Touch Support in Windows Forms Pivot Chart

28 Apr 20211 minute to read

The pivot chart provides swipe scrolling, panning, and zooming touch support. The touch support can be enabled by setting the EnableTouchMode property to true. This will enable the pivot chart to support the swiping, panning, and zooming. The default value of the EnableTouchMode property is false.

//Enable the touch mode for PivotChart
this.pivotChart1.EnableTouchMode = true;
'Enable the touch mode for PivotChart
Me.pivotChart1.EnableTouchMode = True

Touch swiping

The pivot chart provides the swipe scrolling and panning support in horizontal direction.

Touch zooming

Touch zooming in both x-axis and y-axis can be enabled by setting the EnableXZooming and EnableYZooming properties to true. The default value of EnableXZooming is true and the default value of EnableYZooming is false.

//Enable the X axis zooming
this.pivotChart1.EnableXZooming = true;
//Enable the Y axis zooming
this.pivotChart1.EnableYZooming = true;
'Enable the X axis zooming
Me.pivotChart1.EnableXZooming = True
'Enable the Y axis zooming
Me.pivotChart1.EnableYZooming = True


Disabling X and Y axes zooming

The zooming can be disabled in x-axis and y-axis by setting the EnableXZooming and EnableYZooming properties to false.

//Disable the X axis zooming
this.pivotChart1.EnableXZooming = false;
//Disable the Y axis zooming
this.pivotChart1.EnableYZooming = false;
'Disable the X axis zooming
Me.pivotChart1.EnableXZooming = False
'Disable the Y axis zooming
Me.pivotChart1.EnableYZooming = False