How to Add Summary Items

27 Mar 20181 minute to read

Essential Grouping lets you summarize data by adding SummaryDescriptor objects to the schema information stored in the Engine.TableDescriptor.Summaries collection. You can have multiple summaries by adding several SummaryDescriptors.

// Create a summary that computes the Int32Aggregate calculations on field B.
SummaryDescriptor sdBInt32Agg = new SummaryDescriptor("BInt32Agg", "B", SummaryType.Int32Aggregate);
// Add this summary to the Summaries collection.
' Create a summary that computes the Int32Aggregate calculations on property B.
Dim sdBInt32Agg As New SummaryDescriptor("BInt32Agg", "B", SummaryType.Int32Aggregate)
' Add this summary to the Summaries collection.


There are several overloads of the constructor for the SummaryDescriptor. We are using the overload that accepts a SummaryType enum as the third argument. This SummaryType will allow you to pick out some predefined calculations such as the Int32Aggregate functions like Max, Min, Sum and Average. There are enums that specify double, boolean, and other aggregate types. Here we choose Int32 as that is the type of value we see in the B property in the data.