Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

November 23, 2018
Starting with version 16.2 (2018 Vol 2), you need to include a valid license key (either paid or trial key) within your applications. Please refer to this help topic for more information


Bug Fixes

  • #216408- Deselecting items is now removed in the DisplayMember path when SelectionMode is Multiple or Extended.
  • #216408- Selected items will not remove when selecting new item with keyboard.


Bug Fixes

  • #218765 – WeekNumberForeground is now applying when setting the ScrollViewer style for SfSkinManager themes.


Bug Fixes

  • #216857, #219338 – Memory leak has been fixed while using in TabControlAdv.


Bug Fixes

  • #216857 - Memory leak issue in DateTimeEdit, CurrencyTextBox and PercentTextBox has been fixed while using inside TabControlAdv.


Bug Fixes

  • #219327 - Argumentation exception will no longer thrown when changing DataContext at run time in DockingManager.


Bug Fixes

  • #218882 - BorderBrush and BorderThickness property works properly while setting Office2016Style in GroupBar.
  • #218884 - GroupBarItem height updated properly while collapsing and reopening the GroupBar.
  • #218885 - OverFlowButtonStyle property works properly while setting Office2016Style in GroupBar.


Bug Fixes

  • #218980 - Now, the chart and gauge report item with custom value expression renders properly in report designer preview.
  • #217574 - Now, the tablix column visibility works properly based on expression value in the report designer.
  • #215392 - Report item names not updated issue in the tablix property dialog to perform drilldown actions has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #218997 - Now, toggle button images are displayed properly in Windows Forms Report Viewer.
  • #219202 - Enable/Disable functionality of chart minor gridlines is now working properly in the Report Viewer.
  • #219353 - The index out of range exception will no longer occur when the multiple value parameter is used in the drillthrough report.


Bug Fixes

  • #204594 - Incorrect font size applied to the footer content in Word export has been resolved.
  • #217328 - Now, ‘TimeSpan’ expression with format returns proper value in the Excel export.
  • #218115 - The issue with rendering the Arabic content in the tablix cell when language is specified for tablix in PDF export has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #219518 - Invalid exception will no longer thrown when setting SelectedIndex in SfAccordion.


Bug Fixes

  • #219870 – Now, click event shouldn’t raises in SplitButtonAdv after validation is applied.


Bug Fixes

  • #219118 - Text property works properly while setting built-in languages in SyntaxEditor.


Bug Fixes

  • #217989 - TabItemExt content shown in right to left flow direction when TabStripPlacement is Bottom in TabControlExt.
  • #219327 - Glitches appearance of TabItemExt is now resolved in default theme of TabControlExt.
  • #219901 - HeaderTemplateSelector property of TabItemExt now working properly in TabControlExt.


Bug Fixes

  • #220454–Null reference exception will no longer be thrown while moving the items before loading.
  • #219774– SelectedItem is now deselected when it is set as null.
  • #219947– Exception will no longer be thrown occurred on drag and drop while using LoadOnDemand.