Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes
Exception issue “Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture” in Framework 4.5 while using the assemblies “Syncfusion.Tools.WPF”, “Syncfusion.Shared.WPF” or “Syncfusion.Chart.WPF” in v16.1.0.24 has been fixed and the patch can be download from the below link
Bug Fixes
- #191243 – Provided support for drag and drop when populating items using
Bug Fixes
- #191756 – Size of
in ColorPicker has set to same size as that of MS ComboBox.
Bug fixes
- #194811 - Time will no longer reset on date change even display format not having the Time field.
- #195684 - Now clock will respond for mouse gestures.
- #181377 - Added support to embed complete fonts in the converted PDF while performing Word to PDF conversion.
- #192592 - Added option to import styles with new unique name, if style exist in destination document with same name and different type.
- #196209 - Added support to save chart in Word document as image by exposing OfficeChart property of WChart class.
- #191352 - Added event to set alternate font for missing fonts in device during Word to PDF/Image conversion.
- #149806 - Added support to preserve editable range permissions of protected Word document in DOCX to DOCX conversion.
- #193218 - Added overload methods to open document in read only mode with
Breaking Changes
- The property
was added to theIWordDocument
interface. - Overload methods
was added to theIWordDocument
interface. - The property
was added to theIWordDocument
interface. - Complete field code is now included in Document Object Model(DOM) and in the Text property of
class. Whereas in previous versions, partial field code is included in DOM. For more information, kindly refer here. - #184371 - The
style is now applied to the table that is added usingAddTable()
orWTable(IWordDocument doc)
API, like Microsoft Word application. Whereas in previous versions, theTableGrid
style is not applied to the table.
Bug Fixes
- #190034 -
will be no longer thrown while converting a particular Word document as PDF. - #190591 - DOC format document opens properly after modifying the protection type from ‘AllowOnlyFormFields’ to other types for a particular Word document.
- #189443 - Text size and clipping issues has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as Image(Bitmap).
- #194503 - Owner information is now set properly while merging comment from source to destination document.
- #194088 , #194423 - Image missing issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF in Azure environment.
- #193912 - Picture horizontal alignment issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF when picture is inside a frame.
- #192944 -
with whitespace values are imported properly in a particular Word document. - #191534 -
fields are preserved properly while converting a particular RTF Word document as DOCX. - #189597 -
will be no longer thrown while deleting and accessing a bookmark content from a particular Word document. - #190880 - The resultant Word document is no longer corrupted after updating the
for a particular Word document. - #190024 - Images are removed properly while clearing the Word document elements.
- #191732 - Image and text are preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
- #191067 -
will be no longer thrown while loading a particular Word document. - #178019 - Text wrapping issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
- #189874 - Memory leak issue has been resolved while saving a particular Word document as RTF document (multiple times).
- #188568 -
Print Layout
view is now preserved properly while opening/printing resultant RTF document in Microsoft Word 2016. - #189881 , #193985 - AltChunk content is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
- #190783 - Table and hidden text are preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
- #190621 -
will be no longer thrown while opening a particular Word document. - #189655 - Bullet size is now preserved properly while merging a particular Word document elements.
- #189767 - Bullet list is now aligned properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
- #189185 -
(Company,manager) are imported properly while opening particular DOC format document. - #188296 -
will be no longer thrown while updating document fields for a particular Word document. - #194825 - Table width is now updated properly while setting the table cell width for a particular Word document.
- #194535 - Paragraph spacing is now preserved properly while importing a particular RTF format document.
- #195050 - Content control text is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
- #195214 -
will be no longer thrown while converting a particular Word document as PDF. - #193985 - Default tab width is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
- #195343 - Text position is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
- #195793 -
will be no longer thrown while importing a particular HTML document. - #195688 - The file is no longer corrupted while extracting and saving native data of an OLE object.
- #189006 - Extra page preservation issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
- #194420 -
is now preserved properly while importing a particular DOCX format document. - #193912 - Picture horizontal alignment issue in frame has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
- #181377 - Second consecutive tab character position is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
- #191405 - Paragraph horizontal border is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
- #189825 - No longer hangs while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
- #178727 -
file size is not increasing to huge size while importing multiple Word documents. - #195208 - Reduced the memory consumption while appending HTML text in paragraph.
Bug Fixes
- #194507 -
Stack Overflow Exception
will no longer occurs on adding items to the tabbed Float window. - #193686 -
size not updated properly based onFloatWindow
size customization properties inDockingManager
has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- #196224,195638 - Now the negative value will bind correctly.
- #189181 - Provided support to customize Line Background with on-demand line customization.
SetLineBackground(lineNumber, fullLine, brush)
- Helps to customize the Background of Line.
- Helps to reset the Background customization of Line.
event will be raised just before loading the LineItem and its Background can be customized using OnBeforeLineRender
Bug fixes
- #196303 -
property working properly when press the Enter key. - #190014 - Now, Auto Indent behavior working properly.
Bug Fixes
#188224 – Now, the parent task will be moved properly in Gantt chart.
#192481 – NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while canceling the
predecessor relationship
. -
#197170 – Gantt chart will be synchronized properly, when the
property is disabled in Gantt grid.
#184010 - Split task support has been provided in GanttControl.
#194170– Provided RelationEstablished event to notify when the relationship is established in Gantt chart through drag and drop.
#192555 – Support to customize the mouse hover color of the row has been provided.
#192555 - Support to display the tooltip in the GanttGrid cell has been provided.
Bug Fixes
- #192714 – Null reference exception will not occur while using
Bug Fixes
- #195405 –
field no longer turns empty on pressing the End Key.
Breaking changes
- In localization resource, we have removed the following attributes
and have classified the exporting attributes into two - one success message on exporting and another is success message dialog title common for OlapChart and OlapGrid. Success messages can be provided underOlapClient_CsvExport_Success
. Success message dialog title can be provided underOlapClient_PdfExport_Message_Title
Bug fixes
- #182946 - Grid column width gets refreshed while customizing the control at sample level through
event. - #191842 - Trend and status icons for KPI are ignored in unwanted cells, where it doesn’t have any proper value.
- #183293 - Added support to load the
for digital signing usingPdfCertificate
class. - #194410 - Added support to retrieve all the ink points collections from
. - #173761,188375,193553 - Added support to flatten the static XFA form fields.
- #195867 - Added support to get creation date and name from the
. - Added support to toggle the visibility of an existing layers from the PDF document.
Breaking Changes
- OCR is not a part of Essential Studio and is available as separate package (OCR Processor) under the Add-On section in the below link
Bug Fixes
- #192637 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when removing a page from the particular PDF document.
- #190237 - System not supported exception no longer occurs when merging the PDF document with digital signature.
- #188974 - 502 bad gateway exception no longer occurs when loading the PFX certificate as a stream.
- #189577 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when loading FDF into PDF document.
- #190870 - Text preservation issue no longer occurs while drawing existing template into another page.
- #189471 - Empty
is now retrieving as the background color ofPdfLoadedTextBoxField
which has no background color. - #189756 - Out of range exception no longer occurs while drawing JPEG image to PDF document.
- #191567 - Null reference exception no longer occurs while reading existing combo box values.
- #187013 - PDF layers count is retrieving properly while loading an existing document.
- #190046 -
annotation fore color is now preserving properly. - #191487 - Form fields data is preserving properly after adding the signature certificate to PDF document.
- #194078 -
property in 3D annotation is now working properly. - #193908 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when drawing a string to the PDF document.
- #193375 - Image is preserving properly while converting barcode as image.
- #193127 - Out of memory exception no longer occurs when drawing large TIFF images in a single document.
- #189735,191985 - File cannot be deleted exception no longer occurs when performing OCR in an environment with McAfee anti-virus installed machines.
- #190913 - Text preservation issue no longer occurs when drawing text with custom font in Word to PDF conversion.
- #195301 - Individual page size will no longer increase during splitting of PDF document.
- #195831 - Adding layers are now working as expected in multi-threading environment.
- #194823 - Time out exception will no longer occurs when converting Word to PDF document if,
set to false. - #196133 - The generated document is not corrupted when loading the PDF document with
. - #195867 - Modified free text annotation content is now properly visible in the Adobe Reader.
- #195735 - Index and length referred to a location within the string exception will no longer occurs while loading particular PDF document.
- #195973 - Image index is not valid exception will no longer thrown while replacing image in particular PDF document.
- #195246 - This implementation is not a part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms exception will no longer thrown while converting particular word document to PDF.
- #194854 - Performance is improved while retrieving
. - #195652 - Radio button item from
is retrieving properly in particular page of a PDF document. - #190724 -
is properly disposed when closing the document. - #195286 - Namespace prefix ‘pdf’ is not defined exception is no longer thrown while loading a PDF document.
- #195206 - Application no longer hangs while extracting images from the PDF document.
- #193519 - Rectangular Data Matrix barcode is preserved properly while using
. - #194851 - Performance is improved while merging PDF documents.
- #194854 - Performance is improved while adding more layers to PDF pages.
- #194875 - Object reference not set to an instance of an object exception no longer thrown while merging PDF documents.
- #194300 - Fixed the performance issue while converting Word to PDF using direct conversion.
- #193159 - Particular image is now drawing properly in PDF page.
- #133564,195274 -
is not hanging if the text is lesser than the bounds. - #135618 - Check boxes with the same name is now checked properly in XFA document.
- #134651 - Form fields are not missing in
for the specific document. - Null reference exception will be no longer thrown while adding ink annotation using
. - Preservation issue no longer occurs while flattening XFA document.
- Improved the performance of drawing
with row and column spans. - Performance has been improved when exporting
to PDF.
- #193047 - Touch support for TOC has been implemented.
- #191115 - Search and page navigation APIs are exposed in PdfViewerControl.
- #189936 - Exposed event for form field textbox actions in PdfViewerControl.
- #189671, #189855, #191115 - Exposed the APIs for text search in PdfViewer WPF.
- #189715 - Considered the printer setting options when printing the document using Print API.
- #189804, #194072, #190937 - Provided the localization support in PdfViewerControl.
- #193231 - Provided the support for customizing the loading progress indicator in PdfViewerControl.
- Support to render PDF documents using PDFium rendering engine is added in PDF viewer control.
Bug Fixes
- #193748 - The content in the text box form fields are now deleted using delete keyboard button.
- #192428 - Annotations will not be duplicated anymore while saving the PDF document using PdfViewerControl
- #193424 - Opacity and thickness of the ink annotation are now preserved properly while saving the document.
- #193542 - Adobe reader will not throw warning messages anymore while opening the saved PDF document with form fields from PdfViewerControl.
- #193133 - System.IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while loading the provided PDF documents one after the another in PdfDocumentView.
- #192992 - Form fields will not be flattened anymore while saving the PDF document with extended features using PdfViewerControl.
- #193062 - NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when IsTextSelectionEnabled is set to false while using PdfDocumentView
- #192704 - All the pages in the PDF documents will be rendered properly when loaded in tabs.
- #192489 - Null reference exception will no longer be thrown while printing the PDF document.
- #192052 - Ink annotation is now working as expected while setting ink annotation mode programmatically.
- #190499 - PDF viewer is now displayed properly when navigate through tabs.
- #190438 - Form field text box contents are aligned as expected.
- #190227 - All the hyperlinks are now clickable in the provided PDF document.
- #186507, #191481 - The provided PDF document will be rendered in proper format in the PDF viewer control.
- #189471 - Radio button control is now preserved as expected in low resolution monitor
- #193333 - Rendering extra spin button in textbox issue is now resolved while loading the provided PDF document using PdfViewer.
- #192955 - Text selection is now working properly.
- #191713, #193426 - Radio button form fields are preserved properly in the PdfViewer control.
- #193637 - Checkbox form fields are preserved properly in the PdfViewer control.
- #193309 - LoadingMessage API and visibility property of loading indicator is now working properly in PdfViewer WPF.
- #192466 - Text alignment is now preserved properly for textbox contents in PdfViewer WPF.
- #190336 - Textbox background color is now preserved as expected while loading the PDF document.
- #193636 - Textbox missing issue is now resolved while loading the PDF document.
- #190106 - Radio button control is now preserved properly while printing the PDF document.
- #189939 - Hyperlink navigation is now working properly.
- #190227 - Mouse pointer has been changed properly to hand symbol while hovering over a hyperlink content.
- #186813 - Reduced the memory leak while performing the printing operation.
- #186758 - The provided PDF document will be rendered properly in the PDF viewer control.
- #191638 - Font size of textbox form field contents is now preserved properly.
- #189471 - Application will no longer crash when loading the PDF document in PdfViewer control.
- #189782 - The PDF document is rendering properly in PDF viewer without blurriness.
- #193102 - Space between the words is now preserving properly while rendering the provided PDF document.
- #193972 - Alignment of the text is now preserving properly while rendering the provided PDF document.
- #194310 - Shape background color has been preserved properly while printing the provided PDF document.
- #196190 - The content of all the textboxes in the PDF document are preserved properly.
- #195508 - Check box foreground color has been preserved properly.
- #195817, #196423 - No more exception will be thrown while clicking the hyperlinks.
- #195516 - Radio buttons are selected as expected in the PDF document.
- #192920 - ArgumentOutOfRange will no longer thrown when the ink annotation thickness is set to less than or equal to zero.
- #193857 - The content in the PDF documents will be rendered properly while exporting the pages as images.
- #186758, #195529 - The provided PDF document will be rendered properly in the PDF viewer control.
- #195844 - FindText() method will be working properly for the provided PDF document.
- #195819 - The rotated pages PDF documents are now displayed properly in the PDF viewer control.
Bug Fixes
- #191606 – Index Out of Range Exception will not occur when pressing
Bug fixes
- #196745 - Right click option works on clicking the row header items, when pivot column count is zero.
- #196745 - Context menu is not displayed for pivot rows on setting the
property as false. - #195523 - Improved performance while expanding or collapsing the entire nodes in the pivot grid.
- #195457 - Values are displayed properly while setting summary type as
. - #194080 - Exception resolved when exporting pivot grid to Excel.
- #137949, #138028, #138904, #146259 – Support to set unique name for the fields in PivotTable Field List.
Bug Fixes
- #193673 - Image in a PowerPoint slide is no longer replaced by another image while applying
in the same slide. - #195363 - Charts with 3D format are now preserved properly while re-saving the PowerPoint presentation.
- #195363 - Charts are now preserved properly after editing the chart data while re-saving the PowerPoint presentation.
- #196586 - Charts in the re-saved PowerPoint presentation are now visible in Google Slides and Apple Keynote applications.
- #195136 - The PowerPoint presentation is not longer corrupted while editing the chart data.
- #195136 - Shapes in the charts are now preserved properly while re-saving PowerPoint presentation.
- #193336 - Shape color is now preserved properly while converting a PowerPoint slide to image.
- #193336 - Text color is now preserved properly while converting a PowerPoint slide to image.
- #193336 - Slide number is now preserved properly while converting a PowerPoint slide to image.
- #194276 - Numbered list style of paragraphs are now preserved properly while converting a PowerPoint slide to image.
- #194442 -
is no longer thrown while converting a PowerPoint presentation as PDF.
Bug Fixes
- #191220 – Value gets updated properly for
while in nested mode. - #194801 – Changed the tab behavior to navigate to all properties.
Breaking changes
- The Syncfusion.RDL.Data.IDataExtension interface has been deprecated. Use Syncfusion.Windows.Reports.Data.IDataExtension instead.
- #190100 - Provided the support to open rdl and rsd file from file explorer.
Bug Fixes
- #192622 - Now, multiple selected cells will be updated properly with modified properties in report designer.
Breaking changes
- The Syncfusion.RDL.Data.IDataExtension interface has been deprecated. Use Syncfusion.Windows.Reports.Data.IDataExtension instead.
#191997 – Provided the hyperlink event support to handle the hyperlink actions in application.
#194924 - Provided the export event support to handle when export option is clicked in report viewer.
Bug Fixes
#193151 - Now, chart data labels renders with proper data format in report viewer.
#199482 - SSRS shared dataset feature issue fixed for stored procedure and build refreshed on March 02,2018.
Bug Fixes
#191795 - Now, text duplicate issue has been resolved while splitting the merged cell in Excel export.
#175296 - Resolved the subreport content overlaps in HTML, Word and Excel export.
Bug Fixes
- #194680 – Items which are present in the corner of the
will not clip in maximized state. - #194680 – Resize grip is now correctly displayed in
in windows 10. - #191823 -
will not occur while opening the model tab in Metro style.
Bug fixes
- #195836 - Animation types are Working fine while applying a condition.
Bug Fixes
#190992 – TypeInitializationException will no longer be thrown when switch to window using dispatcher.
#193430 – SideBySide(
, etc.,) series inSfChart3D
) will be rendered properly for logarithmic axis. -
#194384 - ArgumentException will no longer be thrown from chart when using the app from remote desktop connection.
#194487 - VisualBrush will be applied to properly for
. -
#197096 - The issue with segment color is not updated when changing the ‘SegmentColorPath’ value at run time has been fixed.
#173008 - The chart tooltip order have been changed top of the annotation to make it as sensible.
A new spline range area chart type has been added.
Bitmap support has been added for the range area chart type.
- #191325, #183695, #129110, #161636, #161636 - Provided support to display the additional information of the row using
property of theTemplateViewDefinition
Bug fixes
- #197331 -
will no longer thrown when the image loaded from stream data inGridImageColumn
during excel export. - #196229 -
will no longer thrown while clear theFilterRowText
by change theItemsSource
of datagrid at runtime. - #196070 –
InvalidCast Exception
will no longer thrown while enter the value inAddNewRow
as true. - #196072 - Now
rendered properly while change the size of the window/datagrid and expand/collapse the datagrid at runtime. - #195827 - Now
is working properly forGridComboBoxColumn
. - #193813 -
Cannot animate an immutable object Exception
will no longer thrown while validate the row with theme. - #195257 - Sorting functionality works properly while sort the column using
Stylus Pen
device. - #195715 – Now input value is committed properly in
when the cell edited by pressing the numeric keys. - #198419 –
will no longer thrown while loading multiple SfDataGrid inside the TabControl and specifies theAllowDraggingRows
as true.
Bug fixes
- #196171 -
Null Reference Exception
will no longer occur on set Value as Null inSfDatePicker
Bug Fixes
- #194803 – Performance is improved in layout with
property. - #195360 – Layout will align variable size Nodes properly.
- #196010 -
will shown after it whenConnector
segment is in vertical direction. - #135469 - Performance is improved in
with layout. - #197251 -
will move the diagram into Center when Diagram is lesser than viewport.
- Annotation state changes will be notified through
. - Fit to page will now consider annotation bounds along with nodes and connectors.
- Annotation resize directions can now be restricted.
- Gesture commands can now be defined in XAML.
- Selection indicator for first item in the selected list can be differentiated from other selected items.
- Bezier connectors can now be drawn interactively by free hand.
- Stencil expand and collapse will now be notified through
event. - When resizing, aspect ratio can now be locked during runtime.
- Preview mode will enable the dragging of objects as an outline without affecting the original object.
- Tree layout and data sources will now support nodes having multiple parents.
- A connector can now be excluded as obstacle for another connectors.
- Connector can now be connected to any point on a node at runtime though
- When dragging, overlapping of objects over ports can now be detected.
- Bezier connection will now connect to boundaries of shape based on control points.
Behavior Changes
- Updated the bezier Connection intersection should be focus from Center of the Node.
Breaking Changes
- We have added
property inISelector
. - We have added
property inIGraph
. - We have deprecated the
- #173688, #191224, #197253 - Provided swimlane support in Kanban.
Bug Fixes
- # 193665 – SfLinearGauge will render properly when explicitly set the height less than 150.
- #127282, #161221 - Added support for table auto fit layout.
Breaking Changes
- The property
class has been deprecated, instead make use of new propertyHierarchicalIndex
. - Processing
property ofSfRichTextBoxAdv
class is now validated and ensured internally to maintain minimal child elements. For more information, kindly refer here.
Bug Fixes
- #189018 -
will be no longer thrown while performing an operation in document without paragraphs. - #191675 -
will be no longer thrown when opening HTML with multilevel list. - #191675 - Font size attributes with
units are now preserved properly when opening HTML. - #191675 - Font family attributes within single or double quotes are now preserved properly when opening HTML.
- #191675 - Document background color is now preserved properly when opening HTML.
- #193300 -
will be no longer thrown when opening HTML with self-closed tags. - #194105 - Text are now properly displayed when editing text after fields.
- #194313 - Blinking caret is now properly visible after changing the formatting properties in new page.
Bug Fixes
- #195743- Now, recurrence appointments when binded in xaml and set in
will be rendered properly. - #135397- Now, drag and drop of custom appointment works properly in Schedule.
Bug Fixes
- #191336 – Size of ComboBox has changed as like MS ComboBox when exporting.
- #197016 - Now we can apply a Drop Down Background color for Autocomplete .
Bug Fixes
- #191765 – Modified the font size of label control when Touch Mode in enable.
SpreadsheetControl (Classic)
Bug Fixes
- #196188 - Row height is updated properly when apply wrap text on merge cells.
- #196099 - Default column width changed properly while increasing or decreasing the decimal value from the ribbon.
- #196038 - Rows with custom height won’t be changed to default height when change the font size like Excel.
- #198077 - Provided support to hide fill option popup after drag fill operation.
- Provided support to import hyperlink on images.
Bug Fixes
- #196251 -
is no longer thrown while navigating from one sheet to another sheet. - #190457, #190460, #188326 -
is no longer thrown while disposing the ribbon after changing font family. - #196475 - Checkboxes and combo box items are updated properly when data validation window opened more than one time.
Bug Fixes
- #185536 – Token not valid exception will not raise while applying the merged style to Ribbon.
Bug fixes
- #195340 - Rewriting time field will no longer need to write maximum number of digits in
. - #194437 -
will work properly, while editing is performed.
Bug Fixes
- #195110 – Negative value will now paste correctly based on minimum value.
- #190667 –
event now works properly while using with event triggers.
- #I174235, #F133349, #F133380, #I191585 - Provided project template support for WPF platform.
- #189521 - Provided support to get cell’s precedents and dependents.
- #174825 - Provided support for paste link option in
operation. - #F130774 - XlsIO now allows data to be filtered by a cell or font and conditional formatting colors.
- #192098 - Provided support for exporting Excel data to business objects.
- Provided support for alternative text in list objects.
- Provided support to filter data by icons.
- Print support with custom page settings is provided in XlsIO.
Breaking Changes
- #189521 -
methods are added inIRange
interface to get cell’s precedents and dependents. - #192482 -
is added inIApplication
interface to include indexer behavior of Interop. - #174825 -
method inIRange
interface is overloaded with a boolean variable indicating paste link option. - #F130774 -
methods are added inIAutoFilter
interface. - #192098 -
is added inIWorksheet
interface. -
properties are added inIListObject
interface. -
methods are added inIAutoFilter
interface. -
method is added inExcelToPdfConverter
class. -
interface is implemented with IEnumerable.
Bug fixes
- #194195 - Corruption issue while copying a worksheet with JPG image is resolved.
- #190466 - Cell value with thousand separator is now properly detected as number in German culture.
- #192875 - Performance issue while converting Excel documents with embedded fonts is fixed.
- #193873 - Excel workbook with duplicate comments can be resaved successfully without corruption.
- #193832 - File name with space is truncated in HTTP response is resolved.
- #193301 - Characters with Chinese fonts are rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
- #192726 - Issue with
property, when cell formulas involve TODAY() function is fixed. - #193646 - Freeze panes are now updated properly while deleting the row.
- #193301 - Issue with Chinese fonts in Excel to PDF conversion is fixed.
- #193315 - Exception is no longer thrown while setting calculated column formula using table from another worksheet.
- #192964, #192961 - Binary Excel documents with improper column value for an image can be opened successfully without exception.
- #193193 - Exception is no longer thrown with invalid pivot table column name in Excel to PDF conversion.
- #192558 - Issue with hyperlink address changed on resave is resolved.
- #192558 - Borders and text alignment are copied properly between workbooks.
- #191260 - Pivot table layout is improper when one or more fields with same name is fixed.
- #191561 - Application hangs while setting
to false for the table having hyperlink is fixed. - #192241 - Issue while adding multiple SVG images to an Excel document is fixed.
- #191657 - Formatting issue while copying the worksheets is fixed.
- #191673 - Hanging and corruption issues while resaving the binary Excel document with rich text stream record is fixed.
- #191958 - Issue with table header cell string while accessing the
is fixed. - #191745 - Issue with group shapes hyperlink on resave is fixed.
- #191723 - Chart number formats will be preserved properly on resave.
- #189288 - Issue with row height for different font sizes is fixed.
- #191316 - Issue with template marker default variable type action is fixed.
- #191358 - Issue with conditional format, when formula has space in Excel to PDF conversion is fixed.
- #188006 - Border line style issue while getting cell style is resolved.
- #190663 - Template marker performance is improved while copying conditional formats.
- #190031 - Excel document without table name can be opened successfully without argument exception.
- #190343, #191860 - Formula with external workbook reference value is incorrect on resave is fixed.
- #189712 - ArgumentOutOfRange exception while copying cells between different workbooks is fixed.
- #190381 - Excel document no longer gets corrupted while creating chart with
. - #190229 - Decimal separator is now recognized properly while setting formula in Czech and German cultures.
- #190232 - Issue with display text when the number formats end with white-space is fixed.
- #189693 - Excel document is no longer corrupted when creating new sheets in macro-enabled workbook.
- #189681 - Excel document with empty preset dash value can be opened without XML exception.
- #189308 - Issue with cell styles and formatting applied to the excluded hidden ranges is fixed.
- #189191 - InvalidOperation exception is no longer thrown while saving Excel documents.
- #189351 - Issue with display unit applied axis labels in chart to image conversion is fixed.
- #191133, #194961 - Excel document is no longer corrupted while resaving Excel document with pivot table.
- #194356 - Excel document gets corrupted while downloading XlsIO resaved file from Internet Explorer browser is fixed.
- #195255 - Performance issue while using
is fixed. - #194919 - Commented text and underlined style is incorrect while serializing to XML format is fixed.
- #194817 - Cropping issue of cell text with special characters in Excel to PDF conversion is fixed.
- #194718 - Conditional format range gets merged while creating icon set conditional format twice is fixed.
- #194576 - Comment gets removed while moving the range is fixed.
- #194093 - Fill color gets modified while changing chart type of the series is fixed.
- #193171 - Out of Memory exception is thrown while copying large data using
method is resolved. - #193306 - Issue with
method while copying the column with merged area is fixed. - #191413 - Cell text is shortened in worksheet to image conversion is fixed.
- #190794 - Improper number formats of pivot table total field in Excel to PDF conversion is fixed.
- #189166 - Conditional formats are now applied properly in Excel to PDF Conversion.
- #193873 - File corruption issue when resaved with comments is fixed.
- #196758 - File size issue due to worksheet relations for the deleted worksheet while saving the workbook is fixed.
- Issue with
for table named ranges is fixed. - Image class conflict between Compression and XlsIO is resolved.
- Issue with position of dynamically added combo boxes in first column is fixed.
- Text with left alignment gets clipped in Excel to PDF conversion is fixed.
- Excel document with scatter chart can be resaved properly.
- Embedded chart with image format header or footer can be viewed without corruption and exception.
- Issue with incorrect row count in table column formula is fixed.
- Image from an embedded chart header or footer can be accessed now.
- Chart series are now plotted properly in chart to image conversion.
- Charts with automatic chart title is now converted properly in chart to image conversion.
- Issue with fill settings for doughnut and column charts in chart to image conversion is fixed.
- Issue with exploded pie charts are out of bounds in chart to image conversion is fixed.
- Corruption issue when resaving the Excel document with continuous external named ranges is fixed.
- Corruption issue when resaving the Excel document with charts is fixed.
- Issue with adding hyperlinks collection when adding shapes is fixed.
- Fixed various issues while copying range and worksheets.
- Fixed various issue in formulas and named ranges.