GridTree Control Events in WPF GridTreeControl (Classic)

4 May 20211 minute to read

Here is the list of events exposed in GridTree control. Additionally, you have access to all the GridControl events exposed on the GridTreeControl.InternalGrid.

GridTree control Event Description
ModelLoaded Handled once the InternalGrid is created and after the template is applied to the GridTree control. This is the correct place to set the properties and subscribe to events on the InternalGrid.
RequestTreeItems Required event that is used to provide the underlying data to the GridTree control on demand. This event is discussed earlier in this document.
RequestNodeImage By handling this event, you can provide an image to be used in the expand cell. This event is discussed earlier in this document.
ExpandStateChanging By handling this event , you can cancel the node being expanded by the user.
ExpandStateChanged This is a notification event that is handled once a node has been expanded by the user.


Additionally, you have access to all the Grid control events exposed on the GridTreeControl.InternalGrid.