Features in Windows Forms TrackBar (TrackBarEx)

29 Apr 20215 minutes to read

The TrackBarEx is a new Office2007 control, which has a track bar or a pointer which slides between the minimum value and maximum value specified. The user can drag the track bar along the line and also, the pointer can be placed at a particular point by clicking a position inside this TrackBar.

Various Features and Customization options are discussed in the following topics.

Button, Slider and Channel Settings

The properties which controls the size of various components of the TrackBarEx are as follows.

Property Description
IncreaseButtonSize Gets or sets the size of Increase button. Default value is (18, 18)
DecreaseButtonSize Gets or sets the size of Decrease button. Default value is (18, 18)
SliderSize Gets or sets the size of the slider. Default value is (11, 14).
ChannelHeight Gets or sets height of the channel. Default value is 4.

Button Appearance

The below properties will let you control the appearance of the Increase, Decrease and slider buttons.

Property Description
ShowButton Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the Increase and Decrease buttons.
ButtonColor Gets or sets the color for the Increase and Decrease buttons.
HighlightedButtonColor Gets or sets the color for the buttons, when they are highlighted.
PushedButtonEndColor Gets or sets the color of the buttons, when they are pushed.
  • C#
  • this.trackBarEx1.ShowButtons = true;
    this.trackBarEx1.ButtonColor = System.Drawing.Color.DodgerBlue;
    this.trackBarEx1.HighlightedButtonColor = System.Drawing.Color.AliceBlue;
    this.trackBarEx1.PushedButtonEndColor = System.Drawing.Color.OrangeRed;
  • Me.trackBarEx1.ShowButtons = True 
    Me.trackBarEx1.ButtonColor = System.Drawing.Color.DodgerBlue 
    Me.trackBarEx1.HighlightedButtonColor = System.Drawing.Color.AliceBlue
    Me.trackBarEx1.PushedButtonEndColor = System.Drawing.Color.OrangeRed

    TrackBarEx button color

    TrackBarEx button hover color

    TrackBar Appearance


    A focus rectangle for the TrackBarEx control can be shown or hidden using ShowFocusRect property.

    TrackBarEx focus rectangle

    Gradient Start and End Color

    By default, the TrackBarEx control has a gradient appearance. The start color and end color for this gradient appearance can be specified using TrackBarGradientStart and TrackBarGradientEnd properties.

  • C#
  • this.trackBarEx1.TrackBarGradientEnd = System.Drawing.Color.CadetBlue;
    this.trackBarEx1.TrackBarGradientStart = System.Drawing.Color.MintCream;
  • Me.trackBarEx1.TrackBarGradientEnd = System.Drawing.Color.CadetBlue
    Me.trackBarEx1.TrackBarGradientStart = System.Drawing.Color.MintCream

    TrackBarEx gradient color

    The control can be given a transparent background by enabling the Transparent property.

  • C#
  • this.trackBarEx1.Transparent = true;
  • Me.trackBarEx1.Transparent = True

    TrackBarEx transparent

    TrackBarEx Orientation

    This control has options for vertical and horizontal orientation.

  • C#
  • //To set the control to be vertically oriented
    this.trackBarEx1.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
    //To set the control to be horizontally oriented
    this.trackBarEx1.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
  • 'To set the control to be vertically oriented
    Me.trackBarEx1.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical
    'To set the control to be horizontally oriented
    Me.trackBarEx1.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal

    TrackBarEx orientation

    TrackBar Value

    The TrackBarEx control slides between the minimum and maximum values, which are specified in Minimum and Maximum properties. The properties with description are listed in the below table.

    Property Description
    Minimum Gets or sets minimum value of TrackBarEx. Default is 10.
    Maximum Gets or sets the maximum value of TrackBarEx. Default is 20.
    Value Gets or sets value of TrackBarEx position i.e. slider position. Default is 5.
    SmallChange Gets or sets small change of TrackBarEx value while changing. Default is 1.
    LargeChange Gets or sets large change of TrackBarEx value while changing. Default is 5.
    TimerInterval Gets or sets interval for timer while increasing/decreasing the value using Increase/Decrease button. Default is 100.
  • C#
  • this.trackBarEx1.Minimum = 10;
    this.trackBarEx1.Maximum = 25;
    this.trackBarEx1.Value = 5;
    this.trackBarEx1.SmallChange = 5;
    this.trackBarEx1.LargeChange = 15;
    this.trackBarEx1.TimerInterval = 50;
  • Me.trackBarEx1.Minimum = 10
    Me.trackBarEx1.Maximum = 30
    Me.trackBarEx1.Value = 5
    Me.trackBarEx1.SmallChange = 5
    Me.trackBarEx1.LargeChange = 15
    Me.trackBarEx1.TimerInterval = 50

    Following are the methods for the TrackBarEx control which gives the respective results based on SmallChange and LargeChange properties.

    Methods Description
    LargeIncrease Increases the value by large change specified in LargeChange property.
    LargeDecrease Decreases the value by large change specified in LargeChange property.
    SmallDecrease Decreases the value by small change specified in SmallChange property.
    SmallIncrease Increases the value by small change specified in SmallChange property.

    TrackBarEx Event

    Scroll event of the TrackBarEx will be handled whenever the user moves the slider.

  • C#
  • private void trackBarEx1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.trackBarEx1.ButtonColor = System.Drawing.Color.OrangeRed;
  • Private Sub trackBarEx1_Scroll(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Me.trackBarEx1.ButtonColor = System.Drawing.Color.OrangeRed
    End Sub

    TrackBarEx button color customization