Overview of WinUI Kanban (SfKanban)

19 Dec 20241 minute to read

The Syncfusion WinUI Kanban control provides an efficient way to visualize workflows at each stage of completion. It enables clear planning and offers a transparent view of work progress. With a range of essential features, SfKanban is ideal for monitoring tasks throughout the software development cycle.


Key features

  • Work-in-progress (WIP) limit: Users can set task limits per stage, preventing overload and improving efficiency.


  • Cards: Display tasks, progress, and priority.
  • Columns: Organize work into columns for stages like to-do, in-progress, and completed.


  • Swim lanes: Organize tasks based on projects, teams, or custom criteria.


  • Interaction: Includes card tapping, column expansion/collapse, and drag-and-drop.
  • Events: Triggered when cards are dragged, repositioned, or tapped.
  • Appearance customization: Customize each element using templates, e.g., column headers, cards, and swim lane headers.


  • Localization and RTL: Easily adapt the control to any supported language or culture. Render the board right-to-left (RTL) to suit RTL languages.
  • Themes: Built-in light and dark themes automatically adjust to system settings.
