Changing Percent Value in WPF Percent TextBox

16 Oct 20239 minutes to read

The PercentTextBox allows the user to change the percent value using the PercentValue property.

<syncfusion:PercentTextBox x:Name="percentTextBox" Height="25"
                          Width="150" PercentValue="10"/>
PercentTextBox percentTextBox = new PercentTextBox();
percentTextBox.Width = 150;
percentTextBox.Height = 25;
percentTextBox.PercentValue = 10;

WPF PercentTextBox displays Value

Data binding is the process of establishing a connection between the application UI and business logic. Data binding can be unidirectional (source -> target or target <- source) or bidirectional (source <-> target). By assigning a percent value to the PercentValue property by binding, you can change the PercentTextBox percent value.

The following code snippets illustrate the percent value binding from one PercentTextBox to another.

<syncfusion:PercentTextBox x:Name="percentTextBox1" PercentValue="{Binding MyValue,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Height="25" Width="100"/>
<syncfusion:PercentTextBox x:Name="percentTextBox2" PercentValue="{Binding MyValue,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Width="100" Height="25"  />


class ViewModel : NotificationObject
    private double myValue;
    public double MyValue
            return myValue;
            myValue = value;

WPF PercentTextBox with Binding Value

Change percent value by pasting the clipboard’s text

By default, PercentTextBox simply replaces the whole value by copied value with the current number format. If you want to replace or insert the copied value on specific place, use the PasteMode property value as Advanced. The default value of PasteMode property is Default.

The following table explains the pasting behaviour in Advanced paste mode,

S.No Action Pasting behaviour in Advanced paste mode
1 When the whole value is selected It simply replaces the whole value by copied value with the current number format.
2 When the cursor is at some position and the copied value does not contain a number decimal separator It inserts the copied value into the current cursor position.
3 When the cursor is at some position and the copied value contains a number decimal separator It won’t perform pasting operation.
4 When the cursor is at some position and the control value is 0 or null It simply replaces the whole value by copied value with the current number format.
5 When a part of the number is selected If the selected value contains a number decimal separator, then copied value must contain number decimal separator. Otherwise, it won’t perform pasting operation. If the selected text does not contain a number decimal separator, then copied value must not contain number decimal separator. Otherwise, it won’t perform pasting operation.
<syncfusion:PercentTextBox PasteMode="Advanced" 
PercentTextBox percentTextBox = new PercentTextBox();
percentTextBox.PasteMode = PasteMode.Advanced;
percentTextBox.PercentValue = 12345.67;

WPF PercentTextBox displays Pasting Copied Value in Specific Place

Show UpDown Button

You can increment or decrement the percent value of PercentTextBox by setting the ShowSpinButton property value as true. Click UpButton to increment or DownButton to decrement the percent value. The default value of ShowSpinButton property is false.

<syncfusion:PercentTextBox Height="30" Width="150" ShowSpinButton="True" />
PercentTextBox percentTextBox = new PercentTextBox();
percentTextBox.ShowSpinButton = true;

WPF PercentTextBox displays SpinButton

Value Changed Event

The PercentTextBox control can notify changes in percent value through the PercentValueChanged event. In PercentValueChanged event, you can get old percent value and new percent value from the OldValue and NewValue properties.

<syncfusion:PercentTextBox PercentValueChanged="PercentTextBox_PercentValueChanged"/>
PercentTextBox percentTextBox = new PercentTextBox();
percentTextBox.PercentValueChanged += new PropertyChangedCallback(PercentTextBox_PercentValueChanged);

You can handle the event as follows:

private void PercentTextBox_PercentValueChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    // Get old and new percent value
    var newValue = e.NewValue;
    var oldValue = e.OldValue;

Setting the Null value

By default, the PercentTextBox control will display zero value when the PercentValue is set to null. You can use the NullValue and UseNullOption properties to show the null or any other percent value instead of zero.

The default value of the NullValue property is null, you can reset this to any other percent value. It will display only on setting the UseNullOption property is set to true.

NullValue = Null

<syncfusion:PercentTextBox x:Name="percentTextBox" Height="25"
                          Width="100" UseNullOption="True"  NullValue="{x:Null}"/>
PercentTextBox percentTextBox = new PercentTextBox();
percentTextBox.Width = 100;
percentTextBox.Height = 25;
percentTextBox.NullValue = null;
percentTextBox.UseNullOption = true;

WPF PercentTextBox displays Empty Value

NullValue = 10

<syncfusion:PercentTextBox x:Name="percentTextBox" Height="25"
                          Width="100" UseNullOption="True" NullValue="10"/>
PercentTextBox percentTextBox = new PercentTextBox();
percentTextBox.Width = 100;
percentTextBox.Height = 25;
percentTextBox.NullValue = 10;
percentTextBox.UseNullOption = true;

WPF PercentTextBox displays Null Value

Setting Watermark Text

We can display certain information within the control by using the WaterMarkText property. WaterMarkText is shown when the WatermarkTextIsVisible property is true and the Percent value is null or empty, the control is not in focus and the UseNullOption property is true.

Setting the WatermarkText Foreground

The PercentTextBox allows you to set the desired brush as a foreground for WaterMarkText using WaterMarkTextForeground property. The default color of WaterMarkTextForeground is Black.

<syncfusion:PercentTextBox x:Name="percentTextBox" Width="100"
                          Height="25" UseNullOption="True" WatermarkText="Type here"
                          WatermarkTextIsVisible="True" WatermarkTextForeground="Red"/>
PercentTextBox percentTextBox = new PercentTextBox();
percentTextBox.Width = 100;
percentTextBox.Height = 25;
percentTextBox.UseNullOption = true;
percentTextBox.WatermarkText = "Type Here";
percentTextBox.WatermarkTextIsVisible = true;
percentTextBox.WatermarkTextForeground = Brushes.Red;

WPF PercentTextBox displays Watermark Text

Setting Watermark Template

You can customize the Visual appearance of the WatermarkText by using the WatermarkTemplate property.

  • XAML
  • <syncfusion:PercentTextBox x:Name="percentTextBox" Width="100" Height="25"
                              WatermarkText="Type Here" CornerRadius="3" 
                              WatermarkTextIsVisible="True" WatermarkOpacity="0.5" 
        <syncfusion:PercentTextBox.WatermarkTemplate >
                <Border Background="Red">
                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding}" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="5,0,0,0"/>

    Customizing Watermark Text in WPF PercentTextBox


    The UseNullOption property must be enabled if you want to see NullValue or WaterMarkText in PercentTextBox control.


    If both NullValue and WaterMarkText are specified, you will only see NullValue but not WaterMarkText.