Bubble and Scatter in WinUI Chart

25 May 20222 minutes to read


BubbleSeries is represented by closely packed circles, whose areas are proportional to the quantities.

The size of the bubble series is relatively proportional to the value bind with the series using the Size property. You can set the constraints on this size using the MinimumRadius and MaximumRadius.

<chart:BubbleSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" XBindingPath="XValue" YBindingPath="YValue" Size="Size" MinimumRadius="5" MaximumRadius="10"/>
BubbleSeries series = new BubbleSeries()

    ItemsSource = new ViewModel().Data,

    XBindingPath = "XValue",

    YBindingPath = "YValue",

    Size = "Size",

    MinimumRadius = 5,

    MaximumRadius = 10



Bubble chart type in WinUI

Show Zero Bubbles

The zero size bubble segments can be enabled or disabled by using the ShowZeroBubbles property. By default, the property value is true.

The following code illustrates how to set the value to the property.

<chart:BubbleSeries ShowZeroBubbles="True">
BubbleSeries series = new BubbleSeries();

series.ShowZeroBubbles = true;

ShowZeroBubbles support in WinUI

The following code example and screenshots describe when ShowZeroBubbles value is false.

<chart:BubbleSeries ShowZeroBubbles="False">
BubbleSeries series = new BubbleSeries();

series.ShowZeroBubbles = false;

ShowZeroBubbles support in WinUI Chart


ScatterSeries is similar to bubble series when each point being represented by an ellipse of equal size. This size can be defined by using the ScatterHeight and ScatterWidth properties.

<chart:ScatterSeries ScatterHeight="7" ScatterWidth="7" ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" XBindingPath="XValue" YBindingPath="YValue"/>
ScatterSeries series = new ScatterSeries()

    ItemsSource = new ViewModel().Data,

    XBindingPath = "XValue",

    YBindingPath = "YValue",

    ScatterHeight = 7,

    ScatterWidth = 7,



Scatter chart type in WinUI