Run time Features in WPF Calendar (CalendarEdit)

This section illustrates the following run-time features of CalendarEdit control:

Direction for month navigation

In the CalendarEdit control, the direction of month navigation is horizontal by default. You can also change this direction to vertical by setting the MonthChangeDirection property to Vertical. This dependency property sets the month change direction. Following are the two month change directions.

  • Vertical: Enables navigating through the months vertically
  • Horizontal: Enables navigating through the months horizontally

For setting the MonthChangeDirection property, use the following code.

<!-- Adding calendar with month change direction as vertical -->
<syncfusion:CalendarEdit Name="calendarEdit" MonthChangeDirection="Vertical"/>
//Creating an instance of CalendarEdit controlCalendarEdit calendarEdit = new CalendarEdit();
//Month change direction as verticalcalendarEdit.MonthChangeDirection = AnimationDirection.Vertical;
//Adding CalendarEdit as window contentthis.Content = calendarEdit;


This section describes the following:

  • Animation Time for Changing the CalendarEdit Mode
  • Animation Time for Month Navigation

Animation Time for Changing the CalendarEdit Mode

You can set the animation time for changing the mode of the CalendarEdit control, using the ChangeModeTime property. This dependency property sets the calendar mode changing animation time. It returns an integer value.

To set this property, use the following code.

<!-- Adding calendar with change mode time -->
<syncfusion:CalendarEdit Name="calendarEdit" ChangeModeTime="10"/>
//Creating an instance of CalendarEdit control
CalendarEdit calendarEdit = new CalendarEdit();

//Setting calendar mode changing animation time
calendarEdit.ChangeModeTime = 10;

//Adding CalendarEdit as window content
this.Content = calendarEdit;

Animation Time for Month Navigation

The time taken to navigate from one month to another month can be controlled using FrameMovingTime the property. This dependency property sets the value for month changing animation time. It returns an integer value.

To set this property, use the following code.

<!-- Adding calendar with Frame moving time as 500 -->
<syncfusion:CalendarEdit Name="calendarEdit" FrameMovingTime="500"/>
//Creating an instance of CalendarEdit control
CalendarEdit calendarEdit = new CalendarEdit();

//Setting the frame moving time
calendarEdit.FrameMovingTime = 500;

//Adding CalendarEdit as window content
this.Content = calendarEdit;


You can set tooltip for specific days in the CalendarEdit control, using the SetToolTip method. The following code example illustrates tooltip setting for the current system date.

//Creating an instance date
Date a = new Date();

//Creating an instance of tooltip
ToolTip toolTip = new ToolTip();

//Setting tooltip text
toolTip.Content = "CurrentDate"; 

//Getting the current day
a.Day = DateTime.Now.Day;   

//Getting the current month
a.Month = DateTime.Now.Month;  

//Getting the current year
a.Year = DateTime.Now.Year;

//Setting tooltip for current date
calendarEdit.SetToolTip(a, toolTip);

Scrolling to the selected date

CalendarEdit control enables you to navigate to a particular date in the Calendar, by using the ScrollToDate option. To enable this, set the ScrollToDateEnabled property to true. This dependency property indicates whether to scroll to the selected date.

Here is the code example for setting this property.

<!-- Adding calendar with scroll to date as true -->
<syncfusion:CalendarEdit Name="calendarEdit" ScrollToDateEnabled="True"/>
//Creating an instance of CalendarEdit control
CalendarEdit calendarEdit = new CalendarEdit();

//Enable scroll to date
calendarEdit.ScrollToDateEnabled = true;

//Adding CalendarEdit as window content
this.Content = calendarEdit;