Timeline View in WPF Schedule (Classic)

31 Mar 202212 minutes to read

Timeline view displays the dates with the appropriate day count in the horizontal time axis. When moving right or left, you can see the past or future events. With an intuitive drag-and-drop feature, each view shows events accurately through time slots.

<schedule:SfSchedule x:Name="schedule" ScheduleType="TimeLine"/>
this.schedule.ScheduleType= ScheduleType.TimeLine;

Header date format

Scheduler supports to customize the header date format of the day, week, workweek and timeline view using HeaderDateFormat property.

<Schedule:SfSchedule HeaderDateFormat="dd-MMMM-yyyy"/>
this.schedule.HeaderDateFormat = "dd-MMMM-yyyy";

WPF scheduler timeline view header format

Time formatting

Scheduler supports to customize time format for day, week, workweek and timeline views using MajorTickTimeFormat and MinorTickTimeFormat property.

<syncfusion:SfSchedule MajorTickTimeFormat="hh mm ss" MinorTickTimeFormat="mm ss"/>
this.schedule.MajorTickTimeFormat = "hh mm ss";
this.schedule.MinorTickTimeFormat = "hh mm ss";

WPF schedular timeline view time formatting

Change time interval

Scheduler supports to change the time interval using TimeInterval property.

<Schedule:SfSchedule TimeInterval = "OneHour" />
this.schedule.TimeInterval = TimeInterval.OneHour;

WPF scheduler timeline view timeinterval

Change time interval height

Scheduler supports to change the time interval height using IntervalHeight property.

<Schedule:SfSchedule IntervalHeight = 100 />
this.schedule.IntervalHeight = 100;

WPF scheduler timeline view interval height

Change between 12-hour and 24-hour format

Scheduler supports to change the time format from 12hours to 24 hours using TimeMode property.

<Grid Background="White" Name="grid">
    <Schedule:SfSchedule ScheduleType="TimeLine" TimeMode="TwentyFourHours" >     
schedule.ScheduleType = ScheduleType.TimeLine;
schedule.TimeMode = TimeModes.TwentyFourHours;

WPF Scheduler timeline view 24 hours

Non-accessible timeslots

Scheduler supports to mark certain timeslots as non-accessible timeslots using NonAccessibleBlocks property. User can’t interact over the timeslot marked as non-accessible timeslots.

        <Schedule:NonAccessibleBlock Background="Black" StartHour="13" EndHour="14" Label="Lunch">
this.schedule.NonAccessibleBlocks.Add(new NonAccessibleBlock() { Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black), StartHour = 13, EndHour = 14, Label = "Lunch" });

WPF scheduler non accessible time slots

Customize non-accessible timeslots using template

Scheduler supports to customize the non-accessible timeslots using NonAccessibleBlockTemplate property.

        <Border Background="{Binding Color}">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding EventName}" Foreground="White" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>

WPF scheduler non accessible time slots using template

Collapsed hours

Scheduler supports to hide the selected hours by using CollapsedHours property. ScheduleCollapsedHours does have the following properties.

StartHour - To set start time of collapsed hour.
EndHour - To set end time of collapsed hour.
Background - To set the background of collapsed hours.

<schedule:SfSchedule Background="White" x:Name="schedule" ScheduleType="TimeLine">
        <schedule:ScheduleCollapsedHour StartHour="1" EndHour="5"  Background="Red"/>
this.schedule.CollapsedHours.Add(new ScheduleCollapsedHour() { StartHour = 1, EndHour = 5, Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)});

WPF Scheduler timeline view collapsed hours

Change working hours

Working hours of Scheduler will be differentiated with non-working hours by separate color using IsHighLightWorkingHours property for day, week, workweek and timeline views. By default, working hours will be between 09 to 18. You can customize the working hours by setting WorkStartHour and WorkEndHour properties.

<schedule:SfSchedule x:Name="schedule" 
this.schedule.WorkStartHour = 9;
this.schedule.WorkEndHour = 12;
this.schedule.IsHighLightWorkingHours = true;

WPF scheduler timeline view working hours

Display working hours only

Scheduler supports to display the working hours only by disabling the ShowNonWorkingHours property.

<schedule:SfSchedule x:Name="schedule" 
this.schedule.WorkStartHour = 9;
this.schedule.WorkEndHour = 12;
this.schedule.ShowNonWorkingHours = false;

WPF scheduler timeline view prevent Non working hours diplaying

Change non-working hours background

Scheduler supports to change the background color for non-working hours using NonWorkingHourBrush property.

<schedule:SfSchedule x:Name="schedule" 
this.schedule.WorkStartHour = 9;
this.schedule.WorkEndHour = 12;
this.schedule.NonWorkingHourBrush = Brushes.LightSteelBlue;
this.schedule.IsHighLightWorkingHours = true;

WPF scheduler timeline view Non working hours background changes

Current time indicator

Scheduler supports to display the current time indicator using the CurrentTimeIndicatorVisibility property.

<syncfusion:SfSchedule ScheduleType="TimeLine" CurrentTimeIndicatorVisibility="Visible"/>
schedule.ScheduleType = ScheduleType.TimeLine;
this.schedule.CurrentTimeIndicatorVisibility = Visibility.Visible;

WPF Scheduler timeline view current time indicator

Customize current time indicator

Scheduler supports to customize the current time indicator using CurrentTimeIndicatorTemplate property.

<Schedule:SfSchedule x:Name="schedule" ScheduleType="TimeLine" CurrentTimeIndicatorVisibility="Visible">
            <Border Background="DarkGreen" Height="10" Width="100"></Border>
schedule.ScheduleType = ScheduleType.TimeLine;
schedule.CurrentTimeIndicatorVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
schedule.CurrentTimeIndicatorTemplate = (DataTemplate)this.Resources["CurrentTimeIndicatorTemplate"];

WPF Scheduler timeline view customize current time indicator

Change hours or minutes time label visibility

Scheduler supports to visible/collapse the hours and minutes time label visiblity using MajorTickVisibility and MinorTickVisibility properties.

<Schedule:SfSchedule ScheduleType="TimeLine" MajorTickVisibility="Collapsed" MinorTickVisibility="Collapsed" />
this.schedule.ScheduleType = ScheduleType.TimeLine;
this.schedule.MajorTickVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
this.schedule.MinorTickVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

WPF Scheduler timeline view hiding time labels


Changing time label background

Scheduler supports to change the time slot label background using HeaderBackground property.

<Schedule:SfSchedule HeaderBackground="LightSkyBlue" />
this.schedule.HeaderBackground = Brushes.LightSkyBlue;

WPF scheduler timeline view header background

Stroke customization

In Scheduler control, major, minor horizontal and vertical lines drawn in the day, week, workweek and timeline views by using following properties,

Property Table

API Name Data Type Description
MajorTickStroke Brush Used to customize the major line stroke of the day, week, workweek and timeline views.
MinorTickStroke Brush Used to customize the minor line stroke of the day, week, workweek and timeline views.
MajorTickLabelStroke Brush Used to customize the major line label stroke in the day, week, workweek and timeline views.
MinorTickLabelStroke Brush Used to customize the minor line label stroke of the day, week, workweek and timeline views.
MajorTickStrokeDashArray DoubleCollection Used to customize the major line stroke dash array of the day, week, workweek and timeline views.
MinorTickStrokeDashArray DoubleCollection Used to customize the minor line stroke dash array of the day, week, workweek and timeline views.
DayViewVerticalLineStroke Brush Used to customize the vertical line stroke of the day, week and workweek view.
<syncfusion:SfSchedule MajorTickLabelStroke="DarkRed" 
this.schedule.MajorTickLabelStroke = Brushes.DarkRed;
this.schedule.MinorTickLabelStroke = Brushes.Red;
this.schedule.MajorTickStroke = Brushes.LawnGreen;
this.schedule.MinorTickStroke = Brushes.LightBlue;
this.schedule.MajorTickStrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection(new Double[] { 5, 10 });
this.schedule.MinorTickStrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection(new Double[] { 5, 5 });
this.schedule.DayViewVerticalLineStroke = Brushes.Brown;

WPF scheduler timeline view stroke customization

Current day highlighting

Scheduler supports to change current day background and foreground for all views using CurrentDateBackground and CurrentDateForeground property.

<syncfusion:SfSchedule CurrentDateBackground="Brown" CurrentDateForeground="White"/>
this.schedule.CurrentDateBackground = Brushes.Brown;
this.schedule.CurrentDateForeground = Brushes.White;

WPF Scheduler timeline view current date background