Essential Studio for Windows Forms Release Notes
Bug Fixes
- #232139 - Now, theme settings will be applied properly when setting themes using
Bug Fixes
- #232783 -
throw proper error message when search text is not in provided range. - #232974 – Now, the
formula throws proper error message when parameter count is mismatched. - #231247 – Now, the
formula returns the computed value properly when criteria text contains (*) character. - #233997, #233507 – The calculation of 0 with infinity now provides the proper result.
- #229497 , #229691 – The
function is now working properly with date values. - #211036, #230937 – The
formula is now computed properly with embedded functions. - #229649 – Now, the
formula returns the computed value properly when lookup range value refers another table range.
Bug Fixes
- #233377 - Chart is rendering with black blocks when the axis max range is high issue has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- #231130 - Width will be calculated properly when
is set to true inRightToLeft
Bug Fixes
- #233490 - The
will no longer be thrown while loading.
Bug fixes
- #234433 – The
and editor text will not be changed when typing invalid character whenDropDownStyle
is inDropDownList
. - #231822, #233279 – The height of drop-down window is now updated properly when adding items dynamically.
- #230845 – The ComboBoxAdv control is displayed properly in child form when reopening the child form at run time after closed it.
Bug Fixes
- #233421 - Empty paragraph preservation issue has been resolved while replacing text with table.
- #232599 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while opening an RTF format document.
- #231722 - HTML end tag is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to HTML format document.
- #231594 - Dropdown form field is now preserved properly while converting an HTML to RTF format document.
- #225752,#230460,#230460 - Line space preservation issue has been resolved when updating the Word document fields.
- #F142931 - The DocProperty value is now preserved properly while converting a Word document as PDF.
- #219214,#228161 - Merge field is now properly updated while executing Nested Mail merge.
- #233913 - Right to left text is now preserved properly in DOCX to DOCX conversion.
- #232775 - Header and Footer contents are now preserved properly in XML to DOCX format conversion.
- #232718 - The Content control text is now preserved properly in DOCX to Text format conversion.
- #F143772 - Nested bookmark is now preserved properly while opening a DOC format Word document.
- #F143774 - Table cell contents are now preserved properly while applying horizontal merge to the table.
- #232505 - Font is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #232502 - Content is now preserved properly while converting an RTF to HTML format conversion.
- #232265 - Spacing issue has been resolved while converting an HTML to DOCX format document.
- #231592 - TOC content is now preserved properly while updating table of content in Word document.
- #231721 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #226490 - Corruption issue has been resolved while saving the DOCX format Word document.
- #F143006 - Text is now preserved properly while replacing the bookmark content in DOC format document.
- #228442 - Table alignment is now cloned properly while cloning the Word document.
- #228370 - Table styles are now preserved properly while converting an HTML to DOCX format document.
- #226490 - Corruption issue has been resolved while saving the DOC format Word document.
- #230678, #228611 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #229685 - Table border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #229738 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #231056 - Border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #231712 – The NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while updating fields in the Word document.
- #231056 - Text overlapping issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #F142888, #229094 - Table cell borders are now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #228272 - Table border is now preserved properly while converting an RTF format document to PDF.
- #227754 - Multiple TOC page numbers are updated properly while calling the UpdateTableOfContents method.
- #231550 - Performance has been improved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #231426 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #229685 - Font is now embedded properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #229891 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #228974 - Ref field result is now preserved properly while updating the Word document fields.
- #228974 - Unknown field result is now preserved properly while updating the Word document fields.
- #228968 - Hanging issue has been resolved while updating the Word document fields.
- #231751 - Space is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #227429 - Border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #228386 - Text with capital style is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #228319 - Page border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #212671, #212772, #220859, #230072, #232381 - List style name is now updated properly while opening and saving a Word document.
Bug fixes
- #234611 - Application crash will no longer occur when loading dock state from xml file using AppStateSerializer.
Bug fixes
- #230237 - The copied text is now pasted properly in grid cells when copied cell contains new line character (
Bug fixes
- #230335 –The Null ReferenceException that occurs when mouse hovers on the GridGroupingControl has been fixed.
Bug fixes
- #232810 – The
will no longer be thrown while pressing the tab key when grid is hosted in WPF window.
Bug Fixes
- #234642 - The
will no longer be thrown on Mouse wheel.
Bug fixes
- #231391 – The message content will not be clipped when content is long and the font size of content is increased.
Bug Fixes
- #233168, #232747 - The form is maximized properly in the extended screen.
Bug Fixes
#227538 - The node text gets cut off when using
has been fixed. -
#227538 - Now, column width will not be changed when changing other properties in Form Designer.
Bug Fixes
- #231273 - Free text and polygon annotation are now preserving properly while flattening the PDF document.
- #231625 - Review status is now preserving properly while exporting or importing the annotations.
- #231273 - Object null reference exception no longer occurs while flattening the PDF documents.
- #231795, #231668, #231273, #233045 - Review status and layer are now preserving properly while importing annotations from the XFDF file.
- #226015 - Grouped annotations are now preserving properly while importing or exporting the annotations.
- #232559 - PDF form fields are now cloned properly.
- #233194 – Text is now preserving properly while filling form fields.
- #232920 – Text is now preserving properly while filling the XFA form fields.
- #232477, #232754 - Application will no longer crash while importing pages from the PDF document.
- #228012, #231381 - Form fields are now preserving properly when loading a PDF document in different instances.
- #226230 - Form fields will never be missing while importing pages from a PDF document.
- #232496 - File size will no longer increase while continuously saving a PDF document.
- #233102 – Invalid cast exception will no longer occur while flattening the combo box fields.
- #233004 – Form fields size is now preserving properly while flattening form fields.
- #231901, #228043 - Annotations are now flattened properly in a PDF document.
- #231965, #231964 - Now, you will get proper exception messages while creating the QR barcodes with incorrect values.
- #230688 - Document will no longer corrupt while saving the encrypted PDF document.
- #230368 - Font names are getting properly while using the PdfUsedFont instance.
- #230023 - Output document will no longer corrupt while loading the PDF documents.
- #229260 - The redaction position is now proper while applying redaction in an existing PDF document.
- #229270 - Alternate text for images will no longer be removed while saving a PDF document.
- #228375 - Annotations are now preserved properly while flatting them.
- #228619 - Null reference exception will no longer occur while saving the PDF documents with annotation and redaction.
- #228486 - Key not found exception will no longer occur while loading PDF document.
- #227803 - Document information is now removed properly while passing empty string.
- #232754 - Exception will no longer occur while importing pages from existing PDF document.
- #228072 - Preservation issue will no longer occur while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #226539 - Ligature characters are now preserved properly while converting XPS to PDF.
- #227803 - PDF document will no longer corrupt while applying redaction.
- #228202, #228667 - Output document will no longer corrupt while merging the PDF documents.
- #228635, #226614 - Exception will no longer occurs while obtaining destination from annotation.
- #231550 - Performance has been improved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #229685 - Font substitution issue will no longer occur while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #231801 - Exception will no longer occur while opening 256-bit protected document in Nuance PDF.
- #228341 - Code 128, code 32, and code 93 extended barcodes are now rendered properly.
- #228336 - Null reference exception will no longer occur while merging the PDF documents.
- #224584 – Parameter is not valid exception will no longer occur while performing redaction on the OCR’ed documents.
- #227845 - Acroform fields tab index is now retrieved properly.
- #229922, #234322 – Color is now preserving properly while using PDF linear gradient brush with vertical mode.
- #229746 – Null reference exception will no longer occur while loading the XFA PDF document.
- #225313 - Exposed
API to set the minimum zoom percentage forPdfViewerControl
. - #230089 - Exposed
API to show or hide the print status dialog when printing the PDF document silently.
Bug Fixes
- #224584 - Extracting images from the particular PDF document is now working properly.
- #225313 - Magnification of PDF pages are now working properly when resizing the application.
- #227589 - Time taken for extracting text from the particular PDF document is now optimized.
- #229466 -
will no longer be thrown when loading the large PDF document. - #229522 - Table of contents navigation is now working properly for the particular PDF document.
- #230418, #230356 - Now, the
method finds the text properly in the particular PDF document. - #231093 - Time taken for saving the particular PDF document is now optimized.
- #231134 - Text search is now working properly for the particular PDF document.
Bug Fixes
- #228996 – The null values are now filtered properly when filtering the empty values.
- #232882 – The formulas are now computed properly when formula function name contains the field name text.
Bug Fixes
- #212572, #229361 - The group-shapes will now be rendered properly if vertical or horizontal flips applied along with rotations.
- #229361 - Table cell background is now properly applied for vertically merged cells in PowerPoint to PDF conversion.
- #232725 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting PowerPoint to PDF.
- #231624 - OLE objects will now be converted properly in PowerPoint to PDF conversion.
- #230386 - The StackOverflowException will no longer be thrown while accessing paragraph font color.
- #230575 - Formatting will be preserved properly after clone and merge a PowerPoint slide with destination theme.
- #230666 - The Metafile image rendering is now skipped properly in Azure environment by avoiding OutOfMemoryException.
Bug Fixes
#232260 - Now, Serialization and DeSerialization will work properly when using
. -
#229411 - Now, items in
will align properly in 150 DPI scaling. -
#233537 - Now, the help button will be drawn properly in Office2016 Theme .
#233531 - Unwanted padding will not be drawn when the TaskBar is in the AutoHide mode .
Bug fixes
- #228908 – Appointment is now added properly when appointment’s subject contains new line character (
Bug fixes
- #232394 – The control focus will not be changed to another SfComboBox control from a SfComboBox control when entering text if both controls using same binding source.
- #231440 – The drop-down window is now closed properly in VB6 project when lose the focus.
Bug Fixes
- #233925 - All the records can be exported to
properly when paging is applied. - #232671, #234298 - Manually generated
collection can be exported properly. - #231506 - Now, the checked items will be displayed properly even when search operation is performed in column chooser during the initialization of ColumnChooserPopup and before the DataSource is set.
- #232674 - Auto row height for stacked header rows will be calculated properly when some columns are hidden.
- #230246 - Table summary will be updated properly when adding new row with the minimum value in the numeric columns.
- #232160 - The
property will be updated properly when changing at run time. - #231237 - Filter settings can be serialized and deserialized properly.
- #230027 - Filtering can be applied properly for paged collection with
. - #F143394 - Now, sorting works properly for the last column even when the Resizing and RightToLeft modes are enabled in the SfDataGrid.
- #230026 - Grid will be rendered properly when scrolling horizontally with
. - #233212 - Grid will be rendered properly when expanding and scrolling with three levels of details view.
- #233462 - The drop-down button in DateTime column and calendar size will be rendered properly in high DPI.
- #234465 - Row validating is working properly in the
column when pressing theEnter
Bug fixes
- #217037 - Cursor now appears properly when clicking in the SfDateTimeEdit for first time.
- #232666 – Now, the focus is updated properly to year field when
is typed in month field of SfDateTimeEdit. - #233424 – The
will now validate time value along with date of theMaxDateTime
property. - #233462 – The calendar icon is now rendered clearly with all high DPI scaling in SfDateTimeEdit.
Bug Fixes
- #230027 - The
will not be thrown when running inVB6
- #232615 - Support has been provided to select tabs programmatically.
Bug fixes
- #233088 - The CustomDictionary is now working properly in SpellCheckerAdv.
Bug Fixes
- #232044 –The checkbox control rendering performance is improved when importing Microsoft Excel sheet.
Bug Fixes
- #228862 - Now,
will be visible whenStatusStripEx
is added at runtime.
Bug Fixes
- #233157- The IntelliSense pop-up items will no longer be automatically scrolled when moving the mouse from top to bottom in the Syntax Editor.
Bug Fixes
#233922 - The
will not be thrown when opening in different culture. -
#143673 - The
will not be thrown when opening in different culture.
Bug Fixes
#215412 - The
property in theBeforeEdit
event will be updated properly. -
#230696 - Now,
will not be removed when resetting the height. -
#233071 - The
will no longer be thrown when dragging and dropping theTreeNodeAdv
repeatedly. -
#233209 - The
will be canceled and recent text value will be applied to the node when the TreeView is scrolled horizontally.
- #227983 - Exception, “Text length cannot be more than 32767” can be ignored using
Breaking Changes
- #227983 -
has been added inIApplication
class to ignore exception and exclude characters more than 32767 (maximum allowed characters) in a cell text.
Bug Fixes
- #F144022, #224520 - Conditional formatting formula with sheet reference is now proper.
- #227766, #231068 - Chart legend in now rendered properly while changing the chart type.
- #232040, #232682 - Cell background color is now rendered properly on converting XML to XLSX format.
- #229121 - Picture name is now updated proper after removing a picture and inserting a new picture.
- #226753 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening Excel file with formula in Dutch culture.
- #230294 - Picture created with camera tool is now properly changed with
formula. - #230697 - After accessing the used range, relative range indexer is now working proper.
- #231469 - Application no longer hangs while opening Excel file with picture that has unsupported element.
- #226860 - Performance will not degrade on exporting a range to a data table multiple times.
- #229117 - Named range index is updated properly while copying ranges from two different workbooks.
- #228853 - Footer value in source worksheet no longer changes while modifying footer in cloned worksheet.
- #228560 - Null reference exception is no longer thrown while cloning the workbook.
- #224793 - Extra pages are no longer added with
layout setting in Excel to PDF conversion. - #231271 - Timestamp is preserved in zip file.
- #227209 - Argument out of range exception is no longer thrown while applying template marker with
. - #232727 - Argument exception is no longer thrown while opening Excel file with
. - #228711 - Performance will not degrade on exporting data from Grid to Excel.
- #226133 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException is no longer thrown while accessing a range from cloned workbook.
- #225831 - NullReferenceException is no longer thrown while converting worksheet to PDF.
- #229460 - Exception is no longer thrown while converting Excel to PDF with hyperlink.
- #231882 - Performance will not degrade on exporting pivot grid to Excel.
- #233186 - Exception is no longer thrown while coping unmanaged memory from source to destination in .NET Core.
- #232040 - Cell Styles are preserved properly after resaving the output file with Microsoft Excel.
- #232473 - Macro name is now set properly in shapes.
- #227998 - Pivot table with tabular layout no longer increases the page count in Excel to PDF conversion.
- #230759 - Conditional formatting with discontinuous range is now preserved properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
- #229528 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening a re-saved Excel document with
option. - #232105 - Radar chart is now rendered properly while converting to image.
- #F141716 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening the Excel file when a namespace is not defined.
- #F142864 - Exception is no longer thrown while accessing
property in multi threading. - #F143467 - Argument null exception is no longer thrown while converting Excel to PDF.