Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

February 12, 2016


Bug Fixes

  • #150593 - Now animation works correctly while changing the data source for chart series.

Chart (Classic)


  • Enhanced the functionality of the IntersectAction ‘Wrap’.

Diagram (Classic)

Bug fixes

  • #146170 - Performance issue with LineConnector updating is resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #148757 - List restart numbering is now preserved properly in the generated DOCX document.
  • #148656 - Font properties preservation issue while converting HTML to Word document has been fixed.
  • #149126 - Hyperlink is now preserved properly while opening RTF document.
  • #149172 - Header and Footer is now preserved properly while converting Word document to HTML.
  • #149314 - Argument out of range exception is no longer thrown while saving the Word document.
  • #150546 - MergeField event is now triggered properly while Mail merging.
  • #148551 - Null reference exception is no longer thrown while converting Word document to PDF.
  • #150145 - No duplicate entry of heading text is added to the updated Table of Contents.
  • #150567 - Hyperlink preservation issue while converting Word document to PDF has been fixed.
  • No extra empty paragraph is preserved now at the end of Word document.
  • Object reference exception is no longer thrown while converting RTF to Word document.
  • An item with same key has been already added exception is no longer thrown while opening the Word document with duplicate list styles.
  • An item with same key has been already added exception is no longer thrown while opening the Word document with duplicate character styles.


Bug Fixes

  • #150093 - Line drawing at current date is visible now, when setting zoom factor.


Bug fixes

  • #150818 - Null reference exception in GridDataHeaderCellControl issue is resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #149812, #150115, #150030, #150395, #150514 - Closing the window containing PdfViewerControl does not crash the entire application now.

Predictive Analytics


  • Added support for PMML files generated by SAS for the following models:

  • Association Rules
  • Clustering model
  • Neural network model
  • Regression model
  • Tree model

  • Added support to provide input data as “ExpandoObject” and “Dictionary” object in GetResult() method.

  • Added support to provide input PMML file as “TextReader” object for PMML Evaluator.

  • Added support to perform PMML Schema validation on input PMML.

  • Tree model result returns “Predicted node” and “path” ID with predicted result.

  • Association rules model result returns “Confidence” value.


Bug Fixes

  • Not supported exception is no longer thrown while cloning a PowerPoint presentation with charts.


Bug fixes

  • #150243 - Overlapping title header text in Office2013 demo


Bug fixes

  • #148628 - Group caption row text is changed based on header text change when changing culture.
  • #149866 - Exception when exporting double.NaN in GridNumericColumn to Excel is fixed.



  • #145662 - Support to update the Layout when Nodes and Connectors collection is changed or assigned is provided.
  • #150144 - Support to update the View based on ViewModel changes in DataSourceSettings is provided.

Bug fixes

  • #149599 - The Connection direction will be from Left to Right for the LeftToRight Orientation in Directed Tree Layout.
  • #149627 - Tab Key behavior is updated with deleted objects.
  • #150221 - Annotation will be placed over the Connector.
  • #148704 - SfDiagram does not throw null reference exception when hosting using AutoDeskRevert.

Breaking changes

  • The Default behavior of View to ViewModel binding is changed. For details, please refer to the Help Documentation.


Bug Fixes

  • RequestNavigate event is now raised properly while tapping or clicking hyperlink in SfRichTextBoxAdv control.


Bug fixes

  • # 150293 - Fixed the issue of Appointment editor opens even when AllowEditing is set to false.


Bug fixes

  • #149913 - Null reference exception while pasting from ContextMenu has been fixed.
  • #149912 - Horizontal scroll bar will not move beyond the used range when AllowExtendRowColumnCount is false.
  • #149875 – Issue with applying conditional format for cell border has been fixed.
  • #149030, #149520 - IF function returns wrong value when calculate cell reference formula of dependent cell has been fixed.
  • #149394 - IF function returns wrong value when columns added at run time has been fixed.
  • #149394 - IF function returns string value with quotation has been fixed.
  • #149520, #149521 - Dependent cell value calculated wrongly at runtime has been fixed.
  • #149395 - Performance issue while adding column or row with formulas has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #148087 - Expanded tree item content is not updated in second time