Select theme color in SfColorPalette

This section explains the different types of theme colors available in the SfColorPalette and how to choose the colors and its panel customizations.

Select a color from built-in theme colors

You can select a various theme colors by setting the value to the ActivePalette property. Based on the ActivePalette value, the respective base theme color items are displayed with its variants. The default value of ActivePalette property is Office.

<syncfusion:SfColorPalette ActivePalette="Yellow"
                           Name="sfColorPalette" />
sfColorPalette.ActivePalette = ColorPaletteNames.Yellow;

SfColorPalette with yellow theme colors

Add your own custom colors in theme palette

If you want to allow the user to select a color from own theme colors, add that color with its name and tooltip text into the PaletteColors.Colors collection using the ColorModel. It will generates color variants automatically. You can also customize the header text, show or hide its variants by using the ColorPaletteModel.

<syncfusion:SfColorPalette Name="sfColorPalette">
        <syncfusion:ColorPaletteModel ShowColors="True" 
                                      Header="Custom Theme Colors" >
                    <syncfusion:ColorModel Color="#FF11EBF8" Tooltip="Custom Aqua" />
                    <syncfusion:ColorModel Color="#FFF80FA6" Tooltip="Custom Deep Pink" />
                    <syncfusion:ColorModel Color="#FF8BA7C2" Tooltip="Custom Dark Gray" />
                    <syncfusion:ColorModel Color="#F53CDF07" Tooltip="Custom Lime Green" />
                    <syncfusion:ColorModel Color="#C2929545" Tooltip="Custom Olive Drab" />
                    <syncfusion:ColorModel Color="#2E956145" Tooltip="Custom Sienna" />
                    <syncfusion:ColorModel Color="#78458E95" Tooltip="Custom Steel Blue" />
                    <syncfusion:ColorModel Color="#8B8220E4" Tooltip="Custom Blue Violet" />
                    <syncfusion:ColorModel Color="#FF352722" Tooltip="Custom Dark Slate Gray" />
                    <syncfusion:ColorModel Color="#FF318B86" Tooltip="Custom Sea Green" />
sfColorPalette.PaletteColors.Header = "Custom Theme Colors";
sfColorPalette.PaletteColors.ShowColors = true;
sfColorPalette.PaletteColors.ShowColorShades = true;

Own colors added in the theme color palette

Hide base theme colors

If you want allow the user to select only the variants of theme color without its base theme colors, use the PaletteColors.ShowColors property value as false. The default value of PaletteColors.ShowColors property is true.

<syncfusion:SfColorPalette Name="sfColorPalette">
        <syncfusion:ColorPaletteModel ShowColors="False"/>
sfColorPalette.PaletteColors.ShowColors = false;

SfColorPalette hides the base theme color variants

Hide theme color variants

If you want allow the user to select only the base theme colors without its variant colors, use the PaletteColors.ShowColorShades property value as false. The default value of PaletteColors.ShowColorShades property is true.

<syncfusion:SfColorPalette Name="sfColorPalette">
        <syncfusion:ColorPaletteModel ShowColorShades="False"/>
sfColorPalette.PaletteColors.ShowColorShades = false;

SfColorPalette hides the theme color variants

Change theme palette header text

If you want to change header text of the theme color palette, use the PaletteColors.Header property. The default value of PaletteColors.Header property is Theme Colors.

<syncfusion:SfColorPalette Name="sfColorPalette">
        <syncfusion:ColorPaletteModel Header="My theme colors"/>
sfColorPalette.PaletteColors.Header = "My theme colors";

Header text of theme color palette is changed

Hide theme color palette header

If you want to hide header of the theme color palette, use the PaletteColors.Header property. The default value of PaletteColors.Header property is Theme Colors.

<syncfusion:SfColorPalette Name="sfColorPalette">
        <syncfusion:ColorPaletteModel ShowHeader="False"/>
sfColorPalette.PaletteColors.ShowHeader = false;

Header of theme color palette is collapsed

Custom UI for theme palette header

You can change the appearance of theme color palette header by using the PaletteColors.HeaderTemplate property.


The DataContext of PaletteColors.HeaderTemplate is PaletteColors.Header

<syncfusion:SfColorPalette Name="sfColorPalette">
        <syncfusion:ColorPaletteModel >
                    <Grid Background="LightBlue">
                        <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center"

Customized UI for theme color palette header

Differentiate base theme color from its variants

If you wants to differentiate base theme color from its variants, change the spacing of theme varient colors from base theme color by using the PaletteColors.ColorShadesSpacing property. The default value of PaletteColors.ColorShadesSpacing property is 10.

<syncfusion:SfColorPalette Name="sfColorPalette">
        <syncfusion:ColorPaletteModel ColorShadesSpacing="20"/>
sfColorPalette.PaletteColors.ColorShadesSpacing = 20;

Changed the spacing between base theme color and its variants

Hide theme palette

If you want to hide the theme color palette from the view, use the PaletteColors.ShowColors and PaletteColors.ShowColorShades properties values as false.

<syncfusion:SfColorPalette Name="sfColorPalette">
        <syncfusion:ColorPaletteModel ShowColors="False" 
sfColorPalette.PaletteColors.ShowColors = false;
sfColorPalette.PaletteColors.ShowColorShades = false;

Theme color palette is hidden from the SfColorPalette