Layout Related Features

29 May 20242 minutes to read

This section illustrates the Layout-related features of CheckListBox control. The following features are discussed:

Alignment for CheckListBox

The check box in the CheckListBox Item can be aligned to the left or right side of the control using the CheckBoxAlignment property. This dependency property sets the alignment of the check box of the items. Following are the alignment options.

  • Left: Check box in the CheckListBox Item is aligned to the left
  • Right: Check box in the CheckListBox Item is aligned to the right

To set the CheckBoxAlignment to Right, use the following code.

<!-- Adding CheckListBox with CheckBoxAlignment -->
<syncfusion:CheckListBox Name="checkListBox" CheckBoxAlignment="Right"> 
<!-- Adding CheckListBox items -->   
<syncfusion:CheckListBoxItem Content="Mexico"/> 
<syncfusion:CheckListBoxItem Content="Canada" />
<syncfusion:CheckListBoxItem Content="Bermuda" />
<syncfusion:CheckListBoxItem Content="Belize" /> 
<syncfusion:CheckListBoxItem Content="Panama" />
// Align the Check Box.
checkListBox.CheckBoxAlignment = CheckBoxAlignment.Right;


CheckBoxAlignment = “Right”

Flow direction

The flow direction for the CheckListBox control is set through the FlowDirection property.

To set the FlowDirection to RightToLeft, use the below code:

<!-- Adding CheckListBox with FlowDirection as right  -->
<syncfusion:CheckListBox Name="checkListBox" FlowDirection="RightToLeft"> 
<!-- Adding CheckListBox items --> 
<syncfusion:CheckListBoxItem Content="Mexico"/>  
<syncfusion:CheckListBoxItem Content="Canada" />  
<syncfusion:CheckListBoxItem Content="Bermuda" />  
<syncfusion:CheckListBoxItem Content="Belize" />  
<syncfusion:CheckListBoxItem Content="Panama" />
// Set FlowDirection property as RightToLeft.
checkListBox.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft;

Flow direction

FlowDirection = “RightToLeft”

Set VisualStyle for CheckListBox

The appearance of the CheckListBox control is customized by applying a suitable style using the VisualStyle property.

Property table

Property Description
VisualStyle Sets the visual style for the CheckListBox control. The options provided are as follows.
  • BlendOffice2003
  • Office2007Blue
  • Office2007Black
  • Office2007Silver
  • ShinyBlue
  • ShinyRed
  • SyncOrange
  • VS2010
  • Metro
  • Transparent

For setting Blend style, refer the below code snippet.

<!-- Adding CheckListBox with Visual Style as Blend -->
<syncfusion:CheckListBox Name="checkListBox" syncfusion:SkinStorage.VisualStyle="Blend">   
<!-- Adding CheckListBox items -->    
<syncfusion:CheckListBoxItem Content="Mexico"/> 
<syncfusion:CheckListBoxItem Content="Canada" />  
<syncfusion:CheckListBoxItem Content="Bermuda" />  
<syncfusion:CheckListBoxItem Content="Belize" />  
<syncfusion:CheckListBoxItem Content="Panama" />
// Setting the visual style as Blend.
SkinStorage.SetVisualStyle(checkListBox, "Blend");

Blend visual style

CheckListBox with “Blend” Visual Style

Default visual style

CheckListBox with “Default” Visual Style

Office2007Black visual style

CheckListBox with “Office2007Black” Visual Style

Office2003 visual style

CheckListBox with “Office2003” Visual Style

Metro visual style

CheckListBox with “Metro” Visual Style

Transparent visual style

CheckListBox with “Transparent” Visual Style