Essential Studio for Windows Forms Release Notes

June 11, 2024



Smart tag support in .NET 6 and above

We have expanded smart tag support to include controls in .NET 6 and higher, previously available only in .NET Framework. This update streamlines the design process by providing quick access to common tasks and settings right within the designer.


Bug fixes

  • #I587464 - The metro style arrow color of the ComboBoxAdv control has been changed to white, matching the DatePicker control.




Bug fixes

  • #I583259 - Windows can now be dragged properly with a single click in the DockingManager.
  • #I583761 - The FloatingWindow displays properly while loading the dock state, even when the floating window is located outside the display area



  • #I527700 - Provided support for measuring titling space while measuring text in a PDF document.
  • #I542030 - Provided support to measure and render text using TrueType font with floating-point data type.
  • #I533478 - Provided support for duplicating pages from the existing PDF document.
  • #I539652 - Provide support to get the text color in a PDF document when extracting text.
  • #I477716 - Provide support for merging PDF documents without losing accessibility tags.

Bug Fixes

  • #I586084 - Fixed the issue where text wasn’t preserved correctly when filling in a rotated textbox field.
  • #I588596 - Fixed the preservation issue after redacting certain PDF documents.
  • #I581284 - Fixed the issue of missing spaces between words when extracting text from a PDF document.



  • #I497945 - Provided an API to access end paragraph font properties in the PowerPoint.
  • Added support to preserve highlight colors while converting PowerPoint to PDF and image.


Bug fixes

  • #I584961 - The Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons now work properly when the backstage button is disabled in RibbonControlAdv.


Bug fixes

  • #I566007, #569402 - The custom style for the SfComboBox control now applies correctly when DropDownStyle is set to DropDownList and SingleSelection mode is used.
  • #I583415 - The Watermark property now works correctly when the selected value is set to null in the SfComboBox control.



  • #F40969 - Provided support for the “Show values row” option in pivot table creation and Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I557286 - Provided support for gradient fill style in conditional formatting when creating a Excel document and Excel to PDF conversion.

Bug Fixes

  • #I588280 - Exception is no longer thrown when applying a formula that contains the ‘@’ character.