How to layout non-control based Child components

7 Nov 202213 minutes to read

The Layout Manager architecture seamlessly lets you use non-control derived Child-instances as the layout’s Child controls. You can easily accomplish this by deriving your Child-types from the LayoutItemBase type and implementing methods. These instances can be used in any of the Layout Manager methods in the place of a Child control (for ex: SetConstraints, SetPreferredSize). This is feasible because the LayoutItemBase class has an implicit type-conversion operator that can convert itself to a control (use LayoutItemBase.ToControl method in VB.NET).

The following step by step procedure helps you to layout non-control based Child components.

Drag and drop the Panel (Container control) and GridBagLayout control to the form.

Use Step 1 to Step 5 in Form_Load event,

  1. Declare variables representing the Child control (non-control based components).

    private MyRectangle myRect1;
    		private MyRectangle myRect2;
    		private MyRectangle myRect3;
    		private Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.GridBagLayout gridBagLayout1;
    		private MyPanel panel1;
    Private WithEvents myRect1 As MyRectangle
    		Private WithEvents myRect2 As MyRectangle
    		Private WithEvents myRect3 As MyRectangle
    		Private gridBagLayout1 As Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.GridBagLayout ;
    		Private panel1 As MyPanel ;
  2. Set the Container control, color, and text for the above variables (non-control based components).

    // Layout Component 1
    			this.myRect1 = new MyRectangle(this.gridBagLayout1.ContainerControl, Color.FromArgb(133, 191, 117), "Paint Area 1");
    			this.myRect1.Bounds = new Rectangle(10, 10, 80, 20);
    			this.myRect1.Visible = true;
    			// Layout Component 2
    			this.myRect2 = new MyRectangle(this.gridBagLayout1.ContainerControl, Color.FromArgb(222, 100, 19), "Paint Area 2");
    			this.myRect2.Bounds = new Rectangle(10, 40, 80, 20);
    			this.myRect2.Visible = true;
    			// Layout Component 3
    			this.myRect3 = new MyRectangle(this.gridBagLayout1.ContainerControl, Color.FromArgb(196, 214, 233), "Paint Area 3");
    			this.myRect3.Bounds = new Rectangle(10, 70, 80, 20);
    			this.myRect3.Visible = true;
    ' Layout Component 1
    			Me.myRect1 = New MyRectangle(Me.gridBagLayout1.ContainerControl,Color.FromArgb(133, 191, 117), "Paint Area 1")
    			Me.myRect1.Bounds = New Rectangle(10, 10, 80, 20)
    			Me.myRect1.Visible = True
    			' Layout Component 2
    			Me.myRect2 = New MyRectangle(Me.gridBagLayout1.ContainerControl,Color.FromArgb(222, 100, 19), "Paint Area 2")
    			Me.myRect2.Bounds = New Rectangle(10, 40, 80, 20)
    			Me.myRect2.Visible = True
    			' Layout Component 3
    			Me.myRect3 = New MyRectangle(Me.gridBagLayout1.ContainerControl,Color.FromArgb(196, 214, 233), "Paint Area 3")
    			Me.myRect3.Bounds = New Rectangle(10, 70, 80, 20)
    			Me.myRect3.Visible = True
  3. Declare instances for the GridBagConstraints which specifies how the components will be positioned inside a Container managed by the GridBagLayout control.

    GridBagConstraints gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints();
    		GridBagConstraints gbc2 = new GridBagConstraints();
    		GridBagConstraints gbc3 = new GridBagConstraints();
    Dim gbc1 As GridBagConstraints
    		gbc1 = New GridBagConstraints()
    		Dim gbc2 As GridBagConstraints
    		gbc2 = New GridBagConstraints()
    		Dim gbc3 As GridBagConstraints
    		gbc3 = New GridBagConstraints()
  4. Set the FillType, WeightX, WeightY, GridPostX and GridPostY properties for the components.

    gbc1.Fill = FillType.Both;
    			gbc1.WeightX = 0.2;
    			gbc1.WeightY = 0.5;
    			gbc1.GridPosX = 0;
    			gbc1.GridPosY = 0;
    			gbc2.Fill = FillType.Both;
    			gbc2.WeightX = 0.2;
    			gbc2.WeightY = 0.5;
    			gbc2.GridPosX = 1;
    			gbc2.GridPosY = 0;
    			gbc3.Fill = FillType.Both;
    			gbc3.WeightX = 0.4;
    			gbc3.WeightY = 0.5;
    			gbc3.GridPosX = 0;
    			gbc3.GridPosY = 1;
    			gbc3.CellSpanX = 2;
    gbc1.Fill = FillType.Both
    			gbc1.WeightX = 0.2
    			gbc1.WeightY = 0.5
    			gbc1.GridPosX = 0
    			gbc1.GridPosY = 0
    			gbc2.Fill = FillType.Both
    			gbc2.WeightX = 0.2
    			gbc2.WeightY = 0.5
    			gbc2.GridPosX = 1
    			gbc2.GridPosY = 0
    			gbc3.Fill = FillType.Both
    			gbc3.WeightX = 0.4
    			gbc3.WeightY = 0.5
    			gbc3.GridPosX = 0
    			gbc3.GridPosY = 1
    			gbc3.CellSpanX = 2
  5. Associate non-control based components with the constraints.

    this.gridBagLayout1.SetConstraints(this.myRect1.ToControl(), gbc1);
    		this.gridBagLayout1.SetConstraints(this.myRect2.ToControl(), gbc2);
    		this.gridBagLayout1.SetConstraints(this.myRect3.ToControl(), gbc3);
    Me.gridBagLayout1.SetConstraints(Me.myRect1.ToControl, gbc1)
    		Me.gridBagLayout1.SetConstraints(Me.myRect2.ToControl, gbc2)
    		Me.gridBagLayout1.SetConstraints(Me.myRect3.ToControl, gbc3)
  6. Define the class for ‘MyRectangle’ that implements the LayoutItemBase.
  7. Use Step 6 to Step 9 inside the MyRectangle class that implements the LayoutItemBase.
  8. Declare variables for the size, color and base class of the control.

    public class MyRectangle : LayoutItemBase
    				public static Size PrefSize = new Size(0, 0);
    				protected Control parent;
    				protected Color color;
    				protected string text;
    Public Class MyRectangle Inherits LayoutItemBase
    			Protected WithEvents parent As Control
    			Protected color As color
    			Protected [text] As String
    			Public Shared PrefSize As System.Drawing.Size
  9. Set the variables declared in step 6 in the constructor.

    public MyRectangle(Control parent, Color color, string text)
    					this.parent = parent;
    					this.color = color;
    					this.text = text;
    Public Sub New(ByVal parent As Control, ByVal color As color, ByVal [text] As String)
    				Me.parent = parent
    				Me.color = color
    				Me.text = [text]
    				End Sub
  10. Fill the interior of the rectangle specified by a pair of coordinates, width and a height using OnPaint event of LayoutItemBase.
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(color), this.Bounds);
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(color), this.Bounds)
  1. Invalidate the Child controls assigned to the control in the OnBoundsChanged event of the LayoutItemBase.
protected override void OnBoundsChanged()
   				parent.Invalidate(new Rectangle(0, 0, this.parent.Width, this.parent.Height));
Protected Overloads Overrides Sub OnBoundsChanged()
   				parent.Invalidate(New Rectangle(0, 0, Me.parent.Width, Me.parent.Height))
   				End Sub

Laying out Non Control derived Component