Storing and Retrieving Report as Stream

2 Jun 20214 minutes to read

The OLAP client allows users to store the current session as a stream anywhere and load the saved stream to populate the controls. By this, the OLAP client can be used as an OLAP report creator and OLAP report viewer, where a user can create a report set and push it to the server. The user can also view the reports.

The following code describes getting the report as stream.

Stream stream = this.olapClient1.GetReportStream();
Dim stream As Stream = Me.olapClient1.GetReportStream()

The following code illustrates how to load a stream to OLAP client.


The following sample code describes storing of stream in the database, retrieving a report as stream from the database, and loading the stream to the OLAP client.

The following code illustrates storing report as a stream to the database.

//// Getting Report as Stream

Stream stream = this.olapClient1.GetReportStream();

if (stream!= null)


  MemoryStream reportStream = stream as MemoryStream;

      string repotName ="SalesReport";


     SqlCeCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCeCommand("insert into ReportsTable

                         Values(@ReportName,@Report)", con);

     sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@ReportName", repotName);

     sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Report", reportStream.ToArray());




Dim stream As Stream = Me.olapClient1.GetReportStream()

If stream IsNot Nothing Then

reportStream = TryCast(stream, MemoryStream)

Me.saveReport = New ReportNameWindow(Me.reportNames)

If saveReport.ShowDialog() = True Then

Dim repotName As String = "SalesReport”


Dim cmd1 As SqlCeCommand = New SqlCeCommand("insert into ReportsTable

                                   Values(@ReportName,@Report)", con)

cmd1.Parameters.Add("@ReportName", repotName)

cmd1.Parameters.Add("@Report", reportStream.ToArray())



End If

End If

Loading Report as a stream to OLAP Client.

string reportname ="RevenueReport";

Stream reportStream = null;


SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter("Select * from 

ReportsTable", con);

DataSet dSet = new DataSet();


DataTable table = dSet.Tables[0];

foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)


  if ((row.ItemArray[0] as string).Equals(reportname))


     reportStream = new MemoryStream(row.ItemArray[1] as byte[]);





Dim reportname As String = ="RevenueReport"                    

Dim reportStream As Stream = Nothing


Dim da As SqlCeDataAdapter = New SqlCeDataAdapter("Select * from

                                                  ReportsTable", con)

Dim dSet As DataSet = New DataSet()


Dim table As DataTable = dSet.Tables(0)

For Each row As DataRow In table.Rows

If (TryCast(row.ItemArray(0), String)).Equals(reportname) Then

  reportStream = New MemoryStream(TryCast(row.ItemArray(1), Byte()))

  Exit For

 End If

Next row



Samples that demonstrate this feature is available in the following sample installation location.

<Install Location>\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio<Version Number>\BI\WPF\OlapClient.WPF\Samples\OLAP Client\