How to change the Header BackColor of a Stacked GroupBar when it is in Office 2003 Visual Style?

3 Sep 20201 minute to read

The following code examples are used to change the GroupBar Item’s Header BackColor.

//To set the Office2003 visual style

this.groupBar1.VisualStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.VisualStyle.Office2003;

//To enable stacked mode

groupBar1.StackedMode = true;

//To customize the GroupBarItem's Header BackColor

Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Office2003Colors.GroupBarHeaderColorDark = Color.Red;

Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Office2003Colors.GroupBarHeaderColorLight = Color.White;
'To set the Office2003 visual style

Me.groupBar1.VisualStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.VisualStyle.Office2003

'To enable stacked mode

groupBar1.StackedMode = True

'To customize the GroupBarItem's Header BackColor

Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Office2003Colors.GroupBarHeaderColorDark = Color.Red

Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Office2003Colors.GroupBarHeaderColorLight = Color.White


In GroupBar, StackedMode property should be enabled to customize the appearance of the GroupBar header.

Header back color of a stacked group bar