.
  • #F153248 - The resultant RTF files are no longer corrupted when the input document contains form fields.
  • #F153467 - Null reference exception will no longer be thrown while selecting multiple tables.
  • #272483 - The floating pictures are now displayed properly in the resultant Word documents.
  • #269372 - Tables are now rendered with proper cell width while opening the Word document.
  • #269372 - The table containing grid before and after columns are now displayed properly in the resultant Word documents.
  • #273324 - ImageNodeVisited event is now triggered while opening the HTML file.


Bug Fixes

  • #273129 - SkinStorage theme is now correctly updated in Microsoft controls designer.



  • Provided the SelectedItems support in SfTextBoxExt.


Bug Fixes

  • #274846 - In TabControlExt, Tabitem will now select properly when SelectedItem is null.


Bug Fixes

  • #F151844 - In TileView, Margin will now apply for inside of TileViewItem.


Bug fixes

  • #260172 - Inactive Forecolor and Backcolor selection works well for TreeView nodes in SkinManager themes.
  • #244164 - Now, the TargetOverItem does not return null if the dragged node is moved to another item in TreeViewAdv at DragOver event.
  • #F153314 - Now, the ToolTip will be displayed properly in TreeViewAdv after the drag and drop operation is performed.


Bug Fixes

  • #269069, #269181 - Named range index is now updated properly in ArrayFormula while copying two different worksheets.
  • #271034, #276058 - ImportDataTable() method with preserve type is now working properly for decimal values in German culture.
  • #269362 - Exception will no longer be thrown on applying fill color to group shapes with chart.
  • #273596 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening Excel files with invalid named range.
  • #272551 - Excel file is no longer corrupted on re-saving the document with pivot table.
  • #264179 - Table location and cell values are now updated properly when refreshing a table.
  • #273303 - Exception is no longer thrown while applying borders to specific cells.
  • #267912 - Text in Textbox is now rendered properly in Excel-to-PDF conversion.
  • #267767 - Exception is no longer thrown while parsing Excel documents with chart.
  • #270176 - Exception is no longer thrown while setting invalid HTML string to a cell.
  • #264179 - Tables and its formatting are preserved in proper location after refreshing tables in Microsoft Excel.
  • #272331 - AutoFilter is now applied properly if the row above the filter range is merged.
  • #274309 - Exception is no longer thrown in Excel-to-HTML conversion with entire row merged.
  • #274125 - Timeout exception is no longer thrown while refreshing Excel tables.
  • #269448 - Sorting grand total column in pivot table is now correct.
  • #F152563 - Performance is improved when data validation is applied to more number of rows and columns.
  • Issue with pivot table in-line formatting is fixed.