Axis Padding in WinUI Chart (SfCartesianChart)

13 Jun 20241 minute to read


The PlotOffsetStart property is used to provide padding to the axis at start position. The following code sample demonstrates the padding applied to Start position for both x and y-axes.

. . .
    <chart:CategoryAxis PlotOffsetStart="30"/>

    <chart:NumericalAxis PlotOffsetStart="30"/>

SfCartesianChart chart = new SfCartesianChart();
. . .
CategoryAxis primaryAxis = new CategoryAxis()
   PlotOffsetStart = 30

NumericalAxis secondaryAxis = new NumericalAxis()
   PlotOffsetStart = 30
. . .
this.Content = chart;

PlotOffsetStart support in WinUI Chart


The PlotOffsetEnd property is used to provide padding to the axis at end position. The following code sample demonstrates the padding applied to end position for both x and y-axes.

. . .
    <chart:CategoryAxis PlotOffsetEnd="30"/>

    <chart:NumericalAxis PlotOffsetEnd="30"/>

SfCartesianChart chart = new SfCartesianChart();
. . .
CategoryAxis primaryAxis = new CategoryAxis()
   PlotOffsetEnd = 30

NumericalAxis secondaryAxis = new NumericalAxis()
   PlotOffsetEnd = 30
. . .
this.Content = chart;

PlotOffsetEnd support in WinUI Chart