Month View in WPF Schedule (Classic)

5 May 20213 minutes to read

Scheduler used to display entire dates of the specific month, current month will be displayed by default initially. Month view displays the month of dates similar to calendar and displays appointments for each day in a cell similar to outlook.

Change header date format

Scheduler supports to change header format of the month view by using MonthHeaderDateFormat property.

<Schedule:SfSchedule ScheduleType="Month" MonthHeaderDateFormat="dd/MM"/>
this.schedule.ScheduleType = ScheduleType.Month;
this.schedule.HeaderDateFormat = "dd/MM;

WPF Scheduler month view header date format

Change header background

Scheduler supports to change the header background by using HeaderBackground property.

<Schedule:SfSchedule ScheduleType="Month" HeaderBackground="Cyan"/>
this.schedule.ScheduleType = ScheduleType.Month;
this.schedule.HeaderBackground = Brushes.Cyan;

WPF Scheduler month view header background

Change first day of week

Scheduler supports to change the first day of week by using FirstDayOfWeek property.

<Schedule:SfSchedule ScheduleType="Month" FirstDayOfWeek="Tuesday"/>
this.schedule.ScheduleType = ScheduleType.Month;
this.schedule.FirstDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Tuesday;

WPF Scheduler month view first day of week

Change active and inactive month dates background

Scheduler supports to change the active and inactive month background by using FocusedMonth and NonFocusedMonth property.

<Schedule:SfSchedule ScheduleType="Month" FocusedMonth="AliceBlue" NonFocusedMonth = "SkyBlue"/>
this.schedule.ScheduleType = ScheduleType.Month;
this.schedule.FocusedMonth = Brushes.AliceBlue;
this.schedule.NonFocusedMonth = Brushes.SkyBlue;

WPF Scheduler month view acitve and inactive dates background

Change the border color

Scheduler support to change the header items border color by using MonthViewLineStroke property.

<Schedule:SfSchedule ScheduleType="Month" MonthViewLineStroke="BlueViolet"/>
this.schedule.ScheduleType = ScheduleType.Month;
this.schedule.MonthViewLineStroke = Brushes.BlueViolet;

WPF Scheduler month view border color changes

Change the selection background

Scheduler supports to change the selection background by using CellSelectionBrush

<Schedule:SfSchedule ScheduleType="Month" CellSelectionBrush="SkyBlue"/>
this.schedule.ScheduleType = ScheduleType.Month;
this.schedule.CellSelectionBrush = Brushes.SkyBlue;

WPF Scheduler month view selection background

Current day highlighting

Scheduler supports to change current day background and foreground for month view by using CurrentDateBackground and CurrentDateForeground property.

<syncfusion:SfSchedule ScheduleType="Month" CurrentDateBackground="Brown" CurrentDateForeground="White"/>
this.schedule.ScheduleType = ScheduleType.Month;
this.schedule.CurrentDateBackground = Brushes.Brown;
this.schedule.CurrentDateForeground = Brushes.White;

WPF Scheduler month view current date background