How to create MultilineText in TabPage’s ToolTipText?

3 Sep 20201 minute to read

Setting the ShowToolTips property of TabControlAdv to true will wrap the text when using the new line character (\n) in the ToolTipText property of TabPageAdv. The new line character (\n) is not supported at design-time.

//Setting the ShowToolTipText property in TabControlAdv.


//Setting the text into the ToolTipText property of TabPageAdv.


'Setting the ShowToolTipText property in TabControlAdv.


'Setting the text into the ToolTipText property of TabPageAdv.

Me.tabPageAdv1.ToolTipText="Tab" & Constants.vbLf & "PagAdv1"

Me.tabPageAdv2.ToolTipText="Tab" & Constants.vbLf & "Page" & Constants.vbLf & "Adv2"