Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes (Beta)

December 10, 2018
Starting with version 16.2 (2018 Vol 2), you need to include a valid license key (either paid or trial key) within your applications. Please refer to this help topic for more information
Starting with version 16.4 (2018 Vol 4), Syncfusion has removed .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.5.1 assemblies from the WPF install. These assemblies are provided in a separate add-on install. Please refer to this help topic for more information.


Breaking Changes

  • The following classic controls will not be included in Visual Studio Toolbox from this release.
    • GridDataControl
    • GridTreeControl
    • SpreadsheetControl
    • SpreadsheetRibbon
    • RichTextBoxAdv
    • Diagram
  • Starting with version 16.4 (2018 Vol 4), Syncfusion has removed the fewer NuGet packages from the Essential Studio. You can find the older NuGet packages and their equivalent new NuGet package details from the KB article.


  • Support has been provided for system theme to render the UI controls based on the current Windows system theme.


Bug Fixes

  • #216408 – The deselecting items is now removed in the DisplayMember path when SelectionMode is set to Multiple or Extended.
  • #216408- The selected items will not be removed when selecting new item with keyboard.


Bug Fixes

  • #221208 – IsChecked property of RibbonToggleButton will bind properly in both the ways.


Bug Fixes

  • #218765 – The WeekNumberForeground is now applied properly when setting the ScrollViewer style for SfSkinManager themes.
  • #220592 – Header background color is not updated properly in CalendarEdit when applying Office2016 theme has been fixed.



  • #206916 - Provided Eye dropping support for all selection mode.


Bug Fixes

  • #218168, #218116 – The null reference exception will no longer be thrown in ColorPickerPalette on closing window if host window is RibbonWindow.


Bug Fixes

  • #216857, #219338 - Memory leak has been fixed when using inside TabControlAdv.

Breaking Changes

  • Normal appearance of DefaultText has been grayed out to show the text as watermark


Bug Fixes

  • #219200 – ShowMaskOnNullValue is now working properly at run time.
  • #216857 – Memory leak will no longer occur in DateTimeEdit when using inside TabControlAdv.



  • #114697, #132874, #133035, #153479, #167670, #212402 - Added support to show the revision marks in the generated PDF while converting Word documents with tracked changes or revisions.
  • #108879, #162848, #181644, #212631, #217405 - Added support to hyphenate text in a Word document while converting to PDF and Image.
  • #155259, #176052, #211046, #218374 - Added support to update Auto Number field in a Word document.
  • #216440 - Added support to update SET field in a Word document.
  • #211192, #216218 - Added API to access the external Excel file path for a chart in DOCX to DOCX conversion.
  • #214175 - Added API to auto detect the complex scripts in Word to PDF conversion.
  • #213984 - Added support to restart the list number while performing Mail merge.
  • #215528 - Added support to specify Encoding while converting a Word document to HTML.
  • #213040 - Added option to maintain information about imported list styles while importing Word document elements.

Bug Fixes

  • #218957 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while updating TOC in RTF format document.
  • #218795 - The XMLException will no longer be thrown while resaving a DOCX format document.
  • #210586 - The NotSupportedException will no longer be thrown while converting a HTML document to Word document.
  • #210586 - Page break preservation issue has been resolved in HTML to Word conversion.
  • #210586 - Text is now aligned properly while converting an HTML document to Word document.
  • #210586 - Tab is now preserved properly while converting a document to HTML.
  • #217440 - Image is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #217259 - Nested paragraphs are now preserved properly while opening a Word document.
  • #215506 - RTL text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #213770 - Hanging issue has been resolved while updating a Word document fields.
  • #208452 - Table content is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #216566 - The file will no longer be corrupted while adding Chart into a Word document (DOCX).
  • #215421 - Paragraph list is now preserved properly while merging a cloned paragraph with ImportOptions.KeepSourceFormatting.
  • #F139944, #215539 - Custom UI is now preserved properly while opening and saving a Word document (DOCX).
  • #214749 - The FormatException will no longer be thrown while opening a Word document.
  • #214664 - Table cell content is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #214435 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to Image.
  • #213886 - List number is now preserved properly while opening and saving a Word document (DOCX).
  • #F139508 - Page border position is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #213327 - Shape is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #213151 - Bullets are now preserved properly while merging the Word documents.
  • #213042 - Unexpected frame preservation issue has been resolved while calling the WordDocument.Replace API for Word document.
  • #212593 - Text wrapping issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #212502 - Textbox is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #182512 - The OutOfMemoryException will no longer be thrown while opening a Word document.


Bug Fixes

  • #219317 – The argumentation exception will no longer be thrown when changing DataContext at run time in Docking Manager.
  • #220325 – The float window will no longer flicker when clicking its header and will be resized properly on the left side in Docking Manager.
  • #220262 – Binding errors will no longer occur in Docking Manager when using ItemsSource.


  • #189216 – Support has been provided to make flat layout control using Docking Manager.
  • Support has been provided to pin and unpin the document tabs in Docking Manager.



  • An event has been provided to notify the state changing of MDI windows in document container.

Gantt Control

Bug fixes

  • #217445 - The exception will no longer be thrown while zooming with current month.


Bug fixes

  • #217182 - Resizing cursor will not be shown for child grid when AllowResizingColumns is disabled.
  • #216210 – Clipboard operation on AddNewRow will work properly for sorting.


Bug Fixes

  • #218882 – The BorderBrush and BorderThickness were not updated properly in GroupBar when applying Office2016 theme has been fixed.
  • #218884 – The GroupBarItem height was not updated properly when collapsing and expanding the GroupBar has been fixed.
  • #218885 – The OverFlowButtonStyle was not updated properly in GroupBar when applying Office2016 theme has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #217880 – TextBox controls were not validating the value when clearing the value using the Backspace key has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #199673 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when dragging the cards out of kanban area.



  • #196638 – Provision to apply format for measure and KPI elements which can be placed in a desired order.



  • #130495, #131138, #136165, #136511, #99972, #174605, #175254, #196824, #205109, #209482, #218456, #217889 - Added support for OpenType font (OTF).
  • #140012, #216188 - Added support for retrieving certificate details from an existing PDF document.
  • #216464 - Added support to parse ForeColor and BackColor from PdfLoadedFormFields.
    Added support to identify the secured document signed by user or owner password.

Bug Fixes

  • #215133 - Performance has been improved when accessing the PDF document layers.
  • #210943, #216074 - String was not recognized as a valid DateTime exception will no longer occur while loading a PDF document.
  • #215941 - Barcode is now preserving with proper size when specifying the size of a barcode.
  • #215595 - The 1D barcode is now scanning properly with default width.
  • #215096 - FNC characters in the given input is now preserving properly for PdfGS1Code128Barcode.
  • #215166 - The Null-reference exception will no longer occur while loading a PDF document.
  • #214918 - Light table header is now preserving properly when providing the data source through IEnumerable.
  • #214401 - The ArgumentException will no longer occur when loading a PDF document.
  • #213436 - The ArgumentException will no longer occur while loading a PDF document with Spanish culture settings.
  • #217131 - File size has been decreased while redacting a PDF document.
  • #215998 - Performance has been improved when converting XPS to PDF document.
  • #215977 - Text is now redacting properly when redact with annotation.
  • #215817 - “A Graphics object cannot be created from an image that has an indexed pixel format.” exception will no longer occur when redacting a PDF document.
  • #213910 - Text is now preserving properly when converting a PDF document to PDF/A-1b document.
  • #214354 - The Hebrew text is now preserving properly in EMF to PDF conversion.
  • #213566, #213951 - Text is now preserving properly when converting word document to PDF in azure function app.
  • #212556 - The OutOfMemory exception will no longer occur when converting PDF to PDF/A-1B.
  • #217007 - The Null-reference exception will no longer occur when importing pages from the PDF document.

  • #219778 - Object reference not set to an instance of an object exception will no longer occur when saving the PdfInkAnnotation.
  • #217829 - Index was outside the bounds of the array exception will no longer occur when loading the PDF document.
  • #219468 - RTL texts are now preserving properly in Word when converting to PDF.
  • #220618 - “Object reference not set to an instance of an object exception will no longer occur when creating PDF signature.
  • #220403 - PDF page contents are now preserving properly when redacting the PDF document twice.
  • #219421 - EMF images are now preserving properly when converting Excel to PDF document.
  • #219990 - Text mark annotation is now preserving properly when flatten the PDF document.
  • #219079 - “Couldn’t find information about the character exception will no longer occur when flattening the XFA document.
  • #217865 - NullReferenceException will no longer occur while removing custom metadata entries.
  • #218695 - Bookmark destination is now preserving properly after reading the bookmark.
  • #218417 - Text is now preserving properly when converting EMF to PDF.
  • #218348 - Gap between barcode data sections is now preserving properly when drawing 1D barcode to PDF.
  • #218231 - The PdfCode128Barcode Size property is now working properly.
  • #218235 - Barcodes are now preserving properly with its default size.
  • #218230 - Exception will no longer occur when getting the size of the PdfCode128Barcode.
  • #217889 - The PDF document is now preserving properly when drawing a string with OTF font.
  • #219709 - Object reference not set instance of an object exception will no longer occur when drawing PdfGrid in a PDF.
  • #218036 - Digital signatures are now preserving properly when appending the PDF document.
  • #218192, #218299 - NullReferenceException will no longer occur when saving the document with EnableValidationAppearance.



  • #92000, #122854, #182994, #180778, #190509, #199431, #216765 - Provided support to add, edit, and modify stamp annotation.
  • #160956, #190937, #186360 - Provided support to rotate, reorder, and delete pages.
  • #139860 - Provided support to redact page content.
  • #218846 - Exposed API to set the document name to display while printing the file.
  • Provided support to import and export form data.
  • Provided support to include hand written signature.

Bug Fixes

  • #215133 - Initial loading time and memory consumption are now optimized in the PdfViewerControl for PDF documents that contain many pages.
  • #214630 - The rotated PDF pages are now exported properly as metafile using Pdfium.
  • #218301 - The page content is now preserved properly when printing the document in landscape.
  • #215945 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when saving the PDF document.
  • #219041 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when loading the PDF document using Pdfium.



#213426 - Added support to create, edit, and remove connectors in PowerPoint files.
#208190, #173950, #213995 - Added support for ShrinkTextOnOverflow property while creating and editing the text in a PowerPoint file.
#214420 - Added support to clone and insert paragraphs.

Breaking Changes

The FitTextOption property has been added to ITextBody interface.
The Insert(int, IParagraph) method has been added to IParagraphs interface.
The Clone() method has been added to IParagraph interface.
The AddConnector(ConnectorType, IShape, int, IShape, int) method has been added to IShapes interface.
The AddConnector(ConnectorType, double, double , double , double) method has been added to IShapes interface.
The ConnectionSiteCount property has been added to IShape interface.

Bug Fixes

#205041 - PowerPoint files will no longer be corrupted while inserting a cloned picture.
#214098 - Chart axis labels are now preserved properly with default label bounds while converting a PowerPoint slide to image.
#213387 - Slide background is now preserved properly while converting a PowerPoint slide to image.
#213409 - Picture fill is now preserved properly in portable PDF conversion.
#207078 - The FormatException will no longer be thrown while resaving a PowerPoint document with formulated path points.



  • #209910 - Provided option to remove the recently added shared datasources from report designer.
  • #216091,#211268 - Provided support to specify user defined custom attribute for chart series in report designer.
  • #189917,#190928,#210533 - Provided option to browse and use local files or images in report designer.

Bug Fixes

  • #215392 – Now, the toggle items are displayed properly for the tablix report item.
  • #216275 – Now, a dataset can be created with stored procedure when the shared data source has prompt credentials.
  • #216275 – Problem in executing the SQL query parameter when the parameter data type is not set has been resolved.
  • #215476 – Now, the chart and axis title property dialog can be shown properly in the report designer.
  • #214535 – Problem in updating the report page orientation values to properties dialog has been resolved.
  • #218980 - Now, the chart and gauge report item with custom value expression renders properly in report designer preview.
  • #217574 - Now, the tablix column visibility works properly based on expression value in the report designer.
  • #215392 - Report item names not updated issue in the tablix property dialog to perform drilldown actions has been resolved.



  • Provided support for optional parameters in date part function

Bug Fixes

  • #218997 - Now, toggle button images are displayed properly in Windows Forms Report Viewer.
  • #219202 - Enable/Disable functionality of chart minor gridlines is now working properly in the Report Viewer.
  • #219353 - The index out of range exception will no longer occur when the multiple value parameter is used in the drillthrough report.
  • #210669 – Resolved rendering problem when the concatenation operator is used at end of the paragraph tag in HTML markup text.
  • #215303 – Now, TimeSerial function is rendered properly for double values.
  • #213238 – Text cut off problem when an empty div tag is added as HTML markup text has been resolved.
  • #221225 - Interaction in ReportDesigner has been improved when editing a report with point (pt) values.


Bug Fixes

  • #204594 - Incorrect font size applied to the footer content in Word export has been resolved.
  • #217328 - Now, TimeSpan expression with format returns proper value in the Excel export.
  • #218115 - The issue with rendering the Arabic content in the tablix cell when language is specified for tablix in PDF export has been resolved.
  • #215303 – Now, the cell values with TimeSerial format can be rendered properly in the Excel export.
  • #213238 – Text cut off problem when an empty div tag is added as HTML markup text has been resolved.



  • Accessibility support has been provided for ribbon.

Bug Fixes

  • #221197 –The NRE exception will no longer occur while clicking MoreCommand option when BackStage Tab is empty.


Bug Fixes

  • #219518 – The invalid exception will no longer be thrown when setting SelectedIndex in SfAccordion.
  • #220518 – The SelectionChanged event was not triggered properly when select and unselect the items in SfAccordion has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #217316 – Chart axis scroll bar thumb is visible with optimum length when very small ZoomFactor value is set to axis.

  • #218242 – Minor grid lines of the axis will not overlap with the major gridlines of the axis.

  • #219168 – The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown when zooming in y-axis plot offset area.


  • The stacked doughnut support has been provided to chart.

  • Now, the chart control supports RangeColumnSeries chart type with a single y-value.

  • Now, the data label and PieSeries/DoughnutSeries segments can be connected with horizontal straight line.

  • Support has been provided to group the data points into Others category in PieSeries and DoughnutSeries charts.

  • The text or any view can be added to the center of the doughnut chart.


  • Now, the dashes can be applied to the polar and radar charts when rendering as lines.


Bug Fixes

  • #141027 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown on page navigation.



  • Swipe support has been provided for SfColorPalette.


Breaking Changes

  • Now, the auto-generated columns format data using the DataFormatString property in DisplayFormat attribute. When the DisplayFormat attribute is defined with the DataFormatString property, the DataGrid formats the column only based on DataFormatString, without considering the formatting property settings of column.


  • #215338 – Provided support to change the foreground color of the search text.
  • #214948 – Provided support to auto generate the custom type property as single column without auto-generating all inner properties as separate columns.
  • #F139811 – Improved the text rendering quality when enabling the UseDrawing property.
  • #215107 – Provided support for formatting the columns using DataFormatString attribute.

Bug Fixes

  • #220690 – The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown when performing multicolumn sorting with indexer property.
  • #219039 – Performance of selecting cells through SelectCells method is improved.
  • #219038 – The NullReference exception will no longer be thrown when changing the value of SelectedItem if the value type collection is bind to grid.
  • #217822 – Performance of resizing the grid with details view when bound to large number of records is improved.
  • #217170 – Row drag-and-drop will work properly when dropping records on the header.
  • #218137 – Items in the filter drop-down will be generated properly when using CollectionView.Filter.


Bug Fixes

  • #207601 - Now, ConnectorPort will considered the shortest path while setting the ConnectionDirection to Auto.
  • #207601 - Null reference exception will no longer be thrown while using DirectedTreeLayout.
  • #210047 - Exported image is now preserved properly while executing FitToPage.
  • #214812 - Port to port connection of Polyline connector is now working properly.
  • #214812 - Polyline connector is now connected to the node or port with a single click instead of double click.
  • #214340 - On-demand changing of PageWidth and PageHeight are now reflected properly PrinterSettings of PrintManager.
  • #215568 - Performance and memory usage has been improved while loading many nodes in Stencil.
  • #214350 - Connector is now visible properly during drawing.
  • #217097 - The ItemDeleted event is now fired properly when deleting node from the group.
  • #217097 - The ItemDrop event is now fired with valid arguments when dropping a node to group.
  • #218151, #216297 - Dropped node will now find its overlapping elements when it is in collision state.
  • #219364 - Symbol type is now getting properly in dropped event.
  • # 220791 - Ports are moved to valid positions when the node is flipped.
  • # 220322 - Page size is now updated properly while applying ZoomOut or ZoomIn with FocusPoint as (0,0).


  • #205073 - Added support to split or join segment of the connectors.
  • #205073 - Added support to override the default cursors used in SfDiagram.
  • #200498 - Connection support has been provided to ports that lies outside the node bounds.
  • #219801 - ConnectorEditing events will now be fired for Bezier and Straight segments editing.
  • Added support to reduce or enlarge a diagram when printing, using PrintScale option.

Behavior Changes

  • Now, Load will clear the diagram before loading the saved file. To retain the old behavior, you can use new Import method instead of Load.
  • Type of Id and ParentId should be same for data given in IDataSourceSettings.DataSource.
  • Now, page will be extended when the elements move outside the page bounds instead of page margin.

Breaking Changes

  • Now, Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Diagram.Controls.ThumbType is deprecated, instead use Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Diagram.ControlPointType.
  • Now, Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Diagram.Layout.Base.HorizotalAlignment is deprecated, instead use Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Diagram.Layout.Base.HorizontalAlignment.


Bug fixes

  • # 219031 – The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when using sub-shape files for imagery layer.



  • #167558, #169855, #177418, #221463 - Added support for UI container to embed (host) UI elements within the document.

Bug Fixes

  • #214604 - ArgumentException will be no longer thrown while loading the document containing image in header.
  • #214604 - NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while loading the document containing fields.
  • #214886 - Search using OptionsPane is now working properly when IsReadOnly is set to true for the control.
  • #217668 - ArgumentException will be no longer thrown while loading the document containing row with invalid height.
  • #219882 - NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while opening the HTML document containing two or more consecutive hr tags.
  • #218434 - Punctuation marks associated with non-RTL text is now displayed properly while opening the HTML document.
  • #218434 - Unwanted white space characters after paragraph and break tags are no longer added while opening the HTML document.
  • #218434 - Image is now displayed properly while opening the HTML document containing image source as base64 string and URI.
  • #218434 - The contents of style tag defined inside a div is now skipped properly while opening the HTML document.
  • #218430 - Paragraphs with empty tags are now skipped properly while opening the HTML document.
  • #218434 - NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while opening the HTML document containing nested list without root element html tag.
  • #219938 - Image of a nested table that extending outside its parent cell boundary is now clipped properly.
  • #219939 - Pages are now properly visible when resizing the table that spans to several pages.
  • #221478 - ArgumentException will be no longer thrown while saving the document containing table within invisible header or footer.
  • #213150, #213145 - The performance of text editing and opening documents are now improved.


Bug Fixes

  • #219516, #220591 – The File Not Found exception will no longer be thrown in SfSkinManager.

Breaking changes

  • Microsoft Office ListBox height has been changed to provide exact UI as like default style


Bug Fixes

  • #220514 – The System.IO.IO exception will no longer be thrown when performing FillSeries.
  • #218655 – The caret position of text is updated properly in the RichTextBox cell when double clicking that cell.


Bug fixes

  • # 216996 - The BindingExpression path error will no longer occur on selecting or deselecting the segments.


Breaking changes

  • Microsoft Office ListBox height has been changed to provide exact UI as like default style


Bug Fixes

  • #218940 – The CellValidating event is now fired when clicking inside SfDataGrid.


Bug Fixes

  • #219118 – The Text of Syntax Editor was not updated based on the changes in DataContext while applying built-in language has been fixed.


  • Programmatic navigation support has been provided in syntax editor.


Bug Fixes

  • #217989 – TabItemExt content was shown in the right-to-left direction when TabStripPlacement was Bottom in TabControlExt has been fixed.
  • #219327 – Glitches in appearance of TabItemExt has now been resolved in the default theme of TabControlExt.
  • #219901 – The HeaderTemplateSelector property of TabItemExt now works properly when setting it in DocumentTabItemStyle of DockingManager.


  • Support has been added to restrict closing of specific tab items in TabControlExt and provide an option to change visibility of the close button on tab header.
  • Support has been provided to add separator between custom context menu items in TabControlExt.
  • Support has been provided to pin and unpin the tabs in TabControlExt and provide an option to change visibility of the pin button on tab header.


Bug Fixes

  • #220584 – The Header background color is now applied while editing the text box in Theme Studio.
  • #220584 - Theme Studio will no longer be crashed when invalid hex code is entered manually.


Bug Fixes

  • #220594 - Mouse interaction with expand arrow is now working as expected.
  • #220454 – The null reference exception will no longer be thrown when rearranging the collection before loading.
  • #219947 – In LoadOnDemand, exception will no longer be thrown while drag and drop the items.
  • #219774 – The SelectedItem is now deselected when it is set to null.


Breaking Changes

  • #217605 - UseStringDelimiter has been added in IApplication interface to support string delimiter in CSV document.
  • #218001 - SkipAutoFitRow has been added in IApplication interface to skip autofit for rows.
  • CustomPaperSize has been added in ExcelToPdfConverterSettings class to support setting custom paper size while converting Excel document to PDF.

Bug Fixes

  • #139653 - Issue with VLOOKUP formula while setting custom separators in German culture is fixed.
  • #204947 - Exception thrown while opening Excel document with duplicate attributes is resolved.
  • #212300 - Null reference exception is no longer thrown while add copying the workbook with invalid sheet references.
  • #212300 - File corruption issue while copying a range having named range formula referring to External workbook is resolved.
  • #213242 - Chart default axis title area text settings and text box properties are now cloned properly in XlsIO.
  • #213274 - StandardHeight is now properly set for XlsIO generated Excel documents.
  • #213608 - Incorrect Rich-Text format while saving the Excel document is fixed.
  • #213658 - Null reference exception thrown while getting ListOfValues property of Data Validation is fixed
  • #213658 - NumberFormatSettings returning null value while accessing particular range is fixed.
  • #213658 - Issue with FirstFormula property of Data Validation in binary Excel files is fixed.
  • #213819 - DeleteColumn method works properly for CSV file.
  • #214495 - Issue with slicer getting removed on saving the file in Excel 2007 version is fixed.
  • #214638 - Excel file with incorrect anchor type for shapes is resaved properly without any corruption.
  • #214638 - Excel file with text box is resaved properly in Excel 2007 version without any corruption.
  • #214879 - Exception thrown while parsing the named range formula without worksheet reference is resolved.
  • #214915 - Enabling WrapText property will no longer throw exception during BeginUpdate().
  • #214924 - Excel file with conditional formats is resaved properly without any corruption.
  • #215001 - Issue with horizontal alignment for textbox is resolved.
  • #215030 - Null reference exception thrown on casting chart data label as text area on parsing Excel file is fixed.
  • #215185 - Text box color and macro link are properly resaved in the Excel document.
  • #215197 - Issue with changing legend position from manual layout is fixed.
  • #215350 - Special characters (Ampersand and less-than symbols) can be used in HTMLString property without any exception.
  • #215591 - Issue with copying borders in merged cells is fixed.
  • #215649 - Date format is now preserved properly when creating Excel from data table.
  • #216094 - ArgumentException thrown while assigning “/” as cell value is fixed.
  • #216187, #214895 - Performance issue while inserting rows is resolved.
  • #216305 - AutoFitColumn now works properly for currency values.
  • #217511 - Object reference exception thrown while converting Excel file with icon set in conditional formats to PDF is fixed.
  • #214098 - Issue in setting maximum labels count for chart numeric axis in chart to image conversion is fixed.
  • #214895 - Alignment issue in Excel to PDF conversion for cells with conditional formats applied is fixed.
  • #211036 - Performance issue while converting chart with formulas to PDF is resolved.
  • #215896 - ArgumentException thrown while converting Excel file having background color set for text box to PDF is fixed.
  • ArgumentException thrown while accessing used range having styles alone is fixed.
  • Border set to a cell through BordersAround method is now applied properly.
  • Unhandled exception thrown while opening an Excel file with duplicate shape attribute is fixed.
  • #210172, #218493 – Protected document with objects is resaved properly without unlocking the objects.
  • #214445 - Exception thrown in Table.Refresh() with ODBC connection using XlsIO is fixed.
  • #216939 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException is no longer thrown while saving the workbook with shapes, after deleting rows.
  • #217119 - Performance delay while applying multilevel subtotal is fixed.
  • #217178 - XML exception thrown while opening XML document with invalid attribute value is fixed.
  • #217348 - Exception thrown while setting font for empty text has been resolved.
  • #217365 - Issues with inserting new rows in table and add copying the worksheets with table formulas is fixed.
  • #217695 - Exception will no longer be thrown while opening Excel file with duplicate custom XML relations.
  • #218001 - Autofit row enhancement is implemented for Calibri and Tahoma fonts.
  • #218655, #218656, #220908 - Line breaks are now properly retrieved for cells with Rich-Text.
  • #218676 - Chart legend border value is properly retrieved while resaving the Excel file.
  • #218730 - Manual layout is preserved properly while resaving the Excel document.
  • #218730 - XML error thrown while parsing Excel document with charts is fixed.
  • #218869 - Color formatting issue due to comma cell style is fixed.
  • #218983 - Null reference exception thrown while opening the Excel document without theme.xml file is resolved.
  • #219575 - Conditional formats are now properly serialized for an empty document.
  • #219606 - Format exception is no longer raised while opening the Excel file in German culture.
  • #220197 - Excel file is properly converted to PDF without any blank page.
  • #217780 - Conditional formats are now preserved properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #217800, #140395 – Issue with bubble chart sizing in Chart to Image conversion is fixed.
  • #218016 - Text cropping issue in Excel to PDF conversion when text length exceeds the cell width is fixed.
  • #218648 - Issue with Time being incorrectly preserved while converting Date1904 enabled workbook to PDF is fixed.
  • #217198 - Issue with image being cropped while converting Excel to PDF has been resolved.
  • Exception thrown while accessing UsedRange of worksheet in an Excel workbook opened with ExcelParseOptions.ParseWorksheetsOnDemand is resolved.
  • DisplayText is retrieved properly after getting CalculatedValue.
  • Issue with secondary value axis for different chart types is fixed.
  • Next available column ID is properly updated while refreshing the query table in existing workbook.