Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) in WPF OLAP Common

14 Oct 20221 minute to read

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a service that performs a real time, multi-dimensional analysis of complex data stored in a database. The OLAP typically consists of a server component that uses specialized algorithms, indexing tools to efficiently process data mining tasks and an OLAP client that efficiently allows you visualize the OLAP data pertaining to your business needs.

Here is how Wikipedia defines OLAP.


The Syncfusion OLAP controls use the ADOMD.NET, which is a Microsoft .NET Framework provider for retrieving data from OLAP servers in .NET platform. While ADOMD.NET primarily retrieves OLAP data from the SQL Server Analysis Services (Microsoft’s OLAP Server), it is adherence to industry standards like XML/A, which allows you access any OLAP server (SAP, SAS, Hyperion, etc.) using it. This provides you the ability to visualize the OLAP data from myriads of data sources including Microsoft’s SSAS using the Syncfusion OLAP control.

ADOMD.NET assembly and setup files information

The following assembly is required to run the Syncfusion’ OLAP samples.

  • Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.dll

Install the following setup files for the above assembly.



By default, the following setup files will be installed while installing the Syncfusion’ Essential Studio setup for BI edition.