Essential Studio for WinUI Release Notes

December 12, 2024



  • Provided support to preserve the WMF images in the Word document, during Word to PDF or image conversion.
  • Enhanced the multicolumn balancing algorithm in Word to PDF conversion, particularly for documents containing multicolumn layouts with section breaks.

Bug Fixes

  • #I656800 - Shape within the table cell is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.



  • F194287 - Added support to add signed date in the signature in the PDF document.
  • I612814 - Added support to flatten the specified annotation types in the PDF document.
  • I610124 - Added support to set text alignment in the PdfLoadedCombobox field in the PDF document.
  • I576424 - Added support for export the newly added annotation in PDF.

Bug Fixes

  • I653965 - Fixed the issue where Preservation issue occurs while parsing an empty style tag.
  • I661319 - Fixed the issue where Bounds are not retrieved properly while extracting the text.
  • I652150 - Fixed the issue Where preservation issue occurs while Flattening Textbox field.
  • I650628 - Fixed a preservation issue that occurred while drawing templates to the PDF.
  • I649774 - Fixed an issue where text preservation was compromised when creating a template from a PDF document.
  • I652775 - Fixed the issue where New line character is not proper while import form fields in Json format.
  • I652751 - Resolved the issue where border width is not properly returned for a textbox field.
  • I526704 - Resolved the native AOT warning occurred in compression and pdf

Breaking Changes

  • The PdfExportAnnotationCollection API now supports both PdfLoadedAnnotation and PdfAnnotation objects with the updated Add method. Additionally, the Indexer now returns a PdfAnnotation object instead of a PdfLoadedAnnotation object.



  • Provided support to preserve the WMF images in the PowerPoint presentation, during PowerPoint to PDF or image conversion.

Bug Fixes

  • #I659561, #I660097, #I660582 - Picture within the group shape is now replaced properly.



  • I623297 - Added support to clear the rating value when using the ItemTemplateSelector.


Bug Fixes

  • #I639803 - The dropdown popup of the SfComboBox now updates properly and no longer overlaps with the window.

SfKanban New

F26951 - The .NET WinUI Kanban Board is a task scheduling control that offers an efficient interface for tracking and visualizing different stages of a task or workflow, improving project management and more.


  • Work-in-Progress (WIP) limit: Allows users to set task limits per stage, preventing overload and improving efficiency.
  • Cards: Displays tasks, progress, and priority.
  • Columns: Organizes work into columns for stages like to-do, in-progress, and completed.
  • Swimlanes: Organize tasks based on projects, teams, or custom criteria.
  • Interaction: Includes card tapping, column expansion/collapsing, and drag-and-drop.
  • Appearance customization:Supports UI customization for each element using templates, i.e., column header, cards, and swimlane header.
  • Localization and RTL: Easily be adapted to any language or culture and supports rendering in the right-to-left (RTL) flow direction.
  • Themes: Built-in light/dark themes, automatically adjusting to system settings.


Bug Fixes

  • #I643618 - Localization support is now provided for the ‘Choose commands from’ string in the WinUI SfRibbon.



  • F49831 - The WinUI Scheduler now allows users to customize the weeks in the month view for more flexibility.



  • Provided support for preserving WMF images during an Excel to PDF and image conversions.
  • I649053 - Provided support for decrypting individual items with different passwords in a protected ZIP file.

Bug Fixes

  • I655057 - Exception no longer occurs when creating a table with the sheet name contains True or False.
  • I639240 - Category labels are now preserved correctly when the major data unit is set to Auto when converting an Excel to PDF.
  • I26423 - Pareto chart line color is now rendered properly when converting an Excel document to PDF.
  • Hyperlinks in the threaded comments are now preserved correctly when resaving an Excel document.
  • Corruption no longer occurs when the value axis in chart contains NaN values.
  • Threaded comment replies are now rendered properly when resaving an Excel document.
  • When converting an Excel file to PDF, empty chart legend area is now rendered correctly.

Breaking Changes

  • The IConnection.ConncetionId API is deprecated and will be removed in v30.x. We recommend using this API IConnection.ConnectionId instead.
  • The ExternalConnection.RefershedVersion API is deprecated and will be removed in v30.x. We recommend using this API ExternalConnection.RefreshedVersion instead.
  • The ExternalConnection.password API is deprecated and will be removed in v30.x. We recommend using this API ExternalConnection.Password instead.