Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

February 5, 2019


Breaking Changes

  • Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2 installed machine, Syncfusion WPF Controls will not be configured in Visual Studio 2017 toolbox. Refer this documentation to configure the toolbox manually.

  • Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2 installed machine, Syncfusion WPF extensions will not be configured in Visual Studio 2017. Refer this documentation to configure the extensions manually.


Bug Fixes

  • #221972 - Text is now highlighted properly while converting a Word document to tagged PDF.
  • #223350 - Table cell is now preserved properly while opening an HTML document.
  • #222922 - Image is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #222713 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while adding a table.
  • #222608 - Font name is now preserved properly while converting an HTML document to Word document.
  • #222751 - The StackOverFlowException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #222670 - Inline content control text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #222320 - Hyperlink is now preserved properly in inline content control while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #222345 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while updating TOC in RTF format document.
  • #221260 - Line space preservation issue has been resolved While converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #221153 - Inline content control custom XML data is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #221725 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while cloning a Word document.
  • #221611 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while saving a Word document.
  • #220710 - Table row is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #220324 - Checkbox content control state is now preserved properly while cloning a Word document.
  • #221455 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #221119 - List number is now preserved properly while opening an RTF format document.
  • #218943 - List bullet is now preserved properly while opening an RTF format document.
  • #219092 - Merge field before and after text is now preserved properly while executing mail merge.
  • #F141177 - The metafile images are now replaced by default bitmap images while converting a Word document to PDF in Azure platform.
  • #223340 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #222852 - Footer content is now preserved properly while merging multiple RTF documents.
  • #223355 - Tab is now preserved properly while converting a cloned Word document to Image.
  • #222588 - Formula field result is now preserved properly while updating the Word document fields.
  • #224412 - Hanging issue has been resolved while opening a Word document.
  • #224323, #225518, #225883 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while calling the GetText API.
  • #224412 - Tab is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #223713, #223959 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #224287 - Image is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #223508 - Word document instance is now disposed properly while converting a Word document to PDF.


Bug Fixes

  • #221905, #224035 - Argumentation exception was no longer thrown and NativeFloatWindow will be stable to use even changing the DataContext at run time in DockingManager.
  • #223505 - Binding errors will no longer occur when applying Office2013 style in DockingManager.


Bug Fixes

  • #224235 - The DoubleTextBox value is now updated correctly when performing validation by pressing “.”.
  • #225008 - The DoubleTextBox value changed through up and down arrow keys even IsScrollingOnCircle property is set to false has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #224302 – The NullReferenceException does not throw when the text is copied/pasted in cells.


Bug fixes

  • #221897 - Now, the duplicate card will not generate when changing the card’s status a runtime.


Bug Fixes

  • #223966 - The XFA form fields are now retrieving properly by field name.
  • #224603 - The null reference exception will no longer occur when merging certain PDF documents.
  • #141148 - Tool tip is now preserving properly for PdfSignatureField.
  • #224531 - The null reference exception will no longer occur while saving the merged PDF document.
  • #223013 - The radio button field state is now importing properly from XFDF document.
  • #222779 - Attachment is now opening properly from the merged PDF document.
  • #222425 - The check box form field is now filling properly in PdfLoadedXfaDocument.
  • #222024, #224795 - The null reference exception will no longer occur when saving the PDF document.
  • #221122 - PDF security is now preserving properly when saving the PDF document twice.
  • #217591 - Font is now preserving properly in the flattened PDF document.
  • #221424 - The Brush property of the PdfPen is now initialized through the constructor.
  • #222811 - Line is now rendering properly when converting EMF to PDF document.
  • #222296 - Text is now preserving properly when converting EMF to PDF document.
  • #199783 - Content in EMF is now preserving properly when converted to PDF multiple times.
  • #222410 - EMF is now preserving properly when converting to PDF document.
  • #222516, 224611 - RTL text is now preserving properly when converting a word document to PDF.
  • #221808, #223751 - The “An error exists on this page” exception will no longer occur when converting a word document to PDF.
  • #223650 - The EMF images are now preserving properly when converting presentation to PDF.
  • #222811 - The EMF image is now scaling properly when converting EMF to PDF.
  • #222327 - Hebrew text is now preserving properly when converting XPS to PDF.
  • #219569 - The “Arithmetic overflow exception” will no longer occur while signing the PDF document.
  • #222059 - All hidden layers are now printing properly when saving and loading the PDF document.
  • #221328 - Performance has been improved when saving the uncorrupted PDF document.


Bug Fixes

  • #220725 - Application will no longer hang when extracting images from the PDF document.
  • #223095 - Performance issue will no longer occur when organizing PDF pages.
  • #223187 - Application will no longer hang when compressing the PDF document.
  • BindingExpression path error will no longer occur when using the PdfViewerControl in MVVM.


Bug Fixes

  • #224226 - Application will no more hang while adding an image to a PowerPoint slide.
  • #F141608 - Background color is now properly preserved while exporting a PowerPoint slide to EMF with 100% transparency.
  • #225390 - PowerPoint file will no longer get corrupted while resaving multiple times with charts.
  • #222440 - Notes in a PowerPoint slide can now be cloned and added to another slide.
  • #222693 - Hyperlinks in a PowerPoint slide are now embedded into the converted PDF document.
  • #226350 - Scaled images will now render properly in PowerPoint to PDF conversion.



  • #219879 - Provided time-out setting option for dataset in ReportDesigner.
  • #218751 - ReportDesigner supports adding and saving the query parameters for shared dataset.
  • #202926 - Provided support for QRCode type barcode in ReportDesigner.

Bug Fixes

  • #221225 - Interaction in ReportDesigner has been improved when editing a report with point (pt) values.
  • #221623 - Rendering of chart value outside the axis when placed inside the subreport item has been resolved.
  • #221623 - Chart legend values will update properly when it is specified as expression in ReportDesigner.
  • #219541 - Now, the minor and major gridlines of the chart will render properly with respect to the Enabled property while previewing the report.
  • #224395 - Report definition schema has been preserved properly when it is set through API in ReportDesigner.



  • #222076 - Provided InScope expression support for data region and its group elements.

Bug Fixes

  • #219541 - Now, the minor and major gridlines of the chart will render properly with respect to the Enabled property.
  • #221623 - The rendering of the chart value outside the axis when placed inside the subreport item has been resolved.
  • #223731, #223730 - Now, Array.IndexOf function will evaluate properly and return a valid result.
  • #217328 - Now, the ToString method of TimeSpan class returns a proper value.


Bug Fixes

  • #221556 - Now, report with Globals.PageName built-in collection can be exported directly through the ReportWriter.
  • #222390 - Built-in collection Globals.PageNumber text run right alignment problem has been resolved in PDF export.
  • #221279 - Applying transparent color to the Tablix header cell content and background while exporting to PDF and WORD export has been resolved.
  • #223049 - The cropping problem of Tablix cell content when exporting the report to PDF format has been resolved.
  • #219805 - Now, excel sheet names with Unicode characters can be exported properly.
  • #222840 - Now, the Tablix grouping column width will update properly in the Excel export.
  • #220969 - Resolved additional space problem in Excel export when the KeepWithGroup Before option is enabled in Tablix report item.
  • #222840 - Resolved the sheet name duplication problem when the sheet is named based on group in Excel export.
  • #222680 - Resolved trial message displayed problem in PDF export when exporting the report with valid license key.


Bug fixes


Bug Fixes

  • #222008 - Rows are selected properly when the row header is clicked and the AllowSelectionOnPointerPressed property is enabled.
  • #222685 – The ResolveStartIndexOfGroup method returns proper resolved index when the group is null.
  • #223707 – Empty space is inserted properly when the Space key is pressed and the cell is in edit mode with the SelectionMode as Multiple.
  • #224831 - Stacked header text is rendered properly when a column is removed from the grid with the header template.
  • #222626 - The ‘DoubleTextBox’ value is now updated correctly when loaded in the DataGrid
  • #F141267 - The NotSupported exception does not throw when using RowCount and ColumnCount in QTP.


Bug Fixes

  • #224836 - Binding errors will no longer occur when using vertical scrollbar.
  • #222126 - The auto scroll will no longer start when pressing and holding on the corner of the diagram.
  • #223540 - Now, the diagram will no longer be clipped when scrolling is limited to diagram.
  • #221538 - The symbols are now displayed properly with Windows 7 professional machine.
  • #F141820 - IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown when using shape with multiple path data.


Bug Fixes

  • #223754 - ArgumentNullException will no longer be thrown with cell mapping when a cell does not have values.


  • #225060 - Provided support for property mapping to dynamic object.


Bug Fixes

  • #223721 - Exception will no longer be thrown while loading an HTML document containing two or more style definitions with same class name.
  • #223721 - Script tag is now skipped properly while loading an HTML document.
  • #225155 - The IndexOutofRangeException will no longer be thrown while inserting text with two or more newline characters.
  • #226055 - Space between the words is now properly preserved while loading an HTML document.


Bug Fixes

  • #221655 – The NullReferenceException is no longer thrown when using TimeLineViewRowCount along with the IntervalHeight in the timeline view.


Bug Fixes

  • #221929 -ComboBox’s HorizontalContentAlignment property is working properly when LayoutControl.SetMetroMode property set as True.
  • #222522 -Office2016White SelectedItem Background of ListBoxItem is now working properly on LostFocus.
  • #223969 - Animation in ProgressBar is now working properly on setting the IsIndeterminate property.


Bug Fixes

  • #221737 – The ContextMenu opens properly for all the rows selected.


Behavior Changes

  • #216080 – Vertical and horizontal alignment features now work the same as Microsoft Excel when a cell has clipped text.


Bug Fixes

  • #201664 - The SyntaxEditor undo behavior now works properly when performing undo action in the context menu.


Bug Fixes

  • #I223871 - Old text will no longer persist in editing text box, if header editing is canceled in TabControlExt.


Bug fixes

  • #222938 – Show/hide gripper is feasible using the GripperVisibility property.


Breaking Changes

  • #222797 - AutoDetectComplexScript has been added in ExcelToPdfConverterSettings class to support complex script rendering in Excel to PDF conversion

Bug Fixes

  • #223667 - Exception no more thrown if chart’s data range column is deleted.
  • #225065 - Currency number format is now properly detected in XlsIO generated Excel File.
  • #224023 - Exception thrown while opening an XlsIO re-saved document with group shape is resolved.
  • #223946 - Conditional format is now preserved properly while saving the workbook multiple times.
  • #223839 - Infinite recursive loop on saving an Excel file after modifying chart data range with the improper series indices is resolved.
  • #224024 - Not implemented exception thrown while opening an Excel document external formula range in check box is fixed.
  • #223448 - Pivot table field settings are properly preserved on re-saving the Excel file.
  • #223167 - Custom time format [h]:mm:ss is now detected automatically.
  • #223376 - Exception occurs while saving Excel document with OLE object is resolved.
  • #223226 - NullReferenceException thrown while resaving an Excel file to HTML is fixed.
  • #223041 - Data validation formula is preserved proper while saving as XML.
  • #221229 - Issue with pivot field values due to improper pivot field data format, is resolved.
  • #214445 - Table.Refresh() is now working proper with ODBC connection.
  • #223918 - Conditional format is now preserved properly on converting Excel document to PDF.
  • #223859 - Hyperlink is now set properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #221079 - Exception thrown if print-title row height is higher in Excel to PDF conversion, is fixed.
  • #221693 - Parameter invalid exception thrown while converting Excel document into PDF is fixed.
  • #222797 - Incorrect Thai font in Excel to PDF conversion is fixed.
  • #F141101 - Issue with incorrect parsing of comment is resolved.
  • Issue with Conditional formatting operator type is incorrect in re-saved Excel document is fixed.
  • Setting a table column header name no longer corrupts the Excel.
  • DataBar color is now applied proper for negative values.
  • External formula is applied proper in NET Standard.